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The Radical Sabbatical

Sometimes the direction that seems to hold the greatest goodness for you and other people seems obvious and longed for

Money, Finances and Awakening

Financial success can be a tricky topic in everyday life so when it is coupled with awakening, money can turn

What is a Kundalini Blowout?

A Kundalini Blowout happens when a large amount of Kundalini energy, called Shakti, releases from the base of the pelvis.

The Quietness of Awakening

There are often times in awakening when we are very Quiet.  There is no movement into the exterior world.  There

When Awakening Burns You Out

Awakening burns us out. All the time.  An early experience of awakening burnout for me was generated by the intersection

When Awakening Feels “too much”

Remembering our amazing nature in the midst of the mundane…and awakening. There are days when the activities of daily living

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The self-care guide to stable, functional and awesome awakening