Money, Finances and Awakening

Financial success can be a tricky topic in everyday life so when it is coupled with awakening, money can turn into a grey area that can sometimes seem impossible to grasp.

Recently I’ve felt a building need to discuss this topic openly because it is often pushed to the side through shame, stress or embarrassment because of the pressure society places on us to be financially stable, and also because of the rising cost of living. As I investigated and started writing, it became clear to me that this is a big issue that deserves time to flesh out.

So I’m going to make an offering of a three-part blog series where we have time to normalise and create some warmth, support and open discussion around this usually closed-door subject.

This week, I want to get through the gritty part and shine a light on the many ways kundalini awakening can affect our finances.

I say to all of you who have experienced this — The struggle is real! You are not alone. 💪🏻

In the next blog, we will look at all the manner of tips and solutions to getting through this phase while you are doing the work that awakening demands of you.

Then in the final blog, we will present a feature special on a few past clients who had a particularly difficult time and have managed to break through all the trials to reunite with a steady income. I hope that by highlighting this difficult topic within this community we lift some of the weight I know a lot of people feel at this stage. 

One of the big challenges that we can face when we go through awakening is how to manage our financial life and the stresses that may be placed on it by awakening processes. This is a significant issue in awakening and something that does not get a lot of air time. I don’t know if I have ever read about it myself. 

For some people, awakening and Kundalini has very little impact on their financial life. They sail through their awakening process with great ease even if the process itself is stressful. 💸

For many people, Kundalini and awakening can be anywhere from a financial inconvenience that requires some re-thinking, to a financial devastation that makes it difficult to survive.

I want to honor that this can be a big part of the awakening journey and if you are somewhere on that spectrum right now—

I see you.


People going through an awakening may find themselves in a situation of unexpected financial stress or an exaggeration of pre-existing financial strain. Why does awakening cause financial stress?

Firstly, let’s look at some of the many reasons you can find yourself in this position:

⚠️ This article will focus more on the financial pressures created by awakening rather than pre-existing circumstances, as those are beyond the scope of this offering.

  • You have had a difficult, highly disruptive Kundalini awakening, especially if it was generated by psychedelics.  It has been so impactful on your sense of self that it has generated all the side effects that I would expect to see in a surging Kundalini crisis so going to work is going to be hard. There is suffering and the nervous system can be extremely stressed.
    You are dealing with side effects, holding yourself together or putting yourself back together, and going to work can seem alien, a slog and something that can seem very painful or even impossible to function well enough for. Many people attempt to return to the workforce but it has so many difficulties and pitfalls that are now inescapable.
  • You experience a Kundalini awakening that has erupted huge amounts of trauma from your personal history. This trauma may already have been active or it has been activated and brought up by the Kundalini awakening.
    Trauma that is activated can become very disabling and our workplace is somewhere where we are forbidden to bring in our feelings, mental health issues or trauma suffering.The Kundalini process has put a lot of pressure on your mental health or brought up pre-existing mental health struggles for healing. Such healing takes time, can be demanding and may require a lot of privacy and time alone.
    It can make you very sensitive as you go through this healing journey.
  • Extreme sensitivity arises and you find yourself unable to socialize in mainstream workplaces. You may no longer have an interest in or have the capacity for more superficial relationships and conversations. This can make working environments less comfortable as you become uneasy with chit-chat. It is often excruciating at certain points in the process. You can adjust your job role or find different roles where your exposure to people is reduced. Or you find a way to endure it if possible and needed, but it is never easy. Finding a way to work from home or for yourself, if possible, can also be very helpful, because you can control those situations much more. Although this is not always enduring, you can find your capacity to manage the superficial everyday world becoming easier as Kundalini stabilizes.
  • We can be pulled acutely inward. During a Kundalini awakening, there is a certain phase that processes a need for us to function from our extreme introversion states making it hard to relate to the world. Being in the world can feel opposed to what we truly need in certain phases of our awakening.
  • Changes in life calling and life path – or being pulled in a very different trajectory. Awakening can be a sudden or gradual course correction where you are pulled away from a previously established path or career trajectory, and either suddenly or slowly rotated toward a new one. This can make it excruciating to continue in your current role even though often we simply have to.
    What can be difficult with this challenge is that the new direction does not always appear instantly. The old one is falling away and the new one is taking time to emerge. It may be directly linked to a certain kind of progress in the awakening before your system, psyche and awakening perspective become a sustainable container for the new direction
    You may have hints of your new direction, a yearning for it, but it won’t appear before you are ready.
    This may be frustrating. In these circumstances, it is worth honoring the timing as an “interim” till we can make the shift to a more congruent path. Till then, appreciating that the old job role pays the rent, the mortgage or puts food on the table.
  • Enormous changes in the reference point of who you are – changes in values and the evolution of your personality. There are times when you can go through anywhere from a slow ebbing away of your sense of self to a more cataclysmic abrupt dissolution. But ultimately your sense of self deeply transforms and during this process, it can be very hard to know who you are; what you want, and what is right for you.
    Often it is clear to know what we don’t want because every time we engage with it is overwhelming and even destructive. This can make it hard to work out what your next financial move might be. How to maintain your current financial situation? How to get out of something that is excruciating and into something new because who you are is in flux and the next expression and iteration of your deepest beauty has not emerged yet?

