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Kundalini Yoga & Me

Kundalini Yoga and Me

Join Myree Morsi’s powerhouse Kundalini Yoga meditation and inner works and find out how this can be such a powerful medicine to support you.

My True Awakening Ghost Story

My True Awakening Ghost Story

A lot of spiritual practice unknowingly began to feed one’s Kundalini awakening and Myree Morsi experienced her first ghost awakening.

Kundalini and The Inner Critic

Kundalini and the Inner Critic

The inner critic can often be a noisy and sometimes challenging companion on the Kundalini awakening journey. It can see

Death of A Bliss Junkie

Death of a Bliss Junkie

For me, the discovery of the bliss of awakening was a most remarkable and life-altering surprise. And it quickly became a fascination. As someone with a significant childhood trauma history, the experience of the altered state of bliss as a side effect of my awakening journey was frankly incredible.

The Secret Beauty Of Shyness

The Secret Beauty of Shyness

As an admirer of shyness, therapist Myree Morsi would love to gift you her favourite tip for shy moments.

A Sweet, Everyday Functional Awakening

A Sweet, Everyday Functional Awakening

In Kundalini awakening, we appreciate altered states of bliss, deep peace, spontaneous flowing wisdom and other special gifts of the awakening process. All of these are beautiful. Yet to me, one of the most important qualities of awakening is that the process itself is functional.

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The self-care guide to stable, functional and awesome awakening