Meeting the Trickster Pivot

Sometimes life asks you to pivot. To shift direction, often suddenly.

Some pivots are easy. a flash in the pan, effortless.

Others are difficult and sometimes painful.

I am in the midst of a pivot right now.  If I was pivoting on the beach on the warm sand, you would see the tracks of a long arc around me where I am dragging my feet. At the core, I am going toward new directions, new orders, and realignment of priorities.

woman dancing on the sand

But there is also an outer arc, feet dragging in sand because some dreams and ambitions are not easy to postpone. Some callings are beautiful. Exciting.  Uplifting. The very reason that you are here. 

Those callings are not easy to put down, even temporarily. 

However, the Trickster Pivot comes calling. Pivot says, “You might like this direction. Be invested in it. Identify strongly with its trajectory. But I have another one for you. You will like it less, yet it will become clear in its taking.” 

Laughter was my shocked response! And then a deep bow to its immovable truth, because believe me, I tried to avoid Trickster Pivot, bury it, push it aside, stand up to it, I said “No!”

Trickster Pivot is one we avoid at all costs, it hovers though, like Coyote, like Wolf, like Dingo, waiting on the perimeter, waiting on the fringe. 

Trickster Pivot is patient, till it is not. 

Then its message comes loud and clear and there is no resisting it.


I am in the midst of an initially unwelcome reunion with Trickster Pivot.

It is not our first meeting, nor will it be our last. This I know.

This time it has unexpectedly slowed me down on plans to launch my new program, asking me to delay for 6 more months, this exciting creation that has come into form. Instead, Trickster Pivot is supporting me to rejuvenate, restore, and revitalize. This physical body of mine has had to manage a lot in the last three years.

Being a COVID refugee, not having my own home, COVID and post-COVID complications— it is time to restore the temple. Slowing down is not always easy when your calling is a force, a sense of justice, of inspiration, of creation.  

Trickster Pivot reminds me that slowing down is also a force, a sense of justice, and of creation and will serve me to bring my programs into their fullest forms in the Southern Autumn and Northern Spring next year. 

woman dancing in abandoned room

Slowing down is not easy for those of us whose callings are clear and are meant to be out in the world; to those of us who enjoy moving fast. 

And that is exactly the point. 

The humbling. 

The paradox.

Slowing down in order to speed up. 

I bow to Trickster Pivot, welcome them into my house, into my body, into my work.

Trusting the reminder, and the energy that will without question, become its next thing.

woman in purple top surrender

Will this be the year you activate your gifts and up-level your life path?

Calling all sensitives and empaths, soulful leaders, Kundalini awakeners, and the spiritually curious! 

Take a look at Myree’s online courses to find the one that’s calling to your spirit.

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  • Hi Myree,
    Since SS I have turned my life upside-down. The trickster pivot is an interesting concept. I am packing up my home sanctuary and renting it out for 12 months. I have bought a van and in 2weeks I will start my journey across Australia to my son in Perth.
    Downsizing to a very tiny space. I have no idea why I am driven to do this but I am going with the flow and will see where I end up.
    Enjoy your space.

    • Wow, Chris this is a radical and incredible pivot, truly – an adventure and journey and so much more. I am impressed and joyously visualise on your way across this magnificent country, taking it all in and enjoying the wonder. I am so touched by this pivot and where it leads you, and wish you and your glorious sensitive nature that most wonderful ride!

      Big love,
      Myree x

  • Thank you for sharing this, it is interesting to read how others experience the calling to change tempo or direction temporarily. I have been feeling in a strange place recently….out of sorts and like a deep calling for a pause, of not being able to proceed the way I was, of a call to regroup to find an inner compass again. And similar to you, to rebuild health. Which will all hopefully help find a voice. There are responsibilities to meet at the same time as pausing, and inner centering is necessary for being able to create.

    • Thank you for your loving sharing Jill, and I am glad this resonated. Pivots have this mystery and sometimes intensity to be met. Yet bounty that waits within to be unfurled. I stand beside you are you whirl gently with your own pivot. May it renew, nourish and sing you forward in your next expression. So lovely to meet you here!

      Big love,
      Myree x

  • I want to explore my gifts and power I have I came to know that we are more than these body mind and emotions and I want to awaken my power know I have psychic ability but I am not able to do anything. I want to help people with my gift but I cannot , I feel stuck but I do see hope and trying so if you can help me I am not financially stable right now but I want work on myself and learn something and it’s high time for me so I will really except anything I can learn thank you very much

    • Welcome to the spirit magic community Neena.

      You will find that there is a wealth of things to discover on the website, free resources, meditations, book recommendations and free offerings such as masterclasses and festivals. It is so commendable that you want to be in charge of your own awakening and development and there is so much good information out in the world, it can be a wonderful way to begin listening to and connecting with your own intuition by following the threads down whatever rabbit hole you are drawn to. Look forward to seeing you in one of the free classes. Signing up for the newsletter is probably the easiest way to keep informed.

  • Excited for the transformations flowing toward you! I’m not surprised yet fully delighted at how well your 2024 course schedule lines up with what I’m quite sure I will need by then. Any sooner and I’d be to unformed — the pivot you helped launch in my life is currently deepening in astonishing, wonderful ways. Much love to you in yours.

    • Katie, your share makes my heart sing, that the ripples and shifts of Sacred Sensitivity continue to flow onwards, and are astonishing – what joy to hear – and as I imagined they would as you are so dedicated to your path.

      I am glad the new timing is aligned for you also, I send you blessings and joy in this sacred equinox time! And meet you there!

      Big love,
      Myree x

  • It certainly is confusing when we are flying on a wave that seems correct and endless and out of the blue a shift or change – somehow the wave broke or shifted our direction. It is disorienting and it can lead to incredible new growth. I have had some pivot situations and as I accept and adjust it is gratifying to find the new learning… wishing you light and healing Myree – wishing you much nurturing and that you can gather all healing and new learnings that you need and while the pivot may be unexpected I am sure new directions will bear fruit in the perfect way at the perfect time.

    • Thank you dearest Doug, for your kind words, wisdom, sharing of experiences and mostly all the love that shines through your words. My heart receives it all and in kind wishes you good stead and magic in the process of your own pivots. Plus Greece suits you!

      Big love!

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