Introducing: My Human Design Generator Business Experiment

After 23 years of exploring and coaching soul-aligned businesses, my next professional adventure is radically exploring Human Design. My design is a 4/6 emotional authority Generator with an incarnation cross of the right angle of the vessel of love. 

If you’ve never heard of Human Design, then that will be a mouthful of nonsense!

Read on, and by the end you will understand more and hopefully be inspired to align your business with your Human Design, too.

I have done many different business experiments over the past decades. 

I’ve made radical choices, like walking away from things that were financially, solidly working, such as years of a constantly booked-out private practice. Why did I walk away? Because they didn’t feel good anymore!

I’ve also made radical space for new things to thrive — and so they did. Like going entirely online well ahead of the global curve almost a decade ago. 

I have always been actively seeking ways to make my business more aligned with who I most deeply am in my soul. 

In essence, I am not new to making wildly soulful, daring and seemingly crazy business decisions. 

But this new venture is the boldest!

First, a brief overview: what is Human Design?

It is a unique, comprehensive combination of I’Ching, Western astrology, the Kabbalah, the Chakras and hexagrams. It was channelled by a man called Ra Uru Hu in 1992, when “The Voice” unexpectedly appeared in his hermetic Ibiza life and demanded he record a whole lot of information and diagrams. This went on to become the Human Design System: the map of how we each operate in the world.

Essentially, Human Design is a way of decoding the fundamentals of who you are, what works best for you and how to make aligned decisions so you live with flow and success. 

From my decades in my practice as a coach, healer and therapist, I have an extensive laundry list of examples when my business decisions were truly aligned with my own design and thus thriving — and heartbreaking examples of the opposite.

What does it mean to be a Generator, especially when it comes to business and career?

Essentially, Human Design Generators find their greatest success when their missions are a response instead of an initiation. They have to pause, look around and really listen to know what they should pursue. This tactic is what births their best ideas, teachings and forms of success.

Jump over to this article for more details and examples of the unique traits of Generators and why they must buck the business-building systems we’re taught to follow.

Why I am making radical business changes this year, with Human Design as my guide:

I am here to make a powerful, soulful difference on this planet. And I am committed to fulfilling my mission — the reasons why I came here and overcame so many challenges.

I am at a point in my awakening where the only motivation left is to serve awakening, and to serve it deeply. Nothing else moves me as much. Financial rewards come second but are also very important. Doing what I love comes first. (This is so important for Generators!)

So, my central motivation is the body of very precious and life-changing work that I have built. I would love it to touch, change, heal, empower and offer powerful tools and transformation to so many more people the world over. 

I am also driven by the fact that 2021 was especially hard on my body (and I was already very familiar with physical illnesses). I had physical health challenges coming from so many directions despite my incredibly healthy lifestyle. This naturally brought on soul health issues, too. Things needed to change!

So, I went on a recuperating summer retreat. And Human Design arrived at my doorstep, beckoning me to dive deeply into its guidance.

Human Design also points to areas where you may be challenged, subject to unhelpful or misguiding influences that blur your inner truth. 

In my study of Human Design Generators, I have found it incredibly helpful in understanding a few areas of my business that have not worked as well as the rest (more on that in another article soon). 

So, over the course of 2022, I am going to share updates with you so you can track what I am up to. 

I am going to be candid, honest and open about my analyses and share what I discover that is already aligned, what is not, and my successes and (hopefully only a few) failures that I learn from. Let’s see how this experiment rolls, together!

I’m making my experiment public and candid because I know there are a lot of Human Design Generators, Manifesting Generators and Projectors out there wondering just how to wait to “respond” or be “invited” in life before taking certain actions. 

What on earth does “responding” look like in business? How is the waiting game even possible? This goes against every marketing, advertising, or business-building strategy we are taught.

I know it can be incredibly confusing to be one of these “responsive types” of Human Design. It can feel like walking in the dark with your hands out, sensing what is possible and bumping wildly into things that hurt or are expensive, and watching things fall flat that have been so lovingly and tenderly crafted. I have been there! 

