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8 Steps to Connect With Your Life Purpose When You Feel Stuck

8 Steps to Connect With Your Life Purpose When You Feel Stuck

What’s worse: not knowing your calling, or knowing your calling but feeling unable to activate it? For folks amidst their awakening, the latter option happens — and it’s very frustrating. I experienced this confounding awakened purpose activation for 10 years, and now I coach clients through it. Here are those stories plus 8 steps to help you soften into clarity and trust amidst your awakened purpose activation.

Free Kundalini Community Class

  Do you have questions about awakening? Are you going through Kundalini and seeking clarity? Has your awakening journey been

mini mantra eclipse guide

Mini-Mantra Eclipse Guide

Up-level your spiritual growth with the power of the eclipse!   In my last article, I suggested using a mantra to

Kundalini, Awakening and Exhaustion

Kundalini, Awakening and Exhaustion

One of the biggest struggles we face when amidst the awakening process is fatigue and exhaustion. In worst-case scenarios, this

Kundalini Yoga & Me

Kundalini Yoga and Me

Join Myree Morsi’s powerhouse Kundalini Yoga meditation and inner works and find out how this can be such a powerful medicine to support you.

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