Myree Morsi

The Kundalini Awakening Journey: Explained

Dear Awakening One,

The key to stabilising your Kundalini awakening and maintaining your everyday life lies in understanding Kundalini.

Essentially, Kundalini is a sacred energy, often called Shakti, stored at the base of the spine. For most people, this energy remains dormant. But as humanity continues to evolve, more and more people are experiencing the awakening of this Kundalini energy.

Our planet is amidst a wildfire of awakening, but the understanding is still catching up.

Once upon a time, this energy awakened through intense spiritual practices in select settings like monasteries. Today, it’s spontaneously awakening not only by spiritual practices like yoga and meditation, but through art, intense study, peak states and unpredictable triggers.

Thus, countless people are finding themselves amidst a “dark night of the soul,” without a map into the light.

It’s my passion to share the deep wisdoms and common processes of this transformative experience. Keep reading for an overview and an array of options for you to master your Kundalini awakening!

With passion for your kickass Kundalini awakening,

Myree Morsi real signature kundalini awakening expert, trauma therapist, soul guide, leadership coach

Dear Awakening One,

The key to stabilising your Kundalini awakening and maintaining your everyday life lies in understanding Kundalini.

Essentially, Kundalini is a sacred energy, often called Shakti, stored at the base of the spine. For most people, this energy remains dormant. But as humanity continues to evolve, more and more people are experiencing the awakening of this Kundalini energy.

Our planet is amidst a wildfire of awakening, but the understanding is still catching up.

Once upon a time, this energy awakened through intense spiritual practices in select settings like monasteries. Today, it’s spontaneously awakening not only by spiritual practices like yoga and meditation, but through art, intense study, peak states and unpredictable triggers.

Thus, countless people are finding themselves amidst a “dark night of the soul,” without a map into the light.

It’s my passion to share the deep wisdoms and common processes of this transformative experience. Keep reading for an overview and an array of options for you to master your Kundalini awakening!

With passion for your kickass Kundalini awakening,

Myree Morsi real signature kundalini awakening expert, trauma therapist, soul guide, leadership coach

Myree Brought Her Kundalini Awakening to Completion in 2009 and Has Been Symptom-Free Since

Kundalini Awakening FAQ

What happens when my Kundalini activates?

When Kundalini awakens, it releases the flow of energy up the spine and through the energy centres of the body. The way in which it moves through each person’s body is unique and dependent on their personal history and physical and psychological wellbeing.

The purpose of this process is to free up the movement of prana (energy) through the body and subtle channels to support the awakening of consciousness. It eventually produces change in both the organic structure and function of the nervous system, the brain and the body.

As the Kundalini energy encounters knots of energy or blocks in the body, subtle channels and energy centres (such as chakras), it dissolves the resistance to create easeful, energetic flow.

The side effects experienced in this unblocking process can be mild and barely noticeable, or they can be debilitatingly uncomfortable and extremely challenging. In some people, it can trigger a spiritual crisis or “dark night of the soul.”

It’s quite normal to experience periods of intense sensitivity, as if all your energetic protection has failed you and you are excruciatingly aware of your environment, the moods and emotions of those around you. 

Myree knows this well. She experienced a year when she was unable to travel easily into her nearby city. Her acute hypersensitivity left her overwhelmed by everything — other people, the noise, busyness, pollution and radiation.

Eventually, because her process was so intense, she moved out of Melbourne altogether to live in the countryside. This move gave her critical breathing space from the suffering of over-stimulation as Kundalini did its work within her.

The whole process of opening to Kundalini energy may only take a few months, or it could continue for several years.

What are these symptoms?

Some people may have few side effects as Kundalini prepares and opens their bodies to hold higher and more refined states and stages of consciousness. 

Generally, though, it’s almost always accompanied by unusual or abnormal body and mind experiences and psychosomatic symptoms.

Such effects can include heat, feverish-like burning sensations, intense insomnia, restlessness and the feeling of electric currents flowing up and through the body. 

On a psychological level, Kundalini can generate much anxiety or fear and bring up long-forgotten issues, challenges or traumas to be re-processed.

Other side effects include kriyas, when the body makes spontaneous jerking or shaking movements as energy releases suddenly and the nerves are stimulated by currents of electric-like energy passing along them.

One common experience is ongoing insomnia. The fatigue may leave you feeling unable to perform the tasks of everyday life and thus generate a lot of anxiety.

Yet, overwhelmingly, most people who experience insomnia during Kundalini awakening find that, despite the lack of sleep, their body and life somehow flow in such a way that everything manages to get done anyway. And this is a great relief.

