The End of Kundalini, the End of Awakening?

One of the questions I am most often asked is does Kundalini awakening ever end? Can I ever be free of this endless process of change, opening, chaos and deepening and the suffering that it brings me? I asked myself this question many times in the heat of my own Kundalini process.

And the answer is yes, and no.

Yes, Kundalini does and can definitely end. The process of Kundalini surging upwards through your body, purifying and transforming you can come to a welcome conclusion, it stops. It stops for good.

I know this through direct personal experience, through the final blow out of my own Kundalini process. After years of being on fire, suffering from the often overwhelming unwinding of trauma from my body and the freeing up of my whole energetic system Kundalini took one last blast into hyper space out the top of my head.

For months prior to this I felt my Kundalini process speed up until in the final weeks I would laugh to myself that this is either going to pop or I’ll die. The Kundalini was going so fast in its final clearing process that it sounded like the psychic scream of a jet plane about to take off. I have heard from others that their Kundalini also sounded impressively impossibly loud, a hurricane on an energetic level, before the end. My insomnia was at a peak. I would watch the possums at night in the moonlit gum trees outside my mountain cottage and wonder how long my system could take such a wild ride. Yet everyday I would get up and have exactly what I needed in terms of inner resources, strength and energy to meet the needs of my day including running my therapy practice. This was a deeply appreciated miracle.

On my last day of Kundalini I finished work in the city and suddenly felt deeply exhausted in a way I couldn’t explain. I got in my car and drove back to the mountains, fed my dog and went straight to bed.

The next morning I awoke unable to move physically for hours, so still and quiet within it was like the whole world had stopped, and my whole world had stopped. I knew exactly what happened to me, Kundalini had completed and the specific reference point of my personal history that I had orientated around for so long had gone. It was very very funny and very quiet. It was freedom.

It took me months to integrate such a screeching halt to my Kundalini process, and for my body to absorb this sudden alteration in its central point of reference from my personal history to something eternal and constant. This challenge is common for people who have abrupt and large hyper jumps in their awakening process.

After this my Kundalini symptoms swiftly died down and disappeared completely. No more heat or radical unwinding of the nervous system, no more strange body symptoms that had no physiological explanation, no more difficulties with integrating huge amounts of Kundalini Shakti into a physical body. No more endless energetic challenges to deal with while dealing with my everyday life. What a relief.

What followed were new challenges of orientating life around a new reference point, which at first felt like no reference point for my body. But Kundalini herself had ended, task accomplished.

I write this brief account for those who wonder if an end can ever come, if the process and accompanying challenges can ever really finish. Through sharing this story I hold a candle of hope and possibility for those of you on the awakening path.

Yet what never ends is the awakening process itself – the ever deepening process and challenge of embodying awakened awareness in every aspect of your life – the way you live your life, how you understand yourself, how you define your values and ethics, how you relate to others, have conflicts and resolve them, and how you follow the unique, sweet and sometimes fierce call of your own nature to show up in the world and be of service. There is no limit or end to the embodiment process.

And to me this ongoing awakening, this ever present deepening, is a profound source of joy and delight.

Do you have comments, thoughts or questions about the end of awakening? Please share them below, I love hearing from you.

(above image via Favim)

Think You Might Be Amidst a Kundalini Awakening?

Kundalini can be terrifying, confusing and even debilitating. 

How do you go through your Kundalini awakening and simultaneously live a balanced, functional and enjoyable life? A perfected roadmap by someone who’s been there: Myree.

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  • Thank you Myree. I look forward to the end, although I know it is futile thinking about when this will happen. You distinguish between an end to kundalini, but not an end to awakening. I always thought they were the same. Can you explain what is the difference? That would really help. Thanks for your article, I love all of them and they really help me.Love Tom

    • Hi Thomas, so lovely to connect with you. Kundalini is an energetic and physical process which is a part of the broader experience of awakening. When the stores of shakti are released from the pelvis and complete their process to purify the body and energetic system so it can be occupied with higher levels of consciousness, then Kundalini then completes. Shatki connects with the divine/universe and eventually that connection is satisfied and deeply transforms a person. With no further Shakti coursing through the body the side effects of kundalini such as heat, power surges, kriyas and invountary movements, feelings of electricity, etc begin to ease and stop. These side effects are the effects of the energetic kundalini process. The awakening process, of becoming more conscious, more deeply aligned with our deepest nature, integrating more consciousness and higher levels of awareness into our bodies, minds, and way of living never ends. I hope that helps, sometimes it is challenging to find words for the wordless. Blessings to your awakening. Myree x

  • Do you think there is something to do to accelerate the process?

    I’m in such pain for so many years now.
    Your post give me hope, thank you very much.

    • Hi! I am so glad my post was helpful. There are things that you can do to stabilise and support the process, connecting energies like descent of Shakti and heart Shatki can both support and stabilise the process and allow the awakening to flow more smoothly. I usually think this way is best and can unlock and facilitate the process often more swiftly and with ease. I never recommend just doing something to accelerate the process as this can create terrible side effects and increase suffering. Best wishes!

    • So refreshing to find another (others) who share similarly on the K-Path! I had my FULL BLOWN Spontaneous Kundalini Activation in 2001. The years that followed rival the best Sci-Fi movies! The “manic ride” lasted about 7yrs for me and it seemed like an eternity… I recall so much relief when my Kundalini, and all that went with it, ended as abruptly as it had arrived. The CALM that followed this 7yr storm was beyond welcome! I cannot put it into words! I felt like a soldier, who after many years of fighting on the front lines was granted a reprieve! I do not envy others who are now going through what I did. It was hell going through all of that (my) dark stuff! Purging, purging, purging.. There were many “casualties of war” during and after the initial 7yrs.. Job changes.. Relationship changes.. Perceptual changes.. Crazy stuff! These days I am mostly “adjusting”, but without all of the Active Kundalini energies distracting me so much.. and I love it!

    • Hi John,
      Thank you so much for your beautiful sharing and letting us be insiders a little into your journey and it’ completion! It is really wonderful to connect with you. And indeed, our journeys are very similar. I feel the bright essence and joy that shines through you and I send you blessings and joy in return.

    • Hello John,
      I might add my few cents here. I have gone through lot of physical and mental torture since 2015. Eventually in 2015 I gave up and realized I am going to die anyway. After all US medical tests and advices, I left Michigan , my job, my business , my 3 homes and ended up in Rishikesh since I decided to die in Himalaya in nature and not in US hospital. I had severe headaches all the time, serious depression, absolutely no energy even to walk, my ears buzzing 24 by 7 , involuntary jerks anywhere in the body, heartaches and finally severe anus bleeding during toilet. I was afraid even walk half a mile because toilet / and gases will kick any time in underwear or in the night bed is dirty and it is too fast before I can reach to toilet room. What a miserable life!. One night my half of the body I could not sense and could not move at all and that scared me out of hell.

      Before 2015, I am born and raised up in Northern India. At 24 years age I migrated to US as a software engineer and continue working.
      I was body builder, doing lot of pranayama’s and 30 minutes shoulder stand everyday and hours & hours salsa dancing. For what? Just keeping body in good shape. I am extremists by nature. I had a no clue what is kundalini that time. Being IT profession , Time was my side, lot of time was available to do physical activities.

      Back to Rishikesh arrival in 2016.
      Good thing about my life, Being ambitious, up to 40 years age I was millionaire and plenty of professional options. So There was no concern for me to worry about survival if I was in Himalaya.
      another good luck to my life, My father had a Ashram in Rishikesh (in jonk village close to Ram julha ) since 1999, I never visited before. Through out the year Ashram is mostly locked because my father never made a plan to live in Rishikesh. It is pretty big place with 5 bedrooms 3 bathrooms ,trees around, behind the ashram is mountains. So I got a place , my own home with lot of choices. small market was right there, lot of Yoga centers around and Mother ganga few meters away. Perfectly in nature.
      So what I do here? body disaster continues, Mind was fully convinced I am going to die, couple of times though to jump in the river but did not have courage. I continue experimenting with body in terms of food. But good thing again… All time was for me… no schedule…no alarms and nobody is around me in the Ashram. It does not matter what time I sleep and what time wake up! No financial issues any way.
      So start roaming around ganga river/ mountains in the day time.. kicking toilet as usual in my diapers. Although now I was more relaxed. I see lot of poor wandering monks around and these marijuana addicted monks had plenty of time if I wanted to kill my time, chatting, sitting next to them. So no loneliness for sure. weather is prefect, all time sunny. I realized I wanted sun since I was fully depressed.
      One day, I was chatting with a monk, since I was visiting him everyday on his cave in mountains, became kind of my friend. I start telling him about my ears fucked up, buzzing all the time!! And here you go!
      That monk somehow caught me and start explaining my other problems. And it was to my surprise how He knows? And he just told me your kundalini is activated.
      What is Kundalini? As I was walking back from his cave to my ashram in the evening, just tons of questions in my mind.

      Turned on my laptop in the night and then start reading google documents… Continue studying tons of docs And finally reached to conclusion, Yes it must be Kundalini process, any way life was near to end and suddenly I see the Hope.
      So what if it is kundalini? First thing in my mind was how to get rid of diapers. I found a great book online from “Science of Soul, Swami Yogeshawarananda sarswati”. Downloaded right way, Lator on I realized Swamiji Ashram is on Ram julha, few meters away, and purchased all the books from their library written by Swamiji.
      I also went through swamiji biography book and learned quickly about his food habits.
      And here you go!!!! I just literally copied his food habits. Just 2PM sprouted moong lentils soup. No night food! in the morning just milk.
      So up to evening 8PM sprouted soup was out of body and stomach is empty is the night and gases pressure issues (APAN vayu) rushing to toilet in the night went away. And I can have sound sleep now without doing toilet in the bed.

