You’re probably very used to paying attention to your heart chakra in the middle of your chest as you awaken. But have you been noticing anything happening at the back of your heart center?
It is such an important centre in awakening, ascension, Kundalini and general healing these days. It is something I bring support to with almost all of my clients.
To locate it, bring your attention to the middle of your upper back, right at the spine where the heart chakra exits from the body out into the aura. Breathe and rest here.
Those who are in the midst of a spiritual awakening often experience a variety of symptoms here, such as an actual stabbing pain or energetic stabbing feeling, almost like something is trying to eek its way out of that part of your body. Or it might feel like heaviness, stress, or tension around this area, or something is jammed there. It can radiate or appear anywhere in the mid-upper back right across the shoulder blades to the sides of the shoulders and armpits. For some, it seems as if there’s a big hole in their back, almost like a crater.
What’s going on here? Why are you experiencing these symptoms in this very important part of your body?
It’s because you are waking up and healing one of the most important parts of your energetic system in your awakening and kundalini process. This is the back part of the heart chakra, and your kundalini will spend a lot of time in this area of your body.
Think of the heart chakra as having two cones, one extending out in front and one out from the back. The one that extends forward from the center of your heart receives love and calls in your future and what you want to manifest. The one that extends out from the center of the chest backward contains all of our personal relational history from this lifetime, our past lifetimes and our ancestors.
So, you can imagine this chakra is carrying a lot of content. It also contains records of our karmic relational history—those people we fought with and loved, and also with people with whom we’ve cycled for many lifetimes who might be holding onto some pretty challenging thoughts about relationships that ended badly even thousands of years ago.
When Kundalini awakening starts to hit the heart center, at some point it will begin to work through the back of the heart chakra, starting to heal, reorganize and liberate you from all this personal relationship history. And as it does that, it’s purifying all that content that it holds and also in the surrounding area of your body. It is also purifying the content that’s held in the energetic layers of the aura.
Kundalini is working very hard in that part of your system to liberate you. One of the most important purposes and tasks is to awaken your heart center, to free you up from defenses, armoring, and all the ways you shut down your heart. When this happens, your heart can be a place of love, compassion, curiosity, openness, and patience with others and yourself.
The heart is also a very powerful center of spiritual wisdom. As the embodied seat of the soul it’s a place where you receive a lot of information as you navigate spiritually and soulfully through your life. It is such a critical area of healing and excavation.
You’re probably much more familiar and comfortable with processing and healing the front of the heart chakra. You might experience liberating the front of the heart as intense, the feeling of energy moving, burning, discomfort or tightness. Culturally, these sensations are more widely known.
This business that goes on in the back of the heart is less familiar and can be surprising. I see very few people who’ve progressed through their spiritual awakening without spending at least a small amount of time healing the back of the heart chakra and all of the personal history associated with this area.
If this is happening to you… Really embrace it.
Bring some breath and meditative awareness to the process that’s going on there and see what arises or what you notice. Bringing breath and awareness and love to this part of your body will support and nourish the healing process that’s happening there. And assist it to be more effective for you.
The benefit of this is freedom. Freedom to have love. Freedom to be compassionate. Freedom to have clear access to spiritual wisdom through the clarity of your heart.
When I’m supporting people through the healing crisis associated with the back of the heart, often I receive very clear visions of past life experiences linked with the pain and discomfort that is unfolding there. For example, I’ve seen people with past life war injuries closely connected to the back of the heart. Or people who’ve suffered the loss of a child in a previous incarnation and that profound grief has created a deep sense of emptiness, like a hole at the back of their hearts. This can also show up for those who’ve witnessed great collective tragedies such as the French Revolution and the Holocaust.
Know that this is a big process and can be physically quite uncomfortable. If you’re having symptoms, breathe, meditate and get the help you need. Having some physical touch can assist by creating more space for the old content to be able to leave. It’s hard for it to leave when there are contractions and tension in the body.
Have you experienced symptoms at the back of your heart as you awaken?