For people experiencing an intense Kundalini process, it can seem difficult to maintain one’s normal everyday life, to go to work, to care for themselves and others.

The support of a psychotherapist or counsellor can be helpful during this process, especially if it’s bringing up emotional material from the past.

Ultimately, it’s important to be as calm as possible as you go through the process, in full knowing that Kundalini may be contributing to feelings of fearfulness and anxiety

What are these states of clarity and peace?

While Kundalini produces difficult psycho-physical states, it simultaneously allows you to access new states of consciousness such as deep awareness, bliss, peace and acute intuition.

Your body is being physically and energetically transformed into a conductor of higher states of consciousness. During the awakening process, these states gradually consolidate into more ongoing experiences of expanded consciousness. You may have a semi-permanent or, for some rare people, permanent uninterrupted access to experiences of vast awareness, peace, openness or what the Buddha called “empty mind.”

In fact, it isn’t emptiness as the everyday mind would name it. It’s a limitless field of open, clear, intelligent and alive awareness.

This field is often called the “ground of being,” though most mystical traditions have their own names for this experience of pure awareness. Rumi called it his “Beloved” in his beautiful, sacred poetry. Lao Tsu elusively named it “being immersed in the Tao.” Christian mystics describe it as an ecstatic state, and other indigenous traditions describe it as being in a state of wholeness.

Along with such experiences, ongoing states of joy, ecstasy and experiences of intoxication and exaltation (without ingesting any intoxicants) are indicators of active Kundalini taking root in your body. You can feel “drunk” on such states, or profoundly moved to be both quiet and still, resting for long periods without speaking or any significant activity at all.

For long periods, the latter was Myree’s deepest longing to help her allow the Kundalini to gently work through her being.

If you are experiencing ecstatic states, it’s supportive to remember that they are states. They will come and go. Don’t seek to extend them or grasp hold of them, for this is not possible. If you find yourself caught up in such grasping, relax and let your awareness notice and accept the very natural impulse to attempt to cling to positive states.

Can I make this Kundalini awakening stop?

Once Kundalini has been activated, it can’t be stopped or turned off.

One of Myree’s favourite sayings is by Gopi Krishna, who suggested that often once “the aspirant” had experienced the difficulties of Kundalini, they would fervently wish to return to the state before it was ever activated.

Myree laughed with recognition at this statement, as this was a desire she was familiar with during the intense times of her Kundalini journey.

It’s important to never force Kundalini to go faster. This can create extreme instability in the body-mind system and intense suffering, especially mental suffering. It isn’t recommended by any wise teachers of Kundalini.

At best, the Kundalini flow can be slowed down to reduce the intensity of its symptoms and make the experience more mild and tolerable. Sometimes this can be difficult to achieve, but it’s Myree’s most recommended approach.

It’s common to wish that the Kundalini process was over, to make it stop, to get to the end, and to feel like you may not be able to cope with continuing to move through the process.

It’s why cultivating trust in the process is so important. As well as a detached capacity to witness the suffering and challenges. This helps you generate some inner space for calm. 

Myree recommends this from a space of deep understanding of its difficulty. She had to continually remind herself to be detached, accepting and go with the process. She also knows that it is possible to do so.

When you find yourself wishing your Kundalini would stop, or that it never began, it can be helpful to remember that Kundalini is a natural, organic and intelligent process. It is your ally.

Can I slow down this Kundalini awakening?

Yes. Slowing down your process is Myree’s top recommendation. 

However, this is a personal process, dependent on where you are in your unfolding and the symptoms you’re experiencing.

Myree recommends staying in touch with your body and intuition about what you may need, and to trust yourself. If uncertain, seek advice or help from others who have an awareness of heightened sensitivity

Tips to Begin Slowing Your Kundalini Today

⟡ Track your new hypersensitivity.

During the Kundalini process, you can become hypersensitive to foods, supplements, environments and even holistic treatments. Listen within to know how much you may require during your process, if any.

Due to your vulnerable state, you may experience more benefit and stability from smaller doses of treatments or reduced exposure to activities you once loved. There can be a tendency to experience these things more intensely, so you may find normal doses overwhelming.

For example, after attending 1-hour Chi Gung classes regularly, Myree went to a 1-day workshop. Because Kundalini had so deeply cleared her subtle channels, she finished the class with an intense fire within that took 3 weeks to subside. She was anxious and nervous while her body’s energetics buzzed away. She was fortunate that it eventually calmed down, and she has refrained from Chi Gung since then.