      Being extremists, I can control the hunger very well. Within 3 months I realized bleeding problem disappeared which was my biggest fear and start feeling, may be I will not die anymore.
      Good sleep start bringing me out of depression too and start gaining some confidence about life. Other part from Swamiji book, I learned was GAYATRI MANTRA and start meditating 30 minutes aby swamiji technique and extended meditating straight 7 hours (6AM- 1PM) since I had plenty of time and Ashram was all mine, no disturbance. lator some my monk friends start complementing about my face glowing. I was my self acting like a monk with long beard/hair and yellow clothes. Also I gained lot of knowledge through lot of Himalayan yogis written books.
      Now 12 months passed in Rishikesh with all this meditation/food control/roaming as a monk, end of 2017, death of fear was gone and fully loaded with spiritual knowledge and headaches were completely disappeared and new phase kicked in, I feel all the time drunked with so much pleasure in the head all the time.

      Jan 2018, Booked Michigan flight and back to canton MI and signed a hourly contract 80 dollars with a company.
      Was life back to normal? answer is NO!
      Could not manage the work! I realized I had no interest in work/ neither in people. Now mind was fucked up and It does not like regular US life.
      Resigned the job within 3 weeks and start staying at home and continue meditating! and wanted to go back to Himalayan mountains.
      Time to pack up! Business closed, homes sold and it took longer than expected But all done. No more baggage behind. All mind free now.
      But as time passed, mind slowly start coming back to normal… slowly start going to places but the biggest difference it made as soon as I started Pranayama again which I stopped in 2015 because of physical body illness.

      Pranayama made huge difference in my life in 2020. Pranayama is “DO or Die”
      A. 4 liter filtered warm water in the morning (takes 1 hour sip by sip) then 6000 times kapalbhati (with one nose at a time, remember IDDA/and PINGALA) and Water start pouring from Anus. absolute 0 percent carry forward. Total process 2 hours.
      B. 1 hour KUNMABAKA (abayantar and bahay), great for kundalini (Sushumna).
      C. 12 minutes shoulder stand.
      D. Weight lifting, walking a lot, physical activities speed up kundalini process.
      E . Not doing meditation but doing Gayathri as much i can.
      F. anulom/vilom although it cools down my body
      G. No night food, only lunch moong sprouted soup and morning milk(grass fed) and almonds. Kundalini is more active during sleep and food disturbs the kundalini process.

      As the time passes, all body issues resolved including toilet pressure/ headaches/jerks/ brain tensions/ different parts of body aches and all now left is pleasure, yes physical pleasure.

      Realized food makes no difference to my muscles and I do not understand this calorie science anymore. I am 210 pounds, 6 feet, age 50, vegetarian and still can throw few guys who are at 20s. Must be some spiritual energy.

      Pranayama makes my body… steel body, Yes steel body.
      My health is in prefect shape better than ever before, pumping weights too, perfectly muscular. kicking salsa as well sex. Working as a hourly contractor.
      What is next in 2021? Next 6/8 months I should be out of US and back to my Himalayan journey as a monk, a real monk. that is what it supposed to be!!!! that is where I belong to!!!

      Email [email protected]

    • Hi John,
      I’ve recently went through an accidental kundalini awakening. My process was very painful for 3 months. After reading up on this, learning, trying to make sense.
      I learnt that therapy really helps – as kundalini energy moves through your trauma a psychologist / therapist that can help u process your emotions, past, childhood baggage, ego etc. can really help make the internal conflict easier.
      BSically the more you grow and evolve your consciousness it’s easier

      I’m no expert by any means – however After all I’ve read – think my process may have been easier cause I was going to a therapist 2 years prior working through things.

      Hope this helps and you find peace. Oh dancing, singing, healing music frequencies on YouTube helped me find physical release also – see what works.

    • Hi! I completely agree, therapy can make a huge differnce as trauma and unprocessed pain are a big part of what makes Kundalini difficult. Sending love to you both.

  • Hi Myree, thank you for this informative blog. I am in the final stages of my kundlini process. I am glad to see the physical manifestations of energy have ceased, for the most part. I have had periods of intense emotions, social and physical isolation (I was unable to connect with any adults. With children and animals, I connected very easily.) I was intensely withdrawn, -still am. On the positive side, I have had spontaneous healing of psoriasis, varicross vain and a lot less pressure on my kidneys and bladder, (which was so bad, I was constantly in the toilet, when the energy began to manifest.)
    I had intense energetic movement in the nervous system, which made my head shake as if I had my first get a in a plug socket! I remember asking my guide. “Is this worth having?” “It will settle.” He reassured me. ) – Yes it is worth having. Even though your “world” falls apart.
    It’s not over yet though. It is peaceful, blissful, and bloody hilarious in my head. But I am still in isolation. I feel like a cheat in a class of studious kids, when I see my neighbours running to work, home, kids, social life etc. Funny, how none of that made me happy! Only sit still and find it in here! How easy, obvious, yet, not so easy to get! I am lucky!
    Just learning to let go now, of what comes next.

    • That is wonderful that you are enjoying the blessings of kundalini in the later stages, and appreciating the transformation. I am very happy for you Nima and your full heart.
      Sending love,
      Myree x

  • Ah!A! This is soo funny! You don’t let go, you just let to “Letting Go”. It is obvious, yet difficult. All the things I thought I needed to change are still there! Just the way I see them has turned upside down. It s NOT being a pushover! It is Not being lonely and miserable. It is just being alone as everything in your life is your own reflection. Naughtiness comes soo naturally, and fearlessly! I watch Russell Brand, his fearless wit, his massive media cockups, his immensely dirty mouth, his openly admitting drug and other addictions,( he is clean now for 12 years!). He has the fearlessness of GOD himself.
    So We Should, Make MISTAKES! NOT be afraid! haha! and there I have been a “goody two shoes “all my life! This is gonna be a great hillarious life!
    Love and blessings. xx

    • Blessings to you Nima!

    • Hi Myree…Thank you for sharing your experience. I really need some help.

      it all started in February , 2019. I started feeling some weakness which seemed to be permanent over few weeks…I started having body aches, tingling in my feel , and my feet felt as if it was on fire and many other symptoms. I could not get to know what was happening until the symptoms started worsening. The body pain immensely increased and i started experiencing which i never experienced before. My symptoms started taking a turn and literally sparks of current used to come out of body on touching anything. Many people who used to shake hands experienced this which is a very common phenomenon in winter while fiddling with blankets but it was with everything and everywhere. Then i started experienceing weird sounds like ssshhhhh, waves at shore , whistles and bell ringing and many others. Also i felt somebody is always watching me..Insomnia was at peak and i felt and experienced emotional turmoils and mood swings. There are endless number of symptoms which kept changing. But the symptoms settled down 3 months back and all i experienced was the weakness and hot feet. But i am not able to concentrate and work well because i feel so exhausted so low on energy. All i wanna do is sleep.

      But since last week , I have been experiencing extreme weakness which i have never experienced in last 1.5 years. I feel as if my body is exploding and it is on fire. I do not understand what is happening. I REALLY NEED GUIDANCE AND HELP. I really dont know what phase i am in what i am going through. Please help me !!!! But trust me in between i also felt as if i can fly.I felt my body attempted to fly.It was so weird and i used to laugh at myself.

      Waiting for your reply.

    • Hi Nima,

      Thank you for your comment and sharing your experiences. It certainly sounds like you are in a kundalini process, with some strong activation which you have been navigating with sensitive awareness. Experiencing these sounds is a very normal part of the awakening process and you describe it very well. Yes, the processing and purification phases can cause a lot of exhaustion as can the process being too intense or overly active. It is great that things have settled down and stabilised, it often does this. For guidance with the complex number of experiences and challenges it is best we connect more personally. Blessings to you.

  • Hi Myree,, I had my first K awakeing at 28 ,,, had been doing Yoga and went searching for this mystery by doing endless forward bends ,then in salute to sun,,, i literally saw the snake uncurl 3 times ,it shot up my spine into my head so fast ,,i thought i would die,,, bright red face for long time,, it seems it was an external form of awakening ,,,i had no idea ,,, nxt i knew i was lieing on my back looking at my hands and feet in the air like i was a baby in total awe ,,, all else i can remember is being in some depression for a period of time ,,, so 20 years on well at 46 ive had an internal K awakeing ,, I had been living a very ego based life ,,, with many childhood ,Karmic and societal projections and introjections and stuff to sort out ,, i crashed big time ,,and have had cfs for 18mths now the awakening being half way through it as i feared to lose my life ,, i prayed to God ,Jesus,,Said i love life, myself ,,recieved a shaktipat online ,,although i was already spontaneously activating and doing sitting chi-gong,,,its an ongoing process of self inquiry and balance especially with the cfs ,,which may not even be real, ,but it seems K wants me to be no wallflower ,,having to push myself through so much fear and but also dance with nurturing my ongoing unfoldment of love in myself and outwardly,,, i will be returning to study(counselling) even though i fear it so much,,3rd time lucky,,, im learning so far to try to view things differently,to be intuitive to my and the great spirits needs and reponsabilities ,,,and as you say just trying not to burst in the process,,relax,,relax all is well,,breath,,breath ,,love love love,,, peace and blessings Love <3

    • Thank you so much for sharing your awakening journey and all the many ways you are rising to meet it over such a long period of time. I wish you the very best with its unfolding. Blessings!

