Your Results

Your 2023 Goodie Bag is here!

2023 has been a year of realignment, individualization, and patience with new beginnings or the letting go of old chapters.

Meeting the Trickster Pivot

Sometimes life asks you to pivot. To shift direction, often suddenly. Some pivots are easy. a flash in the pan,

The Truth About Satisfaction

The experience of Satisfaction is incredibly nourishing. It is grounding. It stabilizes. Yet I find that few of us spend

The Blog That Won’t Arrive

Things are shifting fast on this planet. Whatever I anticipated for the direction of this year or planned to share

How To Know if You’re in a Shame Spiral (+ How To Get Out)

Shame spirals are the ultimate saboteurs that take us off our paths, block our growth and stop us from living in aligned purpose rich with self-confidence and self-love. In this article, I describe why your shame spirals appear and 9 tips to free yourself from shame so you can maintain your wellbeing and flow.

Your Eclipse Self-Care Guide

If global unrest, an essential revolution of racial justice and the ever-changing demands of COVID-19 are not enough expansive pressure,

The Secret Beauty Of Shyness

The Secret Beauty of Shyness

As an admirer of shyness, therapist Myree Morsi would love to gift you her favourite tip for shy moments.

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The self-care guide to stable, functional and awesome awakening