Please share your thoughts and experiences below. I would love to hear from you.
during particularly strong uprisings of energy it’s felt at the back of the heart – and it’s as if a river of energy is trying to be forced through eye of a needle. Single tiny point of pain felt in the back. Thanks for sharing Myree
You are so welcome and you describe this back of heart activity so well. Sending much love!
Yes, yes. I’ve been awakened now to this back chakra as you describe first through deep stretches that radiate powerful energy to my arms, feet and brain and now connecting this understanding to the trauma I hold on my back will hopefully help me heal and realize the full power of that energy. So glad I found this article.
Hi Frank,
That is great that you are in a loving, aware and gentle process of opening and clearing the back of your heart centre, it is such an important area to cleanse in awakening and will support your entire awakening process. I wish you well in your journey!
Big love,
Myree x
Myree, I have been experiencing a burning sensation in my spine back of the heart centre for about 15 years. I’m grateful to read your explanation and yet this seems a long time for the energy to be stuck there doesn’t it? Blessings, Margi. ☮,.
Hi Margi, thank you for sharing, yes, it does sound like a long time it is working there. Sometimes this can also be because something physical is going on there also, that the energy is interacting with or unable to fully penetrate. Your front of heart feels very open and beautiful. It can be karmic too. Sending you big love dearest one!
Thanks Myree, for your precision of language and guidance. I have also found that history translate our presence and ongoing future. To co-create with my body gives me a deep appreciation of universal timing, giving me insight for a brighter future.
Dearest Sean, I love this sharing and your tender, exquisite connection and knowing of the wisdom of the body. Big love!
Thank you for this post. I have had activity and resistance at the back of the heart for years now and it seems I do tend to hold my body tightly. This post also reminds me of a book that is dear to me, which I hope is okay to share- “The Great Heart” by John Prendergast.
Hi Josh, I am so glad this was helpful. And thank you for this beautiful book recommendation, I am sure others will enjoy it too. With love and blessings for your awakening and the unfurling of the back of your heart.
Hi ,
I have been practicing meditation for long time. For last 10 months I have been getting a sense of vibration in the both the scapular area and middle of the back of the chest. It started at left side then involved right scapular region. They occur intermittently multiple times in a day- stop and start phenomena. Some times one side , sometime other side. Sensation feels like crawling vibration. It’s intensity varies. Some time it is mild and some time intense enough to cause discomfort. Irrespective of my awareness it happens. Some times itching sensation in those areas.
It was my gut feeling that these sensations are associated with kundalini or some energy process. I got a good hint from your post regarding it’s cause. I feel to go deeper to explore it. Could you give me more suggestions regarding this process ? Thank you for this lovely post.
Thank you for your deep sharing, insights and kind words.
Yes, I would recommend simply letting the awareness rest there quietly present. Your awareness alone will support what is happening and what is leaving. Primarily the back of the heart area is an exit point for a large amount of past content. And then just allow yourself to be present and notice any insight that arise about the process.
Generally, except if the process is jammed which your does not sound like, the back of the heart takes care of itself over time.
Sometimes you can do gentle stretches that open this area up, also opening the shoulders and releasing tension there can help too.
Listen to your inner knowing about what is right.
Blessings to you!
Dear Dr Karambhe, dear Myree,
I hope you don’t mind my response. It’s just that Dr Karambhe’s experience sounds just like mine, which is why my online research has led me to this page.
I’ve felt the “buzzing” for about 3-4 years, and it started soon after a major change in my life circumstances. It was also accompanied by tinnitus and sleep disturbances (both now largely resolved). From my personal experience, what I would say is that every issue is at the same time physical, mental and spiritual. So body, mind, spirit. Physical health, psychological support and spiritual guidance are all equally important. In my case, things seemed to shift once all three conditions were favourable:
– My body was largely detoxed and well nourished (I’ve been following the Wise Traditions diet explained by Weston Price Foundation, for about 6 years now). When nourished appropriately with healthy animal fats, our bodies naturally produce cannabinoids and I’m sure it’s no coincidence that this helps with the whole process.