  • I have suffered in this experience so much and I would just like to know if there is going to be an end to the suffering. I know no one can tell me that and i feel so helpless as there reallly is nothing I can do about it. I wouldnt wish this experience on anyone.

    • Dear Kimberly, My heart goes out to you as I know how tough the awakening process can be. And I also know that it doesn’t have to be so painful or agonising. Please reach out to me via my contact page if you would like some guidance, even for 15 minutes, on how thing can be different or easier for you. And yes, it certainly can and does end. And then the awakening process becomes very stable. Blessings and love to you.

  • thank you for such a hopeful post. I live in Iran and almost 13 years in turmoil of schizophrenia or the same kunalini experience after doing dozen of active meditations. I think it wasn’t accident that I visited your website and I know now it’s coming to it’s end and I’m feeling peace once again in a while. I wonder how many garbage I have gathered in years that needed such a long time to heal. thanks god I came out of it. now I know how to treat in world that does not accumulate karma in me. good luck for you and all the people in the world who experiencing kundalini. maybe some day in the future we could have a better understanding of this phenomena and could have a camp for people experiencing it with enlightened gurus who themselves have had this experience.

    • Thank you for sharing your experience. I am so glad you have found ways to care for yourself and find a way through the kundalini and awakening journey. Thank you for visiting me here and I wish you the very best.

  • dear all, I think now I am in the kundalini awakening process according to my researches .
    I am so confused about my life and unable to handle anything so easy. the sadness is I never try any yoga or meditation. I even didn’t know a heading like this. I keenly expecting someone has to help me through this process. please mail me if anyone can.
    🙁 🙁

    • Dear Fatima,
      Thank you for your message, and yes, sometimes our kundalini awakens unexpectedly and it can be quite shocking and distressing. I appreciate the stress and pain you are experiencing. Thank you for reaching out and I will respond to you privately.
      Blessings to you!

  • Thanks for this information. I thought this volcanic heat is a curse mark after watching naruto (sasuke uchiha’s curse mark, bitten by a snake orochimaru). Before my kundalini awakening I dream of a big black snake which was very long, more than any building, pulling me inside a deep river. The water was clean and surprisingly I was able to breath. As I turned I saw it watching me face to face, I started to fear, this fear was not usual, I call it great fear, it was as if the snake is controlling me, making me to shake. In no time I looked at it with no fear, with encouragement that there is a God and I shall not be afraid. As I learn about kundalini I found that the snake meant no harm, it was helping me finding new life by awaking me from sleep. With all this pain and suffer of awakening I thank this snake for opening my eyes to truth, giving me wisdom. Now I truly see, I see everything. I understand life better than being in the dark, having fear all the time trying to protect and fulfill, always trying to be something, to archive, you know, chasing the wind. Although I’m still in pain but I now understand that it will end soon. What I would like to know is, this feminine energy, can it be the one that makes my love life relationships to woman so so hard? And also blocking my opportunities to find a job bcz I tried to ignore it at first? And since I surrendered to it, things are starting to turn light, everything is coming to me now. Could it be? I still wonder.

    • Thank you for your sharing and yes, it does sound like you have had very direct visions and contact with the mythic energy and consciousness of kundalini. I am glad as you surrender things improve in your life, this is to be expected as she purifies the obstructions, energies and habits in the way of things you seek in your life. This is good news. Wishing you well, Myree

  • I have been hearing raps ( knocking on the walls, things around me like mirror, door handle, printer, etc….. ) since June 2017. The raps/knocking and noises from the environment are connected to my smallest thoughts/ idea.. they will appear at the very end of my thoughts.
    Even my stomach will make sounds at the end of my thoughts. Tingling in different sites of my body at the very end of my thoughts.
    Also, I can make my laptop/ cellphone monitor blink… electrical things noise getting bigger, etc2…..
    I also hear electrical and buzzing sound at the background especially at night.

    How to get out of it.. ? Please help.. I just want to get back to normal… I am trying to get busy as I can and trying to not notice it but it is very hard..
    Will this pass entirely without any residual psychic symptoms ?????????? Please answer…..!!!!

    • Hi! Thanks for your comment. Much of what you are asking is beyond the scope of being able to answer in this comment box without having a conversation with you and having a more wholistic picture of you and your life and providing realistic and safe answers. I can say however that the electrical buzzing sounds are very common experiences of kundalini, with subtle sounds being heard as a result of the process of Shakti through the system and particularly the aura and head and ear channels. Often by soothing the Shakti process and slowing the speed of Shakti in your system many symptoms and sounds can ease. I wish you well with your awakening.

  • Hi I would like to know how long your kundalini journey took please? Also did you have Buddha belly and hormonal issues with it? There is not that much information that I can find thank you

    • It is hard to say exactly. My kundalini was active in a mild form for sometime but not really noticeable. The highly active phase to completion took about 2 years. I did have some hormonal stress issues, and no Buddha belly. I hope this is helpful for you. Best wishes!

  • Sorry to hear your Kundalini energy ended. its like really losing someone thats been so good to you. How do you find any deepness in life if the thing causing the deepness is gone? Or feel anything?

    • Hi!

      The Kundalini process completes it’s intended journey, as it did for me, but you never lose the kundalini energy and consciousness itself, it is always there supporting and nourishing. There are also many levels of consciousness that deepen the journey, Kundalini is only one of these.

      Best wishes to you journey.

    • Hi there!

      Yes it is, feel free to share your thoughts or reflections. Blessings!

      Myree x

  • Hi. I suffered a lot with the kundalini process. For me, he’s desperate. I really wanted to know if I’m coming to an end, I feel the energy walking inside of me, I feel like she has hands and working on my body. I do not understand anything about kundalini, I mean, I did not understand, happened spontaneously and did not even know the existence of kundalini, so it was very scary and with a lot of pain, terrible physical and emotional suffering. Now I have the experience of going through it. My life has stopped I’m isolated, I do not work. But I am facing positivity, and I hope that the day will come, that I may live again. Could you tell me if I’m at the end? I realized that this process was already happening a few years ago and a year ago it became this torment. But at the beginning I did not suffer so much, the suffering began 8 months ago. The energy is in the head now, so it looks like it’s at the end, but I do not know. Thank you for writing about how Kundalini came to the end of you, it is my hope to live again. Thank you.

    • Hi! Blessings to you. It sounds like you have had quite a challenging kundalini journey this past year and you are in my heart. It is not really possible for me to tell accurately where you are in the journey without connecting to you personally and sensing your system that way. That the kundalini has progressed to the head is a good sign of your progress. The completion process depends also what is needed elsewhere in your system, on other important factors and the ripeness of your system and karmic energies. I hope you find ways to soothe the process so that it is not so intense nor bring you so much pain as it progresses. Blessings to your awakening.

  • Full of gratitude for you shedding some light on this process. I came across your blog tonight after an incredibly healing session of what would be best described as a soul retrieval from a sexual trauma I had repressed when I was six. The memories came through a veil of black smoke during a meditation at the very beginning of my kundalini awakening process back in April. What an incredibly transformational few months of going into the darkness. I felt compassion and calm as I moved through the transformation then, finding only tonight that I had actually locked my child self away to protect her. She came out through the help of some healing friends and an array of the strongest involuntary body jolts yet. It occurred to me that maybe the movements over the last several months were just my child self battling to come out. Your post on sexual trauma as being a catalyst for awakening shed some light on this new doubt. I was afraid that it was my projection of kundalini energy as a means for justifying the protection from the anger and betrayal felt by the energy invasion of the sexual trauma. The timing just couldn’t be better for discovering this blog. Thank you. If you have the time, would you mind giving any insight on how best to move through the kriyas? I try and relax into them and allow them to run their course, but if I’m held in a position and the hold loosens a bit, should I continue to hold or move back into a relaxed position? Is it ok to regulate the breath through the jolting process or is it counter productive? Especially when the movements are especially violent or forcing the abdomen down (kind of emulating breath of fire, but involuntarily). Thanks so much! Take care, give care,

    • Hi! Thank you for your deep sharing about your powerful healing, I am really touched and happy for you. I am so glad my sharing and blog have been helpful and guiding for you. Healing sexual trauma is a part of the freedom and task that kundalini can seek to help us create. I send blessings to your little child that has come home to you. I really just suggest relaxing and allowing the kriyas in general. Breathing is a very person thing, if it is supportive for you then continue, trust your intuition. If the kriyas are too strong or violent it may be that the kundalini is running to fast or there is a significant jam in the system. Blessings!

  • Hi , thanks for sharing your story, i recently had an awakening and it seems like the higher consciousness got the best of me and i had to go to a psychiatric center i was on anti psychotics for a month and i feel as if i lost my spiritual connection so i stopped taking the medicine, i want to know if if comes back,! and if higher consciousness will continue to take me on a journey?

    • Hi! Yes, absolutely the spiritual process returns. And so does your spiritual connection, it may take a little time but yes. Be patient with your recovery. And higher consciousness can certainly continue to take you on your journey. Blessings!

  • Good day to you and thanks for your encouraging words.I started having the symptoms since June last year and had a dream where I say a big snake crawling from my waist up to my head.I was scared at first until I came across the word Kundalini.I now realize what is wrong with me.but my greatest fear now is that the burning sensation and electric shock sensation is mostly strong whenever money get to me.can you please explain why it is so to me.thanks so much

    • Hi! It is hard to respond as I do not know you or exactly what is going on. I would explore your history, karma, and ancestral/personal beliefs around money. If money is stressful or intense kundalini will react to such intensity and contraction, fear or pain. Beyond this suggestion and without knowing you in depth it is hard to say. Kundalini herself is neutral about money. It is more about what is happening for you in your own system. Are you earning money in ways that feel good and aligned? What is your inner process? Wishing you well. Blessings.