Why do some things, really fabulous things, simply not work? This is the million-dollar question.

I was justly perplexed myself, so I dug and dug until I found answers and suggestions to try. Hence, this Generator Business Experiment.

When you are building a business, you invest a lot into it: love, time, soul, heart, energy, and of course, money. We often put a whole lot on the line, take big risks, make sacrifices in many areas, all to birth those precious, big dreams. It can be painful, often heartbreaking and sometimes life changing to watch them flounder.

So, I hope my Human Design Generator Business Experiment articles give you inspiration and help you make soul-aligned business decisions, too. 

I would love to hear from you on this subject. What is your Human Design? What does it look like to consult it for your business decisions? I read and respond to every comment (yes, it is really me and not an assistant or a bot!).

You can follow along with this experiment more closely and get the latest updates by joining my newsletter here and on Instagram where I’m doing another kind of Human Design Generator experiment (coming soon!). 

To understand the Generator business challenges I’m exploring in more detail, and to get to know more of my Human Design profile, read this article next.

If you are curious about your own Human Design, you can discover your profile here using your birth date, time and location of birth — same as you would for astrology.

Here, resting under the shade of a beech tree in the curve of Jacobs Creek, with the sweet warmth of the Australian summer sun making the land shimmer, I’m raising my glass (of sparkling grape juice) and saluting. Here’s to my game-changing business ride! May it be of benefit to us all.

Myree Morsi real signature kundalini awakening expert, trauma therapist, soul guide, leadership coach

Will this be the year you activate your gifts and up-level your life path?

Calling all sensitives and empaths, soulful leaders, Kundalini awakeners, and the spiritually curious! 

Take a look at Myree’s online courses to find the one that’s calling to your spirit.

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  • Well done. I can feel the vibrant energy in the words you have written.
    My very best wishes for your new journey.
    Photos are truly beautiful.

    • Hi Chris,

      Thank you so much for your kind words and reflection of the vibrancy of the words. It is so meaningful to hear this and is a signal I am on track so I really appreciate you taking the time to share your insights.

      I am glad you loved the retreat photos and thank you for your wishes on this human design and business adventure!

      Big love,
      Myree x

  • Hi ya I love human Design and find it fascinating– I’m manifesting generator – which is certainly true. Curious to see what you are going to do here and maybe I need to pick this up again to look into!

    • Hi Katherine,

      Oh, I can totally see you as a manifesting generator, you are amazing at both. Big productivity and ability to create AND initiate will being in response to others. Amazing!

      Yes, I am really excited to keep sharing as I explore and dive deeper with Human Design and my business life. It is feeling good so far.

      Bg love dear one!

  • I’ m wondering about human design strategy and the difference between your intuition. I have a sacral response and also am claircognizant, so how does hd marry in with the Clairsenses? What is the difference between strategy and your intuition. I am curious about your thoughts on This Myree.

    • Hi Mala,
      This is a great question. The sacral response is listening to the internal response of your gut brain, it gives simple yes and no answers and can become a very powerful support for making decisions. I love mine! Claircognizance is “simply knowing” something, often without knowing how you do. This comes through may subtle channels and is one of my fave subtle senses. Intuition can come through many channels and until you study your own ways of knowing it can take a while to separate out all three that you mention so you can individuate them. If you are a generator or manifesting generator learning to listen to the sacral response is very important.

      Big love!
      Myree x

  • Hi! I am a 4/6 MG. I am launching a new online business. I create courses that help women to transform their lives by connecting deeper with their body, and get clear on what is blocking them from manifesting deeper in their lives. I am so curious about the best marketing techniques for a 4/6 MG.
    Can you guide me to some info or a course or other suggestion?
    My site is under construction, but there will be more info on my courses in the future.

    • Hi Katie,
      This is one of those times when you can really tap into and get cozy with your intuition. Let it guide you to the information you need, be receptive and flexible, ask spirit and take time to get ready to go down a rabbit hole. There are such beautiful people out there that have the exact skills you are looking for, they can help you design a marketing plan that is specific to your needs.

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