    If you are here, it requires tremendous patience and enormous courage and is worth it. 

  • Being deeply broken down. Feeling broken down by the process of awakening can contribute to a lot of financial strain where processing trauma, often from beyond ourselves, going through enormous cellular and energetic psychological change, becomes exhausting. Going through awakening is like having two jobs.The first is Kundalini who is serving the process of awakening and giving our life force to that. The second is the job of our everyday life. Sometimes Job Number #1 takes 80% of the resources of your whole being, leaving you at times with 20% or less for Job Number #2.This makes going to work hard, yet sometimes we just have to do it, or at its most challenging we find ourselves completely incapable of doing it. I confess I have been in both places.

This is not an exhaustive list. There are many other reasons that we find ourselves here. Feel free to share your stories in the comments. I am pretty sure there are many thousands of people out there in this situation! It is definitely one of the big reasons why I provide more than 150 articles, free classes and free meditations on my website to help you. 


What are the financial obligations, added costs (extensive self-care, to start) and other pressures directly related to awakening?  The financial pressure Kundalini awakening sometimes places us under makes taking care of ourselves very, very, expensive. 

🥗 Let us start with our food such as finding out that we are allergic to certain foods. Or our body only wants organic. And as we know in this modern world, healthy food is expensive.

😰 We may also need help with historical trauma that comes up and requires trauma therapy. People often encounter difficult body symptoms that may emerge, requiring support—anywhere from Osteopathic, and chiropractic support, to naturopathic, nutritionists, and bodywork. Many natural things are designed to help but unless you are a talented herbalist you will need to buy every one of them. For example, flower essences may suit your awakening. You may also find that supplements are required to keep up with your body’s purification and build a higher frequency of cellular structure. Yep, these things do not come without a cost. 

🙋🏻‍♀️  You may even need to reach out to someone like me to help with your awakening with a difficult blowout, Kundalini process, trauma or determining the next positive moves on your path. 

All these things above require financial resources and lean into your capacity to provide them for yourself.

You can see how we can find ourselves in difficult financial circumstances where our abilities to earn money are debilitated, yet the extensive requirements for our healing journey continue to mount up.


What should you keep in mind as awakening asks you to juggle or relocate finances?

When I found myself in this position, I worked as much as I could, which was only part-time. I did not go on a holiday. I lived very simply. I shopped at a second-hand clothing store. If I bought something new, it was a miracle. Every spare cent I had went on trauma therapy for my PTSD, on really good food, on supplements and health care and on a quiet, small cottage in the forest. That took everything. I knew I had to stick as closely as I could to my health plan and the demands of my awakening to prioritize my recovery.

I was in so much psychological pain from my PTSD that there was nowhere else my money needed to go other than that focus. It was a big sacrifice. It meant I was not doing the things my peers were doing. Yet, I was in the long-term process of becoming the person that I would become.

I am grateful for that, for myself, and for my dedication. It was very hard because I had to constantly make choices about how much work my system could manage – which was always limited. The requirements my healing journey needed included things that I could not afford, but I had to make the best choices with my limited resources.

With more finance, I could probably have progressed faster but I was in that place of facing the consequences of a lifetime of horrific trauma, coming at the same time as a Kundalini awakening. My recovery required a focus and careful prioritizing of how I spent my money. 💵 I worked with what I had (and did not have!), and ultimately emerged valuing the entire experience and the timing that it required.


