Angels and Spirit Guides Saved My Life!

Let’s be straight here.

I would not be where I am in my life if it were not for spirit guides and angels.

In some ways, they saved my life.

Aside from all the wonderful experiences, difficult accomplishments, and wild adventures they have supported me in creating, they were essential in my transformation of the enormous amount of trauma and pain that was my path to walk (and drag my feet on) throughout my younger life.

I honestly do not know where I would be without them.

They taught me to heal, to co-create, to trust, to open up, and to see my abilities and myself in perspectives I could not imagine. They loved me when I found it hard to love myself, helped fight my ferocious inner critic, and lifted me up constantly. Crucially they protected me endlessly, and still do.

They are the most incredible best friends and powerful healers!

I was not always so switched on to angels and spirit guides. My first direct encounter was kind of comical. I was lying on the sofa in the steamy heat of what is called a Queensland spring day, talking to a friend on the old-fashioned kind of phone that plugs into the wall. It was the 1990s.

In this relaxed state, I looked up and commented nonchalantly to my friend Oh there is a man with wings hovering above me.

To which he replied in disbelief at me “Myree, that IS AN ANGEL!”

I continued to gaze up at my new angelic friend for sometime, taking this wonder in, until the visitation faded. It was Arch Angel Gabriel.

Despite my initial cluelessness (big thanks to my friend for enlightening me), the angels had succeeded. My angelic friends had made the first direct and irrefutable contact with me, on a journey that would span the rest of my life (to date and hopefully to the end and beyond. A journey I profoundly love and for which I am immensely grateful.

I feel their warmth, joy, and radiant love as I write of my gratitude. Perhaps you feel it shining through these words.

The next step on my journey was actually an unexpected induction into the world of spirit guides before I circled back to a long, dive deep into angelic love and guidance. The universe had to conspire in magical ways and pull some serious strings to get that spirit guide initiation to happen because I was still not so quick on the uptake back in the day. More on that next week.

If you would love to hang out with angels and spirit guides and attune to your own, and rest in a profoundly sacred space, join the Spirit Magic online course.

You know the feeling that an unseen, loving presence is supporting you?​

It’s more real than you imagined! ​​

Being able to tune in to the healing powers, protection and wisdom of your spirit guides and angels whenever you desire transforms your life and anyone else you wish to help.

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