Recently a compassionate, gentle and self-effacing man, someone whom I have been working with for a couple of years, has just completed his Kundalini awakening.
Totally. Finished. Hurrah!
He is a wonderful old soul who was initially completely unprepared for how deeply he would be called to engage with his spiritual side.
I would like to share some initial perspectives on his incredible journey because you, too, can complete your Kundalini awakening in your own time, naturally, and without forcing it. All these points concerning his awakening process are essential.
I would also like to share my insights on the culmination of his process so that you can track what might be happening in your own journey, as well as have some concept about what happens when Kundalini completes. Please remember that it is just a tiny overview of a large and infinite process. There is enormous diversity around experiences at the end of awakening with the common thread of a huge shift in reference point, from small self to vast self. We have a lot of projections on what this will be, and it is beautiful. And for some of us, it can also present some challenges with integration which are normal because of the size of the change.
For Greg (name and identity changed for privacy), the completion of his Kundalini was truly a miracle. It is one which he sought after for a long time, and even doubted the eventual success of, because of the enormous and somewhat horrific circumstances in which his Kundalini awakened.
In all my decades of working with people going through awakening processes, I would say that Greg’s own awakening was one of the most traumatic and terrible processes that I have ever witnessed or heard about. I often work with people who have very complex and sometimes deeply agonizing awakening processes so I am not underestimating the severe impact that he suffered. I bow to his courage to stay on this planet. 🙇🏻♀️
How Greg’s Kundalini started
His Kundalini was first awakened during a psychedelic guided tour in a South American country. He was many thousands of miles from home, from familiarity, from safety and from the support he eventually needed. His response to the medicine was so severe that he entered into extreme states and psychedelic-induced psychosis (which brutally activated his Kundalini). In his vulnerable state, he was abandoned by his tour group and left to fend for himself in an unknown landscape and culture. Fortunately, the people in that town took him in and gave him support and a place to stay in a homeless shelter until he was stable enough to find his way home. The journey home then took him almost three months. Read some of my deep concerns about the interaction of psychedelics and Kundalini here, here and here.
Upon return to his home country, he was understandably devastated, shattered and barely able to function. He had been blown out in so many different ways by the medicine — spiritually, energetically, psychologically, physically – that his system could hardly function. 🤯
I first spoke to him a couple of years after this event. He had reached out to me with a beautiful email as he had seen a video of me on YouTube. Prior to this time, he had struggled mostly alone. We met once briefly for an introductory consultation but because of his mistrust of healing, it took him almost 10 months to return to work together with me. He had severe doubts that anyone could know what he was going through, whether help was really possible and if he could actually make it.
The Process of Kundalini Burnout
Our original work was to rebalance his system, to do significant soul and spiritual retrieval, to focus on trauma work, to blow out recovery processes and so much more. We had to clear the medicines out of his system and do complete reconstructive work with his Kundalini. This process was so intense that we actually needed to recreate a container for his Kundalini and provide safety for different elements of his most sacred self to return.
His Kundalini eventually stabilized but it was tough on a daily basis due to the intensity of the original injury and his pre-existing trauma. His progress was strong despite this. He had ongoing breakthroughs and earlier this year it was obvious that his Kundalini was shifting into the final preparation phase which I call acceleration (you can read more about that here).
In this later phase, the system is more stable and sophisticated. It can handle the acceleration of Kundalini because the fundamental work has been completed. The speed can be very intense and for Greg, over a period of months, my Spirit Team and I supported him to stabilize inside that acceleration process where the Kundalini is speeding up toward completion. Greg was able to work with this phase very well because he could intuitively feel where it was headed.
Because of his development and dedication to his process, he gained access to a lot of beautiful healing energies, healing mudras, insights and wordless wisdom. At this point, Kundalini acceleration is a one-way ticket on an express train and Greg is able to surrender to that even though he does not really “know” what he is surrendering to. This is where the therapeutic relationship is vital, and the level of trust is very important. Especially trust in the process itself.