However, for others, Chi Gung may be perfectly supportive. Thus, we are called to build our own relationship with the guidance within, and to experiment gently.

⟡ Pause or reduce stimulating Yoga or meditation activities. 

For Myree, some meditation practices that were once been useful and supportive became high-octane fuel for Kundalini and needed to be omitted for long periods. Instead, she learned to listen to the rhythms and flows of her body.

This increasing self-awareness is, in itself, a useful and important part of building the foundation of self-care needed to successfully honour a more sensitive, awakening system in the midst of modern life.

⟡ Undertake grounding exercises and eat heavier, energetically and physically grounding foods.

Examples are baked vegetables, root vegetables, meats, eggs and vegetable-based proteins like legumes and nuts.

Myree eventually left being a devoted vegan and returned to a mixed diet, both for health reasons and simply to be more grounded. For her, this was the right choice, though difficult to follow at first. It was the best way to stay grounded and reduced her over-sensitivity significantly. However, this is a personal choice for everyone. Eventually, Myree was able to return to her vegan diet.

⟡ Connect with an expert to speed up your understanding, learn how your unique system needs to slow down, and move through the journey with a teammate in your corner.

Some people may have the blessing of a living awakened teacher to guide them through the awakening journey.

Such a teacher is able to give expert advice based on their own Kundalini journey and an understanding of their student’s progress. This can be of great benefit if such a teacher appears or is already within your life.

It’s human nature, when midstream in a long Kundalini journey, to want to hurry it along and get to the end product.

Sometimes, we may not be aware that we’re pushing the process.

Often, it can be slowed down simply through recognising this impulse, letting go and trusting, and being vigilant about not grasping for the finale.

Ana | Norway
Psychotherapist & Healer

“I’ve seen other spiritual teachers, and I’m trained as a professional therapist to help people through their awakening experience.

Myree is the first one I’ve met that has this special blend of deep wisdom and knowledge about the awakening processes. 

She’s a gifted healer, intuitive and highly sensitive working in a gentle feminine, practical manner. Her warmth and personality make it easy to trust her and feel safe with her. 

She works in a conscious and practical way with all the emotional cleansing that often comes up during an awakening. This understanding I often find to be lacking by other teachers and guides out there.”

Jessica | Kentucky, USA
Yoga School Owner & Teacher

“Myree holds a radical presence that allows energetic changes to occur for anyone in her loving presence. 

She has many gifts that I have never seen in other teachers that enable clients to have profound experiences with their souls and higher selves. 

Myree is a great, great gift to humanity. I see the work she shares as being exponentially needed in the collective.”

Elizabeth | California, USA
Financial Manager & Accounting

“I experienced an unexpected, uninvited, unprepared-for Kundalini awakening a year ago. Before discovering Myree, I went through 8 other energy practitioners and 10 months of excruciating, unrelenting headaches. Life had become totally unmanageable. I had reached the point where I simply could not function.

Since working with Myree, the headaches have STOPPED and have not returned. I have made more progress in 3-1/2 months of working with Myree than in 10 years of traditional therapy. 

For the first time (in a very long time), I have hope and am secure in the knowledge that everything is going to be alright!”

5 Ways to Stabilise and Enjoy Your Kundalini Awakening with Myree

Have a Wise, Experienced, Gifted Coach by Your Side

⟡ Myree clairvoyantly sees Kundalini in your system, thus pinpointing the exact support you need
⟡ Stabilise your process & empower your journey
⟡ Next step: read the private coaching info packet for FAQs, pricing & package options, + details to book a FREE intro call with Myree​
Read more about private coaching

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5 Ways to Stabilise and Enjoy Your Kundalini Awakening with Myree

Have a Wise, Experienced, Gifted Coach by Your Side

⟡ Myree clairvoyantly sees Kundalini in your system, thus pinpointing the exact support you need
⟡ Stabilise your process & empower your journey
⟡ Next step: read the private coaching info packet for FAQs, pricing & package options, + details to book a FREE intro call with Myree​
Read more about coaching

Master Your Awakening in the Modern World

⟡ 26+ hours of self-paced learning and interactive coaching with Myree
⟡ Includes 4 live group coaching classes with opportunities for spotlight coaching by Myree
⟡ Like-minded community of fellow awakeners
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⟡ The most important advice nobody tells you
⟡ 23 pages of clarifying information & personalised self-care strategies
⟡ 10 years' worth of proven tips & tools to rapidly stabilise your symptoms
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