  • Thank you so much for this post. I’m looking forward to ‘the end’! It often feels like this process is killing me. I guess that it is…!!

    • You are so welcome, and I wish you the very best with your awakening. Blessings!

  • so let me see if I understand this right. when the kundalini us in your head, it feels like you’re losing your mind and then if there’s a sudden release of intense energy through the crown, and u open your eyes to the room being bright yellow and you feel this immense bliss, then does this mean that the kundalini has come to an end? I mean I still have the heat on my spine and I sometimes hear like a inner knocking on my spine and the heat is still present in my feet and legs as well.

    I know we spoke on the phone and u said that I have it under control it seems but will I have to experience another intense release through the crown chakra?

    • Yes, you will likely at some point experience another intense release through the crown though it can be easier than the first one. You can have mini versions of this as well. Kundalini is so individual it is impossible to predict what it’s completion will look like. Yes, you will continue to have symptoms of active kundalini while on the journey, until it completes, but the symptoms can and will vary as it progresses. Big love!

  • I had an kundalini awakening since the birth of my baby I can’t do anything can you help me please . I want to know how to calm it down

    • Hi! Yes, Kundalini can certainly be activated by giving birth and I have met others and supported others with this experience. It is not possible to give you the advice you need in this comment box as it is too complex, please contact me through my website contact page and we can connect in this way. Many blessings, you are in my heart.

    • Dear Myree,
      Thank you so much for your loving support. My kundalini Completed it’s crown chakra clearing process three days ago. The head pressure and the ear pressure was so unbearable.
      It was indeed very confusing and frightening for me. I’m suffering continuous sleepless nights since two months. Now I’m being forced out of body and I’m resisting it. Too much anxiety. How do I deal with it? Please guide me.

    • Hi Kadjia, Thank you for reaching out. It is really hard to say without knowing and connecting with you. It sounds like your process has a powerful upward process and a lot of energy driving forward and shakti build up in the head trying to access and release through the crown which causes this kind of insomnia. We would need to speak for me to understand more of your experience of being forced out of your body, which part of you – energy, consciousness, sense of self? Kundalini has an expansive process where it flows out of the crown and radiates down through the aura in a fountain like way, and simultaneously it also flows upward out the crown and up through the upper chakras and out the top of the aura to the divine, you may feel yourself being carried in this process. It also flows over the forehead and back in through the third eye… many journeys and paths it travels. Wishing you well, Myree

  • Not all Kundalini awakenings are so painful and difficult. I raised my Kundalini gently and permanently.

    • This is indeed true. Many are blessed with gracious, gentle kundalini awakening. And then there are those many who have more volatile and challenging experiences. That is wonderful news about your permanent and gentle kundalini journey. Blessings to you Rob.

  • Hi Myree

    How long was the whole process from the day it started to the last day? Did symptoms ease as it went along or was it constant? What were your symptoms?


    • Hi! That is a big question. Briefly, I sense kundalini was quietly alive since childhood but not highly active, due to past life activation. I would say after intense activation it was in the background for 2.25 years and then a very intensive process for a little under 2 years to completion. The last phase had all the classic symptoms of insomnia, kriyas and intense processing. I attended it with devotion and much application and practice so as I grew I always found the capacity to meet it’s intensity. With the knowledge I now have I could have avoided a lot of the symptoms, but such was my rapid journey. It is art of my wisdom training in this life. Many people find the symptoms ease as it processes and stabilises, and they become more at ease with it -the opening phase can be the most intensive. Blessings to you.

    • Ok, thanks for the update on when it started. Blessings!

  • On the last day other than feeling tired did you feel it leave or just wakeup and notice that it was gone. Did you ever feel it in your teeth?

    • Hi Matthias, my personal experience was that it completed overnight in the middle of a deep, awakening sleep and I awoke the next morning complete in that way. There are a variety of different ways people can experience it and this was simply mine. You can experience kundalini energy at times in the nerves of the teeth and it can be travelling and purifying the nerves, and also there are some important energetic channels that complete from the upper palate to the lower mouth, this can also contribute to energy and awareness of process related to the teeth. This circuit is closed by placing the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth, though needs to be played with wisely. Blessings!

  • I have so much to say and yet nothing when it comes to this entire process. I’ve been wondering the same; does it and when will it end. Its very exhausting. Its been years. Its so constant and intense. Everything just amped up in the last 2 weeks. Likes its all in overdrive now. Its much louder and just full blown flowing. Very uncomfortable in a different way. I’ve also felt as the old system has dissolved and I have all this unactivated clear space in me. The energies surging are on the surface and are literally shrinking but still as difficult and exhausting. My spine is lit up. I feel as though it’s about to complete. Its moving so fast. Like you said as though its going to pop. I truly can’t wait! I feel so drained and lifeless. Its not a great feeling. I do everything I can to keep vibrations high in the body. I understand what’s happening as does anyone going through this. No way to articulate any of it. You go through it all alone which can be very difficult. Im gratefull for finding this site. There isn’t alot of real information out there on this. Namaste

    • Thank you for sharing the depth, extensiveness and speed of what you are experiencing. It is a lot. Yes, it can gather a lot of speed in this phase. I send you love through this phase of your journey. And much tenderness and care. Sometimes it can be tempered and sometimes it just keeps on accelerating.

  • Hy Myree,
    I’m glad I found this, I was wanting to know if it will finally complete it’s self. I’ve had the iInvoluntary movements for 1.5 years now. When it started, I was so exciting that an ascension was taking place. I’ve meditated for over 20 years. But, I had never heard of Kundalini before. I was just excited that this was happening , it was a sign I was reaching higher consciousness. After a while the movements died down. But, just a couple of months ago, the movements have picked up and are on a new level. I feel like I’m juggling two worlds these days. Somedays I think something gonna happen soon, other days I question what is happening even though I’m finding my self so in sync with the Devine and have immense trust in it all. Thank you for posting this, it reassures me that it will come to an end. It’s been a wild ride and I’m looking forward to what next. Do you still feel the euphoric states in your body after this extraordinary blessing has stopped?

    • Hi!

      Thanks for your rich share about awakening, and yes Kundalini can definitely complete.
      It sounds like you are deepening into the journey and in the dance between the powerful inner life and the call of the outer world.

      Yes, I still have beautiful bliss states, but there is really no interest in them, and there is a beautiful background site that is always there.
      What is unmoving is awareness itself. And that is the Grace.

      Sending blessings,

  • Did you sensitives to food, supplement, light, medicines, etc. go away with Kundalini is complete? I can barely eat anything at this point and I have intense nightmares and panic attacks even when i have a bite of meat. I have had Kundalini for 12 years, I felt the “vaccum effect” about 6 months ago for a few nights, but my kundalini is still not resolved. Help me please.

    • Hi Ojas,

      Thank you for reaching out and wow, your sensitivities and process in your stomach and digestion are currently asking a lot of you. I am sending you much love. I wonder if the kundalini is jammed or too fast in some part of your system, causing this intensity. Sometimes surges can cause this too, and also if you are simply someone with a very fine and sensitive system having those powerful energies move through. This can change and ease for sure! After my kundalini finished, my sensitivities over time eased and many disappeared. That said as awakening expands the system often seeks more high vibrational food, environments and experiences to nourish it. My diet is still very careful to honour vibration, very pure, but I experience no pain. The integration phase is a process of stabilisation and many things that were troubling drop away. Especially if this is a kundalini energetic stress causing this symptom. You are in my heart.

  • I have done what I thought was only hatha poses turns out it was kundalini! And my process was accelerated by force not by my free will… I have been getting the physical symptoms of what I feel is death and I am afraid to die… I do have real cardiac issues and real mental illness issues I know I’ve not imagined the awakening what do I do to fix it safely ?

    • Hi Clare,
      I am so sorry your Kundalini has activated in this way. Kundalini yoga is very powerful.The most important next steps are to settle the process down as much as you can, it will require some adjustments to balancing the Kundalini energy. The best place to start is by downloading my Kundalini Self Guide ebook which you can find in the freebie section of this website. I send you love and blessings, Myree x

  • Hi,

    I believe that my mom is going through the Kundalini process and is suffering from it. However, she does not speak/understand English well. I was wondering if there is a Korean translator or Korean therapist in these programs or live sessions.

    Ezra Kim

    • Hi Ezra,

      I am sending love to your mamma as she goes through this process. Sadly I do not have a korean translator. It may be possible you can use google translate for classes, I am not sure. Korean is not a language I am versed in.

      Big love,
      Myree x

  • Hello
    I’m not sure if you had this symptom on your journey but I suck in all the energy of the people around me to an extreme degree do symptoms like that change after a full awakening? I activated in 2018 it’s been a very difficult journey. When you say the journey ends where does the Kundalini go? Thankyou

    • Hi Mattias,
      Thank you for your question, there are a lot of reasons kundalini makes us energetically vulnerable, my article on kundalini and on my blog may help you.Your protective aura is going through rapid change and is fluid and more vulnerable than normal. This does stabilise. In Kundalini completion the process completes but Kundalini remains as a peaceful, calm and lovingly creative support and ally.