Completion of Greg’s Kundalini
Several months later around April this year at the time of the eclipse, Greg’s Kundalini was completed. For some people, this can be a very big blowout that happens all at once. To others, it can be a slow gradual completion. For him, it was a combination of both. It emerged over a number of days coupled with an extreme intensity to it. The end of his awakening left him in a deep, abiding silence and spaciousness. Freedom.
We emailed a few times to give him some advice about how to just be here at this end phase, to reassure him that nothing was required but just to be present in the process, because at this point the process takes over and takes care of itself.
At one point he wrote to me (this was coming from someone who had suffered immensely) and told me he was in the best mental health that he had experienced in his life. You can imagine what it was like for me to receive that message–I was so grateful and joyous! 🥰
The end of Kundalini awakening can sometimes be complex because of the vast amount of change that is taking place. When Kundalini awakening ends suddenly, the amount of change may be overwhelming at first. There can be this combined experience of the fulfilling beauty of the awakening, of spaciousness, of freedom, of clarity, and at the same time, for some people, there can be a kind of temporary chaos because there has been such a radical loss of identity so quickly that the organic system of the human body and aura is left with no reference point that it can identify with and organize around. In this experience, the ‘sense of self’ and identity that had previously been used as its operating system has been extinguished. The body goes on without it but it can be very chaotic till the newly awakened “Self” takes over the governing functions of the organic and energetic systems.
The work that Greg and I focused on afterwards was recalibrating his system to Self.
We did a lot of trauma healing on the different levels of shock he had experienced, because although he knew what had happened his system did not understand. We soothed and reactivated many different body systems, reorganized consciousness, ground and stabilized his body and we began to provide a guidance system that allowed the new consciousness to arrive.
For some, this completion process can happen over a long period of time and this is good, because it makes it sustainable. It can be a surprise to realize that completion is not perfect, but most endings of Kundalini are not perfect. Remember, we are huge, complex, multidimensional, multi-lifetime beings and that Kundalini is able to do so much renovation and liberation is truly amazing. Once you are in this integration phase you have more capacity, Grace, wisdom and compassion and so many more resources to lovingly allow what remains to dissolve.
Here is the amazing thing about the end of Kundalini awakening. Kundalini has graciously and lovingly burned herself out. She has used all her energy and power to transform the system at every level possible to get you to the end of Kundalini.
After his final integration stage, Greg’s Kundalini was calm and like a soft, quiet, white glow in the base of his body. It was as if a dimmer switch turned down to the lowest wattage. All Kundalini purification activities had been completed and there were no more Kundalini experiences or symptoms. She was done.
She will remain there always, luminous and peaceful because she is a part of who he is. She no longer needs to drive his awakening process. Greg is awake and his awakening is exquisite and will continue to refine.
Greg’s calling is now to continue to stabilize and give space to this profound shift of consciousness. He will allow that shift to liberate what remains and he will come deeper into his magnificence. His task is to be present with how the awakening is in him and flows through him and seeks to express itself in the world. Awakening, and awareness, are now fully in charge.
My heartfelt congratulations to dearest, dedicated, soul warrior Greg! 🥳
This is just Greg’s story.
It simply covers a few highlights of what is a very large and long-term transformative process. I am sharing this with you as inspiration and as a road map of what can happen in the final phases of Kundalini so that you can use it as a marker for where you might be if you find yourself here. 📍
I am sharing this to inspire you that the end of Kundalini is possible. I strongly advise you to never force your process in an attempt to have it go faster. This never makes it easier and may create very painful symptoms and potentially take you in the wrong direction. For some people, the end of Kundalini awakening is very subtle and happens over a long, long, long period of time, and can look quite different to what I have shared here of Greg’s journey.
This story remains an inspiration that no matter how difficult, disastrous or painful your Kundalini awakening is, it does stabilize. It does reset and you can complete this powerful journey.
You can realize your deepest nature: that you are freedom itself.
Please share your thoughts, reflections or experiences below. We love hearing from you!