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Feeling Lost? Don’t Fill the Void, Do This Instead

Feeling Lost? Don’t Fill the Void, Do This Instead

When you go through any kind of personal growth, a big or small life change or an awakening of any kind (especially a Kundalini awakening), it isn’t unusual for you to experience a sudden and intense identity shift, a sense of loss, overwhelming confusion or loss of direction. There’s a better way to get through this lost feeling instead of rushing to comprehend or remedy it. I have 5 steps for you to try (which I use myself).

A Look Inside Spirit Magic Live 2021 (Levels 2-3)

A Look Inside Spirit Magic Live 2021 (Levels 2-3)

After teaching soul work for 17 years, I never fail to be moved by the power, depth and beauty of connections made when we come together and rest in our deepest nature.⁠⁠ When we then bring the magic of our Spirit Teams into the equation, the energy becomes pure, uplifting joy!⁠⁠ Enjoy these photos below as a look inside the live workshops I held this year, Spirit Magic 2 and Spirit Magic 3.

The Halo and Awakening

   VIDEO TRANSCRIPTION Hi, Awakening Ones.  It’s Myree here leading Kundalini expert and therapist.  I’m going to share a

Awakening the Back of the Heart

You’re probably very used to paying attention to your heart chakra in the middle of your chest as you awaken.

Kundalini, Awakening and Exhaustion

One of the biggest struggles we face when amidst the awakening process is fatigue and exhaustion. In worst-case scenarios, this

Kundalini Yoga & Me

Kundalini Yoga and Me

Join Myree Morsi’s powerhouse Kundalini Yoga meditation and inner works and find out how this can be such a powerful medicine to support you.

My True Awakening Ghost Story

My True Awakening Ghost Story

A lot of spiritual practice unknowingly began to feed one’s Kundalini awakening and Myree Morsi experienced her first ghost awakening.

Kundalini and The Inner Critic

Kundalini and the Inner Critic

The inner critic can often be a noisy and sometimes challenging companion on the Kundalini awakening journey. It can see

Death of A Bliss Junkie

Death of a Bliss Junkie

For me, the discovery of the bliss of awakening was a most remarkable and life-altering surprise. And it quickly became a fascination. As someone with a significant childhood trauma history, the experience of the altered state of bliss as a side effect of my awakening journey was frankly incredible.

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The self-care guide to stable, functional and awesome awakening