– In terms of my mental state, I’ve had mood swings and wasn’t quite sure what was happening to me, so I’ve had Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for a few weeks. But I also have good knowledge of psychology and enjoy reading Carl Jung and Mary Esther Harding, so that helped a lot to keep me in check.
– For the soul, I’ve been reading a lot of high calibrating literature by Dr David R. Hawkins who also references teachings from the Buddha, Uppanishads, Huang Po, and many many other sources, so you may choose what suits you best. What is important is to avoid “false gurus”, but as humans we have no power of discernment. Intuition – yes, but discernment – no. So I would consult any books by Dr Hawkins before going down any rabbit holes; he has used muscle testing to calibrate all major literary works and spiritual teachings and lists them all in “Truth vs Falsehood”.
I know it must sound like all I do is sit and read, but that’s just because of the history of sleepless nights 🙂 I’ve had a career and am a mum, I suppose house chores and baking are my meditation.
With love,
Hi Ivana,
Thank you for your loving and thoughtful email and kind sharing to help a fellow traveller here. I love your investigations and sharing of what has helped you so deeply. And how you followed what intuitively you knew was aligned to experience healing and success.
I too love David Hawkins.
Sending you much love for your awakening,
Myree x
Hi Myree,
been reading about Kundalini awakening for quite sometime but did not act upon it or to try to activate I felt I should not do anything that I have not much in depth knowledge about so I have been meditating every now and then not all the time though. About 4 days ago I came upon 3:40am meditation talk on YouTube and thought that I missed the chance of meditating at that hour when I use to wake up around the same time almost everyday few months ago not knowing why I was suddenly awake from my sleep and when notice the time was always around plus minus between 3 to 4am. So I said to myself 4 days ago that I missed this chance and to my surprise the very next day I woke up suddenly at 3:49am, I saw the bedside digital clock and then continued sleeping since I was too tired. But this continued for 2 more days 3:39 and 3:59am. I thanked the universe and felt overwhelmed the next day but again was not able to wake up to meditate. Around the same time I felt like a moving, electric vibration on my left just below my armpit joint while cooking. Felt it again today and I came on google to check if it’s kundalini awakening and found your article right away. Thank you so much. Did meditate and saw few things that was bizarre or never happened before during my meditation. I chanted Om Nama Sivaya during meditation this time and it was different, the vibration and meditative state was deep. I’ll embrace it for now and have always felt that my heart chakra was trying to heal as I kept seeing the colour green swirling when I meditate. Thank you once again.
Hi! Thank you for your wonderful sharing and taking us on a journey of how you are staying close to your process and unfolding the signals and signs you receive.Yes, kundalini can present the most subtle and also unusual symptoms. What you describe can be part of Kundalini.
Big love!
I don’t even know what to say… Everything in this article is what I’m experiencing and it makes total sense. I had a spontaneous kundalini awakening during Covid and four months later I have energy and vitality but this euphoric, almost fluid, feeling of love and fear emanating from the top of my shoulder blades behind my heart. It made me so uncomfortable not knowing what it was but this has really calmed me and excited me to continue to allow this experience to unfold. 100% this is my experience and I’m so glad that this information is made public. Thank you so much.
Dear M,
Thank you for your sharing and I am so so glad this was helpful. The back of the heart is such a power place juncture of our awakening journey. Sending you big love and blessings for your precious awakening.
I have never actually shared my thoughts on these, but I felt every ounce of this! I know of the Chakras, I just don’t know much about them. The feelings you described as the back of the heart Chakra that I experience on a daily basis for as long as I can remember. Where would someone start to seek the help they need? I’m definitely going to read more articles, but thought asking would be a good step. Thank you!
Hi! Thank you for your lovely comment and I am glad this is helpful. I am not sure where else you will find guidance as I noticed this over working with so many people over a long time. I would encourage you to listen to your heart and intuition in terms of supporting this part of your heart chakra at the back to open and gradually and gently release its content. These back chakra processes often happen over a longer time to the front chakra openings, so much multi-lifetime history to release.