      Big love,
      Myree x

  • Your column gives me some hope,I knew nothing of Kundalini, I am elderly, and have not understood
    why? I am a clairvoyant of many yrs. so why now?
    The physical sensations are intense, especially through the night, and that is every night, along with
    pressure in the abdominal area, and a sick feeling?
    I am very aware of Spirit, have been for many years, speaks as “Spirit Guide” I have not mentioned any
    of this to my family in all this time, totally alone except for articles on line
    The intense energy surges are much more frequent?
    Do feel exhausted and depressed, dying is an everyday concern?
    Shoul I see a doctor for constant nightly stomach issues? I am a great-Grandma, and want to enjoy
    my family, I can be fun!!.
    Sorry to throw so many words at you, and thank you!
    Best, Betty.

    • Hi Betty,

      Thank you so much for your loving share, Kundalini can be quite a surprise when she spontaneously wakes up when we are in our eldership. I am finding it happening a lot with very evolved elders lately. Many of my clients and students are in their 70s and more!
      I saw you added your web link to the form and so I visited you, what an amazing and rich life and professional offerings you have crafted! What a radiant soul you are! So lovely to meet you!
      If you have intense pressure it can be an area that Kundalini is working on, there are blockages she is unravelling. It sounds like you is tryign to fidn a way to stabilise more. The purification processes can cause many of your symptoms.
      I cannot offer medical advice, but if you feel concern I always advise getting a medical check up ad Kundalini symptoms can be exactly like medical conditions and thus confusing, so it can be very helpful and important to make sure nothing is physically going wrong that needs medical care. I myself have had check ups when concerned when I needed to. That helped me get clear what was medical and what was energetic.

      For more direct support I offer individual coaching in my group coaching sessions in Kickass Kundalini which you can find on my courses page too on my website. I definitely have wonderful folks in my community from your part of the world. Love to Winnipeg!

      Such a joy to connect,
      Big love,
      Myree x

  • Dear Myree,
    Thank you for sharing your story.
    My kundalini has been activated almost 5 months ago with Ayahuasca.
    I am getting really tense and even not able to manage my daily life, sleeping, lots of anxiety and anxious.
    I am getting better but lots of fear especially fear of death.feel sensation and vibration in my spine and my head.
    Getting better but still feeling not good.
    Please advise if you have anything idea.

    • Hi Sona,
      Thank you for sharing your experience, it is true that plant medicine can really activate the kUndalini in intense ways.
      I have an article about it here:

      I am glad things are starting to stabilise and improve. The most importnat element is to discharge the energetics of the plant medicine that are still problematic (which is too much to write in a comment) and I saw you joined the Kickasss Kundalini program so I look forward to helping you directly with this and guiding you in general if you are able to make the live classes too.

      I look forward to seeing you in the May class!
      Big love,
      Myree x

  • Thanks a lot for sharing, Morsi

    So then it does eventually come to an end!? I’m so delighted to hear that even though a part of me knew (or hoped) that would be the case since if something is able muster up so much energy it must also come to a point where it exhausts itself or completes its course, right? I mean I’ve felt that “final ascent” of Kundalini more than once where you can hear all of your organs literally scream but in my case I never quite made the jump but went back down and up again.

    How many years did this last in your case? I’ve been like this for 3 or 4 years. Also how does sexual activity affect the ascent (does it slow it down? Because in my case it slows it down but that doesn’t always turn out to be a good thing since the body is bound to become exhausted due to all the ups and down in energy conductivity).

    • Hi Piruz,

      Yes, it does for sure come to an end and then you establish a new process integrating awakening itself, often in am embodied manner.

      My journey was not so linear, lol, I came into this life with it active back in the background, then the whole more engaged process was about five years in it’s active phase, with the most intense period taking about 3-4 years.

      The impact of sexual interaction on Kundalini is diverse, like most Kundalini processes, so I do not have an overall comment. It is deeply personal and as you say, sexual expression can dissipate, drop or slow down the Kundalini for sure. It is not always the case for everyone and many folks have a lovely sexual journey through their awakening process. It is so deeply individual.

      Wishing you well on your awakening path!

      Big love,

  • There is a pain in my left leg, so walking is very difficult. I sweat in bed at night. See colours, body does not shake as heavily as before. Sometimes see gold like flakes. This has been ongoing for many years
    What I have experienced in the last two days after discovering a past trauma has resulted in an enhanced experienced of fatigue, weakness and pain in the left leg
    Hope I am approaching the end as I am 86 years old

    • Spiritual growth is an ongoing process for our whole lives. It brings many of these symptoms you describe, sometimes they are very tiring as you have encountered. Exacerbated pain upon uncovering a trauma does most often indicate that it is healing. Keep going, you are on your path. I send you blessings dear one.

  • I sometimes wonder if my Kundalini experience of almost 3yrs. is really authentic. I am also elderly,
    have worked as a Clairvoyant for many years!
    I have not felt any coiling up my spine, but mostly chronic night heat, stomach pressure and sick to the stomach, some nausea, and frequent depression.
    I have been going through this experience with a verbal Spirit Guide, who knows me very well, Because of
    my age, I have lost trust?
    Sincerely, Betty.

    • Thank you Betty, this process can be very challenging and it takes its own time. When we begin to feel lost and hopeless, we may be verging on a dark night of the soul, and no matter where we are on our journeys, how experienced we are, this loss of faith can often be the catalyst into something new.
      This is why the concepts of surrender and trust can be so difficult, if letting go into the torrent was peaceful, everyone would be doing it. But it’s not and it pushes us to our limits regardless of age. Celebrate your fortunate experience of being clairvoyant, of clearing hearing your guide, these are amazing achievements. This is such a powerful gift and support on your path. Many people experience great pain before the direct sensation of shakti along the spine and central energetic system can be felt. Keep going, Spirit wants you to win.

      I am seeing an increasing number of our elders on Kundalini journey’s, I deeply honour you as you engage with awakening as an elder.

      Big love, you are in my heart!
      Myree x

  • I’m so0o glad I came across this pg ! I had a NDE about 2yrs ago. Seems after that these strange feelings have been happening. I lost an extremely large amount of weight in a short period of time, can’t seem to stomach meat anymore, have had what felt like a lightning bolt strike travel straight up my spine consistently stopping me in my tracks, I’ve had the strangest aches & pains even bruises that will pop up, my ears as of recently have been ringing and popping, the headaches come out of nowhere, insomnia has taken over my life & the biggest was the severe heart palpitations & anxiety. I’ve had tons of blood work, EKG’s done even went to the hospital & I am perfectly fine. When walking I have been trying to explain to my dr that I feel like I am constantly floating with dizziness & there’s no explanation. Nature has been drawn to me specifically dragonflies and deer. Have seen flashes of white light & as if I can see my own energy vibrating outside of myself. I have always been extremely intune spiritually, especially as a little girl. Could this be it ?? Thank you in advance for your time !

    • Hi Jenai,

      It sounds like you are taking excellent first steps. To explore this further, why not find a teacher? Perhaps you are being called to be a healer? And a healer can manifest in any profession. It sounds like it could be exciting, life changing for you to lean into further.
      I would suggest firstly learning pretty quickly how to ground yourself so you don’t just let all this potentially spiritual energy just drain your physical body.
      There are countless books and teachers to choose from. Your intuition will lead you to the right/aligned ones. It sounds like you could greatly benefit from joining the Sacred Sensitivity course to gain the tools you need to progress further and get connected to a community.

      It sounds also like you have a lot of energy in your head and grounding the energy can be super helpful.

  • Thank you. This is kundalini itself replying to you saying its been a ride. Well done. You have come a long way. Moral of the story. Kundalini never ends. It only begins with endings

    From an ending there is also another ending from a new phase of kundalini

    Kundalini will eventually bring you bk to the phase of your life where it all began in the beggining. And when you naturally overcome that situationwhat put you intouchwith kundalini. That’s when your kundalini awakenings are up. You failed. Just kidding. You never fail with kundalini. Welcome to the next phase. Of kundalini. I am now passing over the power you have earned to you to make your own spiritual energy.

    Kundalini her self

    • Dear Sean,

      This is such a moving sharing and makes me smile too – your insight, compassion, joy and sense of humour with this big, at times complex, mysterious and demanding transformative process.

      Your heartfulness is touching and I send you so much love on your journey!


  • Thank you for light, I always believed that the process would end however after 12 yrs of physical and emotional discomfort I almost lost hope and searching for answers, I found your article a big relief, I shouldn’t complain anymore as from the beginning I felt never alone, Divine’s grace at all times even though I lost most of my friends and relatives, they have tagged me as mad, the day the process would end, if I found opportunities to regain my life, to prove them that Kundalini is as much real, Parashakti and Shiva unite in this physical body to be able to master the path of wholesome living, to attain moksha while still on earth.

    • Dearest Reuben,
      It will always be our first duty to heal ourselves, so well done on getting there so soon. If it helps, you are part of a great community that are all facing similar challenges.
      As you pass through this process of surrender and move away from needing it to be understood by others close to you, that are not having the same experience, it will crystalise and become your truth apart from your struggle. After this you may find that the way you are, seated in your authentic self, appears far from mad to others around you. While people can be turned off by specific philosophies or names and words they don’t understand, they can quickly change their perspective when witnessing a whole human modeling their experience and beliefs through their daily behaviour. I have no doubt you will progress beautifully.

      Sending you so much love for your path!

  • Loved it!! Wish I could write like you. Indeed such parting is such a sweet sorrow! Because you do want it to end at some point, but you also kinda relish being on an hyperdrive boost for a while full knowing Universe gotchar back! Cool blog. Wish I could write like you!