How have you navigated the journey and intersection of awakening and finance💲

Did you find a way to balance it all? Did you find it very challenging?

What kind of solutions did you find worked for you? How did you balance it all out? 

We would love to learn from you, too, and even feature your stories in a future blog. 

Please share your reflection in the comments below so we can build even more support around this tricky topic. If you are finding the balance of Awakening, Kundalini and finances tricky, please stay tuned for Part Two and Three of this Money, Finances & Kundalini mini-series where I share some tips, reflections and success stories. too.

I honour your sacred awakening!

You’re Not Alone in Your Kundalini Awakening Journey

Receiving safe support, deep knowledge, a personalised map and resources to support your unique process can make an enormous and invaluable difference to your awakening. 

With Myree, you will learn to embrace the full spectrum of challenges and gifts that your Kundalini awakening can create.

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  • Oh my goodness, Myree, thank you for writing this. I wish this was a book! I am going to print it to revisit because I can relate so much to it.

    I can share that when my awakening process started, it created incredible financial difficulty for me. I was married and running a photography business that was successful financially but I could feel that my heart wasn’t in the work anymore. Every time I would go to a photo shoot, I felt like I was playing a role of someone I used to be and it was so painful and overwhelming. Many things happened, I went into a lot of debt as I tried some new things and continued to feel the deep urge to be alone to process what the heck was happening to me internally, which I had no reference or language for at the time.

    As my journey continued, I had major financial losses that were ultimately a gift because they helped me shift my relationship to money to be more in alignment with who I was becoming. Now I am in a place of creating new financial habits and choices that are much more grounded, thoughtful and based on my current spiritual values. It continues to be an area of my life I think about and focus on a lot.

    Thank you again for sharing your wisdom in this way, it’s so wonderful and touches my heart.

    • Wow, Emma thank you for this super beautiful and helpful sharing. You have named so many important elements of this path, especially the reframing of how our relationship with work, money, career path and the way we show up all are often forced to evolve as part of awakening. It can be very confusing and distressing and you emanate the wisdom and fulfilment of being able to birth yourself out the other side of this and into a completely different, fulfilling career also.

      I especially loved your naming of this as it is often a hidden element of this process: “Now I am in a place of creating new financial habits and choices that are much more grounded, thoughtful and based on my current spiritual values. It continues to be an area of my life I think about and focus on a lot.”

      Thank you and sending big love, you are an inspiration!

  • Hi Myree, I find it so interesting that you have brought up this topic. Money trauma has been a big part of my awakening lately. I have had to do a lot of work around abundance and lack consciousness. It is a topic often overlooked as ‘not spiritual’ but currency is its own life-force, no less ‘god’ than anything else in creation, it deserves to be honoured. Can’t wait to see your next blogs on the topic.

    • Hi Krystal,

      Thank you for this thoughtful and insightful share and I am so glad this resonated and yes, more to come! I really love your phrasing of this too: “It is a topic often overlooked as ‘not spiritual’ but currency is its own life-force, no less ‘god’ than anything else in creation, it deserves to be honoured.” Kundalini is determined to get in everywhere and will open this up this juicy topic for liberation also.

      Sending big love for your ongoing and courageous exploration and healing journey!
      Myree x

  • I have been unable to keep a steady job since 2011. I was terminated at my jobs three times because I wasn’t able to perform well. There were periods where my symptoms were stable and some other times where I just couldn’t work. I need medications. They help me manage all these impressions coming from the environment. This past August I was admitted to the psychiatric hospital for a month and the doctors over there were the only ones who talked to me about spiritual awakening and enlightenment. After I was released I went back to my outpatient clinic. But I just couldn’t stand the doctors there anymore. All they wanted was giving me more medication. Talking about spirituality was practically forbidden. I left for another clinic. I don’t talk about spirituality with my new doctor but at least he doesn’t try to give me more medication. The only problem is I have to pay for visits out of pockets and copays for meds are expensive. I didn’t pay for any of these at my previous clinic. I might have to go back but I will ask to come back at the condition of having only medication management from them. I don’t have steady work and live with my uncle and his wife. She wants me to help her with the cooking but I just don’t have the energy. She finally left me alone. I just want to stay in my room and process my emotions and my thoughts.