Dear Myree, this is exactly where I’m at and the only article I could find. It feels like grief? Grief over life and the suffering we go through. It’s still hard to tell. Any advice appreciated!
Yes, you are correct. I can totally feel like grief, loss, sadness for sure. In years of relationships, losses, hurts over many lifetimes, all accrued there. Waiting to gently release. Does that help?
I can’t really tell if this is awakening or whatever but I feel stuck in the upper right part of my shoulder / neck and it’s painful to even turns the neck around yes itching/tingling at the center back of the heart vibrational mood on the heart itself am just so confused
Hi Olan,
Yes, determine kundalini can be confusing as it has symptoms that look like so many other symptoms, on every level. So I feel for you. The vibratory process on back and front of the heart is a common symptom so it certainly could be awakening. I would keep tracking your symptoms and see if you can match up more of a kundalini awakening pattern overall.
Check out my free ebook in case that gives you more maps to follow.
Big love,
Myree x
Mine feels like there is a huge hole that goes all the way through me, but with a huge amount of pressure in my back. I’ve been releasing cPTSD pain and abandonment pain from a fiance that ghosted me 20 years ago. I guess I never processed it all at the time.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for sharing.
Yes, it can certainly feel like a huge hole, back, front and/or all the way through the heart centre exactly how you describe. I have seen this too. All the way through means you are purging both the past and also clearing up the front where you receive and open to the future and present, in terms of all things heart and relationships.
I am so sorry you were ghosted. I have also seen people process powerful pain from heartbreaks such as yours many years later, Kundalini digs into those deeper, more resistant or agonising layers, and the relationship karmic processes pull it out too as they complete.
Sending you big love and honouring your sensitive awareness.
Myree x
I experienced an opening . It was so painful, in between my shoulder pains were literally opened with an impactful force coming out from inside me .
I has trouble walking to the bed . I laid face down legs supporting my top half , I couldn’t move almost 45 minutes. I was afraid for a split second , then grateful , then I began to cry . Then recognized all the previous work I am doing culminated to this opening. I was told I would experience in a few month a Kundalini awakening. I guess this is part of the process . After 6 hours my mid back especially my left side is still very sore and sensitive. I am in some discomfort.
This is life changing and powerful . My daughter who was 2 years was right by my side and when all this occurred. I am sure this not by chance .
Wow, thank you for this powerful sharing. This does sound like a potent opening and awakening of the back of the heart, which are so important in the expansion of full awakening of the heart centre as a whole. I hope your awakening is continuing to progress and stabilise and gift you the bounty that arises as the heart opens in this way.
Big love,
Myree x
Bringing awareness to this. Hand in hand with awakening deeply within beginning three and a half years ago – simultaneous the whole time my back has been speaking to me. Behind the heart, sometimes a feeling lower as well. I describe it as feeling like something is locked in and needs to be unclicked. It’s tight it’s locked. Like somehow turning a knob will take it out of the position it’s in now. From on to off and release. Thanks for sharing and finding support here. I’m open to any insight that may come to you while reading this.
Breathing deeply,
Hi Erika,
Thank you for sharing about your awakening journey and back of the heart. There is no one size fits all suggestion for supporting the back of the heart because individuals need to very carefully test what is supportive for their Kundalini and the heart to be safe. Meditation on the jam can help you gain insights into the nature of the jam. It is often fear, past relationship pain, grief and losses plus hurts. It is very relationship oriented suffering in general. Sometimes people have made decisions in this life or others to close it off. It sounds like it is processing in it’s own way which is fabulous. I suggest meditating and asking for guidance on what this part of your back needs, the back of the heart centre, to open. Sending big love!
I’ve had what feels like a finger gently pressing in this spot on and off for years. Usually after heartbreak. It’s started happening again recently following a long term breakup. It’s not uncomfortable or painful though.
That is great that it is not painful, and it makes sense that it activates at such times, it is an important release portal for relationship pain, loss, healing and heartbreak.
Sending you big love,
Myree x
Hi, I have been searching the web for someone who experience the same feeling as me. And I found you have it or had it.