    • Dear Zeeshan,
      The wishing for something is often the first step in making it true. You have the intent and obviously have experienced periods of drive. What if writing is next for you? Listen to your own wisdom as well, our higher selves often speak to us through healthy desires. Thank you for your lovely encouragement, we do these things together.

      Big love,
      Myree x

  • I’m having a mini-Kundalini, I think. Visions at night that include sacred geometry, faces, objects, words, numbers…..involuntary jerking and muscle spasms, which I’ve had for several years now, sometimes I hear voices, but I’m not schizophrenic. But I feel like it’s so mild that I can’t call it Kundalini. It’s not like a freight train moving through my psyche. It’s mild. I’m still very much oriented in the illusion of life on this earth with all of its drama and smallness.

    I’m just wondering if it’s either going to speed up, or if it’s going to be gradual like this for years to come. Have you ever heard of a mini-Kundalini? Is it possible that this is what I’m having?

    • HI Carol,

      As I say to everyone, Kundalini loves wondrous variety. There’s no one path. I would be hesitant to name it. However you have just outlined with your own words that you are being offered something that you are choosing not to move towards. Sometimes it can be up to you how deeply you engage with awakening in a lifetime, sometimes it can ramp up until we can do nothing else. Think about it with more intention. If you’re being offered an awakening, do you only want a mini one? Please know also that Kundalini can indeed be very mild and this is ok, many people would in fact be relieved for it to be mild, trust your process. Sending big love, Myree x

  • My name is Latonia I am 4 1/2 years in to what I belive is the kundalini awaking process. This has been a very long journey let me tell you.. I almost lost my mind many times. Tried to tell people loke my family ,even my doctors what was going on but no one seemed to listen. Am I going to die was the only thing I could think of. Did I have a death curse over my life that I was going to die from a spiritual death what did I do so bad. As I felt the different submerging sensations and the burning sensation I know I had cursed God and he no longer wanted me as his daughter.. all kinds of energies where attacking me. My cell phone, the TV cars passing by me but the two worst were the trains and big trucks. Going through this process has changed me so much the I give my life to God more then ever before. My only concern now is that everything is deeming down. The burning sensation the shocks which felt like electricity shooting through my body. Everything is fading away. Does this mean I’m done? finally at the finish line. If so I’m still in fear of dieing cause I thing that it’s all over. What do I do? Please let me know thank you.

    • Dear Latonia,

      I would suggest finding a healer or community to talk to. It is absolutely worth investing in yourself to find the support you need. Unfortunately, there’s no way I can assess whether it is the end of your journey without meeting you. It is totally normal for Kundalini to shift phases and calm down and in fact this is a good and desirable shift. I can encourage you to move deeper into the experience, speak to Kundalini, she’s there to heal you, not hurt you. It just so happens that processing blocks, stuck trauma can be painful. That is the by-product of this journey, not the point. Please try listening to your intuition and trusting that if you surrender to this process then there will be benefits. Look at the free offerings on my website if you feel you’re not ready to invest or just let kundalini draw you to the information and people you need. You are more powerful than you know. Big love! And honoring your courage and tenacity! Myree

  • Hi! I’ve had kundalini awakening for the last 6-7 years and it’s an outburst, I didn’t know how to handle it and gave me traumatic experiences such as mental illness. I’m curious how did you make the process shorter? Like how you reached the final stage on the crown chakra, I wanted to end the process badly since it was interfering with my life.

    • Hi Pandalore,
      The only way out is through. There is a wealth of information on my website blog posts about my journey as a sensitive and with kundalini. Yours will be unique. You might need help, it might get more intense before it ends. I suggest talking to kundalini, exploring other people’s stories and most of all be gentle with yourself. Sometimes the quickest way is surrender. I also took excellent care of my health and I found a way to truly trust the process. These were significant for me. I gave up struggling even though it remained hard.

      Sending big love,

  • Hi! I have had my kundalini awakened for 6-7 years due to intense meditation, I wasn’t aware of it at first, it only came into my mind years later after I searched the symptoms, the major one being the crawling of snake-like in my back. Now, I am curious how you SPEED up your process to completion. I’m depressed because of its manifestations in my body like tremors, electric shock, irregular bowel movement, ear ringing, & more that affect my life. If the kundalini process comes to an end, will it go back to being a syndrome if you encounter trauma or problems again? Any best way to speed up these energies to end? How did you manage to shorten and not prolong the process? I’m doing yoga for now so it can move up.

    • Hi Quartz Moon,

      Speeding things up can sometimes interfere with the process and end up creating complications. Do you speak to your kundalini and ask what it wants of you? Do you have any clear idea of what ‘the end’ looks like? Many people would say that once it starts it’s an ongoing process with levels of intensity. I would advise to exercise caution around trying to push something divine to happen in your own time. Awakening is a many fold gift and while a lot of people have hard stages, I’ve never met anyone who didn’t come out better for it when they surrendered.
      Feeling into the feminine flow and surrendering is much more the style kundalini likes than trying to approach her with the yang, ‘let’s get this over with’ attitude. I believe there is a saying about not being able to hurry the buddha along the road to enlightenment.
      There are many things you can do to ease intensity but sometimes it just will demand of you until you perform the introspection necessary to reap the knowledge she brings.
      I would suggest slowing down, not ramping up. Look at your diet, daily rituals, anxieties, small things that you can change to bring light to your life with intention.
      Kundalini awakening is holistic, the body is just one level. There are many blog posts on the website you can read and perhaps you may have to face the fact that you are transforming into a powerful, magical being that will be forever changed by this process.

      And it is also very normal to feel over the process, exhausted by it and to simply want it to be over. Many people feel this and go through phases of this state too. You are not alone in this.

      Sending you big , tender love,

  • My spontaneous Kundalini awakening happend almost 30 years ago. The acute phase of it took more than a year to stabilize. It was a true die off of my old self (ego) as the Kundalini energy pierced through my energy (nervous) system without interruption until I finally experienced the unity consciousness towards the end of its rising. I had all the classical and not so classical symptoms. Since that explosive first event, I have gone through many more purging cycles in my nervous system throughout the years with the most recent one happening a month ago. However, the intensity of these purgings has been less severe. I can tell from my own experience that the hardest part is the first full-blown Kundalini rising. Your nervous system somehow integrates the energy and your ego learns to surrender to Shakti with lesser and lesser resistance as you make progress in your “ascension” process. The challenge is to always act in the world based on unconditional love and be true to your highest self. You will be TESTED! Your energy system will purge any and all negative energy that you may unconsciously accrue again through your thoughts and actions (karma) after the awakening. Also, the ascension process is spiral, meaning expect for the Kundalini purging to return again and again. It will happen throughout your lifetime. There is no turning back. Stay true to your path. Be conscious of all your thoughts and actions and always qualify them with love and light. That means do not give energy to anger, envy, jealousy, resentment, greed, or any other ego-based negativity. You need to be the constant observer of your thoughts and actions and step in if they are not based on love for all in the slightest! Your old ego will try to grab your attention again! You have to transcend its principles of lack, attachment to outcomes, and control of life. Just BE and let life flow through you. Cultivate the status of non-doership. You are an extension of the infinite Divine. Let light shine through you at all times. If you don’t (and believe me you will go astray) and let ego take over again, you’ll have Kundalini getting into action and purge you once more! You cannot go back to sleep once awakened! I suggest you meditate and do shadow work to let light shine on all your unconscious darkness, or your suffering will happen again and again until you learn your lessons. Ascension is not a one-time event. It’s neverending. The good news is you don’t lose your progress! Your system is being upgraded to handle more and more high-frequency energy of love! Love and light to all you awakened souls! We are ONE!

    • Dear Susan,

      I thank you deeply for sharing your journey so others can benefit from your wisdom. It’s so important to me to create community in any way I can and many people need the message that hard is normal and they are not alone on that wild ride. I appreciate you taking the time to express yourself.
      Sending big love,

  • Myree, I receive so much hope seeing your post. 10 days ago my kundalini started to speed in a crazy way, it is exactly a hurricane sound as you described in your text. I feel the sound is really located in the gut area. I am a little desperate because I can´t function. The energy is working a lot in the head. But at the same time there are 2 points that the energy concentrates causing a lot of pain: in the spine in the height of the heart and sometimes also in the very base of the spine. It feels as I have a hammer vibrating in these 2 specific regions. Did you experience something similar to that? Is there a meaning? I would like to know if this is coming to an end. Thank you so much for your help!

    • Dear Julia,

      I’m so so glad you found the post and this community when you needed it. Think of that as guided, there are probably many more of my blog posts that would feed your search if that one spoke to you.
      One thing that I always remind people, which can seem counter intuitive, is to not shy away from any pain or what seems like suffering connected to kundalini awakening. It is simply the divine energy trying to use your body as a conduit to speak to you, to remove blockages and surpass trauma stuck in your system.
      It is uncomfortable but I suggest becoming gentle and introspective with yourself. Instead of concentrating on when it will end, attempt to be grateful for the opportunity to deepen your relationship with spirit, life and your own precious body.When it is intense all we want is for it to end.
      This time can be a big challenge but it is common for Kundalini to bring uncomfortable, even painful symptoms and sometimes these spiritual ills can have gone unchecked for so many years that they have now physically manifested in the body. It can never hurt to cross that off the list and give your physical body any relief possible.
      Please consider if perhaps your sacred sensitivity or clair abilities are coming online?
      Be kind to yourself and experiment with some gentle healing modalities like somatic, kundalini yoga, kinesiology or find a spiritual teacher. Ultimately the lessons will be up to you but at the point of energetic work limiting your functional ability, I say, why not invest in yourself and take sessions with an energy healer or teacher?
      Let your intuition guide you to someone that is right for you and talk to your body, your system, ask it what it needs, what it’s trying to say because it seems to be talking to you very loudly.