    I have been in school part time since 2021 and decided to change major this coming Spring. I just could not stand the classes anymore. I was pursuing an Associate in Business Administration. I have switched to Health Care Administration. I want to do something that makes me feel useful..

    Meanwhile I was hired as an interpreter last week but it’s a per diem job which means I only get paid when I get a couple of hours every now and then.

    Being broke makes me feel sad and I don’t always like to depend on my uncle even though he is happy to provide me housing.

    • Dear Johanne,

      Thank you for sharing your brave story and struggles with the financial and career impacts of awakening. I am impressed by your tenaciousness and persistence and determination to keep showing up in what ways are possible for you and your steadfastness to yourself. It sounds like you are also making important steps to make more aligned professional choices that may also make the awakening process smoother and open the path more widely before you. Often anywhere we are out of alignment can create deep stresses and blockages in awakening. Good on you for attuning to deeper signals of new directions. Keep going and blessings that your uncle is so kind and supportive for you and you could open your heart to receive it.

      Sending big love,
      Myree x

  • This blog is so validating so thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experience, Myree. The timing of this blog is on point as I am currently experiencing extremely challenging financial circumstances. I work in IT and for the most part of my Kundalini awakening had been working remotely. Honestly, even though I was working remotely, it was still extremely difficult as I needed to navigate a nervous system that has become extremely sensitive. At some point, even attending online meetings felt like an assault to my senses and so I had to take sick days sometimes. I still struggle to put into words the actual experience and I don’t think I’ll be able to accurately describe it. Up until that point, I was doing well financially. I was actually earning good money as an IT professional here in Sydney. However, things went bad when the company wanted everyone to go to the office because the client wanted face to face interaction. This led to me being made redundant. I gained a short term employment after that and have since struggled to find a job that suits my situation. Luckily, my sister has stepped up and is currently helping me financially. Currently, I am really just allowing myself to surrender to what this process is asking. I place my trust and faith that everything will eventually work out financially and that my whole being will become more and more stable as the days go by. It’s never easy but I keep reminding myself to return to love in every moment.

    • Dear Ronnie,

      Thank you so much for sharing your story, it is very touching to read and my heart has so much compassion and I know many people will resonate with what you have shared. You captured this experience so well in your words. Your experience echoes many of the challenge points we face when Kundalini interacts with our work life wellbeing. I feel your deeply sincere engagement and exploration of how to maintain work and income while in this tender process and I have huge admiration and appreciation for you. You are being a hero as you walk this path. I deeply wish for you to know you are being incredible and please keep recognising and respecting your efforts to find ways through this difficult juncture, things will improve. I am also super glad you have your loving sister to support you, often for so many people have family or friend’s support for us makes a crucial difference.

      Sending big love to you and your awakening,
      Myree x

  • Hi Myree
    This article resonated with me deeply (although I am not sure if this has been a kundalini awakening or not??). I just ‘know’ I am not the same person. It feels like the past 12 -18 months have tested my faith and belief systems to the limit. I developed a head pressure which then manifested itself neurologically which led to me having to give up a good, well-paying position. It got so bad, I even had my GP test me for dementia and Alzheimer’s because I no longer trusted my mental capabilities! I have always been able to function at a very high level and this new me wasn’t someone I knew or could easily identify with. I couldn’t think to do research or interviews, had incredible brain fog, pain, and fatigue. I didn’t want to go back into mainstream employment. Everything within rebelled at this. I can’t be around toxic people. I just want to gravitate to isolation and nature to nurture this damaged soul.
    I took to meditating a lot, using a grounding pillow cover and mattress sheet, eating simply and organically where I can, weening off damaging medications, using natural products and supplements, using energy healing, doing loads of walking, and being kind to myself (always a challenge for a recovering perfectionist).
    Financially I have learned to be grateful to the Universe looking after me and providing for me when the coffers were virtually empty. I seem to have nothing spare, yet, I have enough. I am grateful for what I do have.
    After a lot of effort I now feel myself coming back. It’s a new me, more peaceful, resilient, calm, and there is more light and clarity in my soul. I am trusting that I am being guided to where I need to be – which involves a relocation to Australia either this year or the beginning of next year.

    • Hi Helen!
      Thank you so much for sharing your inspirational story. It certainly sounds like an awakening. You handled it with aplomb and grace and I’m so happy to have you in our community. There might even be other people in the comments that you could offer some light to.
      Big love,

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