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Introducing: My Human Design Generator Business Experiment

Introducing: My Human Design Generator Business Experiment

After 23 years of exploring and coaching soul-aligned businesses, my next professional adventure is radically exploring Human Design. My design is a 4/6 emotional authority Generator with an incarnation cross of the right angle of the vessel of love. Read on, and by the end you will understand more and hopefully be inspired to align your business with your Human Design, too.

Why Human Design Generators Have to Do Business Differently

Why Human Design Generators Have to Do Business Differently

It turns out…Human Design Generators have to do business very differently from the norm! In my first Human Design article series, I highlight what it means in the business world (or any kind of decision-making world) to be a 4/6 Generator with Emotional Authority and a Vessel of Love incarnation cross. Read on to understand what on earth that all means, and for inspiration to investigate and align your own business!

4 Life Lessons from 2021 & Tips for Growth Amidst Struggle

4 Life Lessons from 2021 & Tips for Growth Amidst Struggle

Twelve months ago, I dreamed I would be where I am today. Equal to my aspirational, dreamy spirit…was my doubt, kept alive through continual (and painful) roadblocks. Not only did I grow in trust, but I succeeded (surprisingly!) in bringing my dreams to life. As we turn toward 2022, here are 4 lessons and tips from this year that I’m going to take with me into the next. I invite you to dream and reflect with me.

Interview on The Beautiful Side of Grief: Even Therapists Need Help

If you’re seeking soothing inspiration as you navigate grief, life transition or a difficult growing edge, this might serve as a healing balm. I hope you enjoy this beautiful interview I had the joy of experiencing with the gorgeous spirit, Helen Morris. Tap the link below to listen to Even Therapists Need Help on The Beautiful Side of Grief podcast.

My Surprising Metamorphosis +11 Tips for Understanding Yours

My Surprising Metamorphosis +11 Tips for Understanding Yours

Four weeks ago, serious inflammation filled my chest and mildly formed inside my heart. The intensity of the symptoms set off a chain reaction deep in the well of my spirit. A metamorphosis had begun. Here’s my story, and 11 self-awareness tips to help you through your own.

There’s a Wildfire of Awakening Across Our Planet

If getting dressed up for a wild party doesn’t appeal to you this Halloween, dear introvert, here are some alternative options. These can help you receive and activate the most magic from this sacred, liminal time of year based on the hemisphere you’re in. For the south, welcome to Beltane. For the north, welcome to Samhain.

The Introvert’s Guide to Halloween Through its Origins of Beltane & Samhain

The Introvert’s Guide to Halloween Through its Origins of Beltane & Samhain

If getting dressed up for a wild party doesn’t appeal to you this Halloween, dear introvert, here are some alternative options. These can help you receive and activate the most magic from this sacred, liminal time of year based on the hemisphere you’re in. For the south, welcome to Beltane. For the north, welcome to Samhain.

You Can and Should DIY Your Own Healing

You Can and Should DIY Your Own Healing

When you need to heal something, is the first thing you do open Dr. Google or find the nearest practitioner on Yelp? What if you could turn inward for the cause and the solution? And in the process, you save money and become more whole in your self-identity and empowerment? You can and should DIY your own healing. Here is why and how.

Afraid of Connecting to Spirit? Here’s How to Do It Safely (+ Why it’s Life Changing)

Afraid of Connecting to Spirit? Here’s How to Do It Safely (+ Why it’s Life Changing)

You can be connected to Spirit without knowing it. In fact, we are all connected to Spirit. The trouble is, we want this connection, but we tell ourselves we aren’t ready for it. We can train ourselves to open to the idea, to soften into receptivity and to truly know how much easier this life journey can be with Spirit support. In this article, I share the most common reasons why we don’t connect with Spirit, how we keep ourselves disconnected, and how we can safely open to this profound relationship and all of the life-changing love and wisdom it gives us.

Psychic Attacks Part 2: 6 Steps to Heal Now & Protect Yourself in the Future

Contrary to the knee-jerk reaction we get when someone’s harmful energy overtakes our mind, body and soul, knocking us out cold… The key to avoiding or healing from psychic attacks is not pushing everyone away; it’s strong self-awareness. This is a six-step strategy you can walk through today to heal from psychic attacks and, through the repair, protect yourself from future attacks. Bonus: you will heal parts of yourself you wouldn’t have discovered otherwise.

Psychic Attacks Part 1: What They Are & How Spirit Teams Protect Us

Psychic attacks can be severely jarring, knocking us completely out of whack and incapable of continuing on with our day or life. If you’re sensitive, you notice these attacks easily. But everyone is vulnerable to them. Here, in part 1 of this immense topic, we cover what psychic attacks are and how Spirit Teams can give us psychic protection and healing 24/7.

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