      Finally, as I do not know you I can’t comment on where you are in the process but it sounds like Kundalini is needing more support to exit the top of your head. It can speed up to generate a shift to the next level, then stabilize again or speed up to complete.

      Honoring you in your awakening journey,

      Big love,
      Myree x

  • Thanks for sharing. Similar to my own, but happened with another person during an energetic merging while standing in my yard. Never knew any of this was possible, and didn’t know what happened. Only knew a little about chakras. Becoming quite the journey. Any thoughts on dual, merged, spontaneous Kundalini ascension?

    • Hi Julie,

      You seem to have a very informal and relaxed approach to it all so I’m sure that as you seek answers and experiences that they will find you.
      I have written a lot about kundalini awakening and the different ways it can occur in my blog post, these in particular may be of interest –

      My own varied and intensive amount of experience has shown me that every combination is possible. However anything that is merged or spontaneous in relation to ascension comes with the same difficulties as these concepts related to any relationship or relating as a human being.
      Firstly that it is vitality important (I mean that literally in terms of vitality, whether it be spiritual or physical) to be a complete functioning unit as an individual so if you have had a lovely merged or class experience spend time individuating to ground yourself. I’m sure that experiences vary because we all come from different starting points and that can be lovely to share and explore after to increase the richness of the experience.
      There’s absolutely no reason why ascension cannot be shared, perhaps masters have been experiencing this phenomenon within groups of students for hundreds of years, but it is more likely that it is an awakening that would be shared. And the situation you have described sounds like awakening, not ascension but without more clarity I cannot be sure how to properly answer your question.

      Sending big love,
      Myree x

  • The jet plane taking off in the head. I had that! I freaked out a little as I was having panic / anxiety attacks for 2 years at the time. And after two years of ‘long covid’ and lots of dark nights, therapy, etc. 5 years prior; in 2018 I was meditating and felt a gentle electric feeling from the base of my spine to the top of my head and out. I didn’t think much of it. It only just clicked now that it may have all been linked! I am living a ‘normal’ corporate life that I plan to leave soon as it’s reached a point where I can’t (burnout?) or won’t continue living a life that doesn’t light me up, although not sure where I’ll go next. It’s been a tough, long, painful, lonely process as my circles don’t understand spirituality at all. I have a lot of hope, and am grateful for the life to come. Holding on and hopeful. Thank you; you made sense of something! I think!

    • Dear Athena,

      Thank you so much for reaching out to share this. People like you who are simply saying thank you feed me and give me the boost I need to keep growing and sharing.
      Even though this journey can be challenging and change can kick our butts, I can tell from the tone of this comment that you also have the most rewarding time of your life ahead.
      As you would know Athena is a goddess of wisdom so invite her in, embody her and let that be a step towards being guided because you have already done the hardest part which is waking up and backing yourself.

      Big love!
      Myree x

  • I’d just like to say to you thank you soo much for your blog Myree. This was really nice to hear, my awakening lasted a whole year without a single break, energy was rushing up through me and I was simultaneously processing a huge amount of past trauma and subconscious regrets and guilts at the same time (paying the karmic debts). Beings were coming into my sleep communicating with me and unfathomable amounts of wisdom and information were coming into my mind and sleep every day for the last 12 months. If I’m honest, I ran head first into a lot of it with courage but after about 4 months it become too much and I then went into fear mode and ran away from a lot of it. I have always been such a loving and passionate person and I feel like after months of absolute turmoil I have become a bit more in my shell and more hesitant to express my love, or at least all of it. The kundalini energy I felt was exploding out of my heart and head off and on for 12 months. There were times where it touch my crown and I went into deep states of permanent bliss to then wake up in panic mode again and again. It was all a bit much to take it tbh. I went back and re connected with my family after 10 years which it was prompting me to do, and since then it seems to have dissipated out slowly and feel like I’m back on planet earth again. I am just in the process of trying to shake out this anger inside of me for not being brave enough to face it all head on and potentially wasting such a magical moment. In a way I hope it does come back when I am ready to complete its cycle.

    What are your thoughts on what I have experienced? Do you think that is it, or will I get another chance to ascend into the higher realm and stay there?

    Looking forward to hearing back from you 🙂


    • Hi Harry,

      I think you should consider that you’re still in it. You have done amazing work and advanced a lot, it has settled more. Well done for all of this. The bliss and ragey states can feel like they are the ones that matter but I’m sure you too realise that the hard work and subsequent gains come humbly by continuing to apply yourself to the process as you have heartfully done so far. As the zen saying goes, before enlightenment – chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment – chop wood, carry water.
      Anger seems a sign to me that you have not completed and more heart opening and healing is coming, and you could also look at why you are even considering honouring this inner critic telling you that you didn’t do a good job when obviously you were an amazing spiritual warrior. Your sincerity is beautiful! And your courage! Perhaps check out my blog article on Kundalini and the inner critic for tips.

      Awakening goes through many stages and electric energy is just one, perhaps you could start playing with, journaling about or giving more credit to whatever abilities, skills and knowledge you have gained to integrate your magic.

      I honour you!

      Big love,
      Myree x

  • This is superinteresting to read.
    I’ve “dealt” with kundalini (awakened “unconsciously” by trauma, prayer in dispair + possibly veganism) for 13 years now, and the 2 last years I’ve become more functioning again.
    One reason is the epiphany I finally had about “what I’m supposed to do in life” (I mean it had been brewing but this was more like “f- it . I´m going for it. This is it!”). And the next question then was “how? I am so weak” and then I got the epiphany (mostly by a dream) to start eating omnivorous again (I was vegan for 12 years).
    I feel like I am more grounded and strong now, than I’ve been for years and I am going for my life’s purpose. For a long time, all I could do was the inner work in solitude in my home (luckily I’ve had financial support from a relative to get by)
    But it’s so … marvelous to think that maybe I´m “free” now to just live my best and most authentic life. Yey! If you are in it… don’t give up hope… follow your intuition… it will be better. It CAN be. But yeah… it’s been WILD. Not the ordinary life…
    And yeah maybe some will judge me as less spiritual for not being vegan any more… I get it… I used to be vegan… but I realized that I am both spirit and earth. And to live with my spirit on earth I need to be part of the circle of life. Which is sacred too. 🙂

    • Hi Joanna,

      It is very liberating when we realise that there are many levels of ‘right’ and that spirit wishes the best for us even if it comes in a form we don’t recognise. Awakening truly means to be able to perceive all. Our human bodies are our vessels and our receivers for this part of our journey and sometimes they need different fuel to run at optimum! I too have changed many core elements that served my path as I evolved including my diet. My system needed different fuel for different phases. I find that most of the extremely ethical and spiritual people I know vacillate between these types of choices depending on what stage of development they are at, what types of abilities are coming online and what sort of genetics and ancestry they have.
      Keep following your own intuitive knowing of what is aligned.

      Big love!
      Myree x

  • Hi
    I got my kundalini activated but unable to understand certain specific codes that I’m receiving… it’s like binary codes … can u guide me on coding part ?

    • Hi Jay-Roy,
      It sounds like a wonderful experience you are having, these codes are often galactic, meaning coming from other dimensions or places in the galaxy.
      People receive codes in different ways and what you think is binary may in fact be another language. Codes also hold energy, complex meaning and often healing that we transmit also via the codes, or ground into the earth. I always advise people to go down the rabbit hole with both eyes open. This is your special journey with spirit and there is unknowable riches and treasures along the way to your personal discovery. When we come to a point that we don’t understand or can go no further, we are given the opportunity to lean in, to research or find a teacher and, through that, progress in many levels.
      Enjoy your awakening!

      Big love,
      Myree x

  • Hey Myree, I had both a bottom up and top down activation and it started working on my head first. There is very little out there about top down experiences which is basically what mine is, apart from they snowball until done with no breaks. I’m 54, I have personality changes so I know I still have a lot of trauma to release plus heart is still shut down. I already had CFS before Kundalini and I’m a little concerned I’ll be stuck like this with it getting worse for years and considering my age , this is scary for me, I already can hardly leave my home. Do you know if this is the case with top down for everyone? I’m very aware that people write their own expwriences as if it’s the truth for everyone, so maybe tht was just a couple of peoples experiences. Trying to search the in ternet for answers has not bought anything to light for me. Even if you justr have a sentence or 2 of knowledge pon this subject, I would be so very grateful to hear it as I love your work and advice. Much Love, Kyte xxx

    • Hi Kyte,
      Thanks for reaching out, I have been on pilgrimage so everything took a hiatus. I’m very pleased to hear that my words help and there is a huge wealth of knowledge about kundalini awakening in my blogs that are free to all. I think go for an intuitive dive through that and the comments to see what calls to you.
      Please don’t forget that Kundalini is a sentient consciousness and while everyone’s experience is different, something that never changes is that you can ask questions and communicate with your own body and kundalini. As a matter of fact one of the reasons people get so fuzzy and shut down is because their higher self, somatic system, intuition and kundalini are all talking at once. Invite them in and ask them to co-ordinate or let some clarity as to the lessons come through.

      Please know also that as Kundalini stabilizes and steadies the pressure on the CFS can ease too. This topic is important and sadly beyond the scope of a comment here. I have seen Kundalini actually help heal CFS also!

      Big love,

  • I am having an extremely painful awakening – a ‘spontaneous’ one – that happened in India after a near assault. I really am wondering if the pain will ever end – constant nerve pain and muscle spasms which are similar to but much much more intense than the long covid symptoms I had last year, and have been going on for nearly a year now. I was doing tantric massage last year which probably didn’t help matters and having a ‘positive’ experience of awakening before the trauma. I wonder if anyone can help?

    • Dear Nicky,

      Please pay attention to focusing on healing trauma before trying to move forward with activation. I’m sure there are many, many beautiful talented healers out there and part of everyone’s kundalini journey is working with intuition to find the ones that are right for them. It sounds like you have had significant painful events which also are deeply worthy of loving support. Trauma indeed can activate Kundalini. You are welcome to read more of my offerings on my coaching page and reach out. I work with people often who are at the intersection of trauma and awakening.

      Sending you gentleness and care.

      Big love,

  • HI Myree – and all

    For sure I’m wondering if this will ever end. I’m 65 and spent the whole of last year having fun doing tantric massage and ecstatic dance to escape from my abusive marriage, have fun, and recover from Long Covid. Obviously a misguided adventure as tantric massage in particular can trigger an Awakening.

    At the end of the year I went to an Ayurvedic Retreat to recover from Long Covid and was nearly assaulted on New Year’s Eve. I took a long taxi ride from there to another place in Kerala and on the way lost control of my thought processes altogether, with just 4 thoughts circling through my mind. When I arrived in my new destination I spoke with my Rolfer (who had effectively become my talk therapist) and was ok that night. Then 2 nights later I had the classic ‘download’ about the Big Bang and everything that happened subsequently, with lots of mathematical and coding information, which went on all night (I’d already had one of those, but more biblically oriented, on the plane to Nepal – and painless). This was followed by a series of spontaneous orgasms.

    After that I was more concerned with the psychotic-y elements. As a Psychotherapist I knew this wasn’t a psychosis really as I was lucid throughout and, instead, thought my brain was shutting down and I was about to die. I didn’t seem to be in too much pain and indeed it seemed like I could move the ‘energy’ around my body at will – the symptoms being the tingling ones I had experienced since the beginning of Long Covid.

    But since returning to the UK in January this year I have been getting steadily worse with intense burning, fasciculations – mainly in my legs but also arms and hands now. Also – not to be too graphic- but my whole lower body from the waist down is highly eroticised so that anyone who lightly touches my thigh or stomach by accident produces an orgasmic response.

    I’m still living with my abusive husband but we are selling the house, and my company – based on peer to peer therapy – crashed in June this year. I am perplexed that whilst in February I could still do Ecstatic Dance I cannot now and most days I am crying with pain.

    I’ve been given meds for sleep which have helped a lot (for months I had only 1.5 hours sleep a night), but nothing has helped with the intense nerve pain and fasciculations, and most days I end up crying with pain. I’m only ok in bed and spend about 16 hours a day in bed altogether.

    I’m doing all the stuff about eating grounding food, not drinking alcohol (I didn’t do this since Long Covid). I had a Ketamine infusion, which was hellish and like the Awakening experience itself.

    I’m now waiting for a trial on cannabinoid medication which is taking forever.

    I’d stopped doing all vigorous exercise since this experience as I thought I’d stop doing everything which made Long Covid symptoms worse but have gone back to doing Barrecore as not doing it was giving me a lower back problem.

    Most days I end up crying with pain and I am very lonely as I made few friends while I was running my organisation, and married, for 37 years. The friends I do have absolutely don’t understand what pain I’m in and can’t ‘get’ why I can’t go out for dinner parties and crack jokes/be the fun person I used to be.

    I do have a therapist but have worked through all the trauma in my life over and again after 30 years in therapy and there is NOOO point in going through all that again.

    Anyway, for sure I’d appreciate advice on what to do as I was recently introduced to a woman who has been going with this for 20 years and I defo can’t hack this til I’m in my 80’s.

    • Dear Nicky,

      Awakenings can certainly hit us like this! This sounds impactful and traumatic also. For some people they can trigger a lot of material change and even loss. I wonder if you had a look at some of my blog posts to see that you are not alone? My advice to you would be to hold off on trying different substances for a moment and get a spiritual guide for deeper clarity as it certainly sounds like you are going through awakening. Work with them, talk to your body, your higher self and ask what it wants of you. I’m sure that there are pathways that will become clear, your body is obviously trying to tell you something and I think everyone who is having an intense time deserves the support of a specific teacher to help them learn how to best approach what is happening in a way that feels authentic and right for their circumstances. The most important stpe right now is to stabilise as much as possible.

      I honour your deep share and heartfelt vulnerability and send you many blessings for the path.
      Big love,

    • Hi Tammy,

      Brain fog is certainly something that is quite common in awakening, and I myself have had several periods of feeling like a complete zombie when Kundalini was intense!
      There are so many things you can do for self-care and one of them is to know it will pass.
      Perhaps your system wants you to slow down and embrace the fog! Being foggy can be a relief often from the intensity of our driven world and sometimes our inner driver too.

      Blessings to your awakening!
      Big love,

  • Hi , I just wonder?
    I never went out in space,after nights of insomna.3 nights awake 2 hours sleep, 2 nights of insomna 5 min sleep intense heat total yang pounder on my 7 chackra .In and out in hospital and planning for suicide.
    I stopped my clinical work for 3 month. The heat made me go down 7 kilo a.s.o.
    After 3month and some real strong sleeping pills that I took very seldom I got 4 hours sleep now and then.Then it gradualy turned around and I went up 10 kio and more and more yin energi.
    So know I am very quiet and sleep much.
    This was summer 2023 and slowed down in januari.
    Now my mind has problem with remembering the past ?
    I stayded with my body all this nights and never jumped beacuse I was afraid I never could sleep again.
    And die from isomnia also I could not leave my loved ones.

    So my question is were are I now ?And what had happened If I had got out in space in the garden around my house?

    Best Regards Stefan

    • Hi Stefan,

      As much as I’d love to, I cannot give you one specific answer. The only way I could feel confident in telling exactly what was happening is after some one on one sessions because the details and the nature of the individual hold the clues. The answer could be medical or it may be completely spiritual. One element that is always the same in awakening and spiritual matters is that mysteries are messages spirit wants us to investigate. There are many books you could read such as Initiation by Elizabeth Haich or Divine Guidance by Doreen Virtue to start to understand more about the phenomena of astral travel or just the strain placed on our bodies, brains and systems while we are opening to the divine. This is your unique path and this is the way it starts, move into this investigation by being curious and very gentle with yourself. The answers are waiting for you.

      Blessings on your awakening path.

      Big love,

  • The thought of crossing the line, taboo for being sensually attracted to someone that I just met, who walked me through an amazing meditation of receiving love in a way I never experienced and cannot have with this person due to so many obsticles! Where just envisioning looking into his beautiful eyes, the windows to his soul would set me off in receiving a wave up my spine better than any orgasim I’ve ever experienced. Looking at a picture of him would set me off. But we knew it would only happen that one time and now I am experiencing all the sadness of losing this wonderful man I just met. Still questioning the why’s and what nots. Embracing thankfulness in him opening what has been closed for so long. Now in the west of bear. Now to make sense of it all and deal with mutating the feeling of loss into something glorious. Praise be, thank you universe.

    • Hi Annie,

      Sometimes when a healer activates certain chakras we can feel irresistibly attracted to them, especially if it aligns with a longing that is part of our own growth story.
      It’s commendable that you want to try and find something to elevate out of the experience. I want you to consider if this is not a shared experience, and something that emanates more from your side than his, then perhaps it is actually an experience with yourself. Perhaps you have yet to find the mirror because you are still externalising the sensations? This might not even be about him at all but just your first time of being fully activated in those areas so you attached it to him because we are taught that these sensations always have to do with another, especially as women. It may be pointing you beautifully into the heart of your own spiritual power and light.

      Big love,

  • Thank you very much for sharing your story , I have been going through this awakening process for almost a year now and man it’s been the most difficult challenge iv ever came into contact with . From feeling like I was crazy to nobody around me believing me to my body changing. I have better understood what had happened and I seen a professional to help clear my chakras and help guide me through the most difficult parts of the awakening. My main question is I come into contact with many many ppl on a day to day bases I work at costco and I have seen that in my presence ppl will often cough or clear their throats and sometimes have a look on their face as if a strong presence or energy has just hit them as I know it did and it makes me feel uncomfortable because this has happend for a whole year now and I don’t understand how that can come to an end . Thank you so much would love to talk to you more and hear your advice !

    • Hi Drew,

      Yes a lot of people find the Awakening process to be difficult in a myriad of ways! I know a lot of my clients and students found a lot of comfort through finding community and connections they could share with on a regular basis so you are not so alone in the process. Or please look at the courses on offer as well as it definitely sounds like your magician is waking up. Please remember that while these experiences can be strange they are all about healing and this is something precious and specific to you that you do not need to be afraid of. I have had students with similar experiences because people felt safe, or encouraged or even forced to speak their truth around them and would therefore have a sensation at the throat chakra. As we awaken we emanate more love, beautiful energy and healing. We become a gift. If it is disturbing we can always contain it and ground it more or be more intentional on how it functions in our life. We all are called to investigate these clues, be curious and open and welcoming if you can because there is always a gift from any ability connected to kundalini. I honour the courage so abundant in who you are and your awakening process. It is very moving and tender.

      Big love,

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