This has been going on in my life for the last 4 – 5 years. On and off. It feels like someone is poking my upper back with his/ her finger. A bit creepy… I haven´t been able to figure out what has been going on. Until someone just today said it could be a kundalini thing.
Wondering,,, how long will this keep on keeping on poking my upper back? 😀
Hi Lotte,
Everyon’e experience is different and unique, there’s absolutely no way I could answer that question without an in depth session with you. However I can tell you that if something is trying to get your attention than you already have an expert source to ask! Get involved, it’s not just happening to you but a symbiotic part of you getting to know yourself, your guides, your intuition and higher self. Why not acknowledge the sensation and ask it what it’s there for? Have a conversation with Kundalini, she is there to teach as well as heal. Contemplate what is seeking to release out of the back of the heart centre. And is there a very kind, gentle way you can mindfully support that process or allow it more. Please follow your own intuition.
Big love,
Hey Myree
Thank you for writing this.
I’m really trying to listen to my body. I just told my mum that my partner ( of 3 1/2 years) will be doing traveling to do some seasonal work for 3 months. And she sung and danced and said yay now we can find you a new man along with more opinions. I ignored her and just carried in with the convo. As I left I felt this pain inbetween my shoulder blades stabbing and hot. I felt angry because there is absolutely no need for comments like but also understood where she was coming from and knowing she just doesn’t know how to communicate her thoughts or concerns so you throws put silly comments at worse time. A part of me wants to tell her not to judge me. And a part of my knows that she only knows her experiences and is wanting better things for me because of her past.
So your writing has helped my understanding and I will differently do some meditation to work through this pain.
Thank you
Hi Anthea,
Wow, thank you for sharing your story and how it spoke to relationship pain that arose in the midst of and in response to the event described above. Meditating on the pain and the point at the back of the heart can help to move the energy and pain that is trying to release there and bring further insight. I am so happy this was supportive for you.
Sending love,
A few nights ago I experienced a very heavy energy connected to back of my heart. At the time, I knew it was mostly connected to one of past relationships (and that person) which was very traumatic for me. It’s like that old relationship is still heavily feeding from my energy and back of my heart. I want my heart to fully get the release of that energy and any other energy that does not serve me. Writing about this energy makes me feel it tremendously right now. Interesting!!!
Hi Sharareh,
This is such an insightful sharing and can be what you would experience with a traumatic relationship in terms of back of the heart energetics and release processes. Yes, people can still hook in through chakra points and into the back of the heart as you describe. I send you blessings and hope you fidn the fullness of freedom there, the relief and that allows what is next to open in your life also.
Big love,
Myree x
Hi Myree
Thank you for your article. This explains quite a lot of things I wasn’t able to find anywhere else. I’ve even asked about the stabbing pain in my back heart region especially when I meditate, to my pranic healing teachers. They dismissed it saying it could be karmic.
I had the area looked at by a clairvoyant, and she said she was able to see something black stuck in that region.
Everytime in pain comes up, i observe it non judgementally hoping it dissolves. I’ve also used electric violet to clear it.. but everytime i meditate, it still persists and radiates in all directions.
I read that you’re clairvoyant. Is there anything you’re able to see that i could focus on and remove?
I’d greatly appreciate any input that can help me work through this. So much love to you.
Hi Ramya,
I am so glad this was helpful for you. In my experience processes exiting the back can take quite some time, it exits either in a long, gentle flow or it exits layer after layer, because we have so much relationship material to process. So it may be that you are actually helping it with your practice, but there is simply more there…. your approaches sound loving and aligned.
Sometimes we may have a particular relational pain buried there that has been hard to acknowledge, or trauma too. it takes som person exploration. Often rage, hurt, hate, and ager or depression can jam in this spot most commonly.
I hope this is helpful a little.
Sending big love,
I am so glad I found your site. I didnt know what that point on my back was that started to hurt all of a sudden.. i had a feeling it could be my heart, maybe.
but now. I dont know what to do with it. I am terrible at letting go. I dont want to, at least not everything. still I want change, I feel lonely and not in a good place. I’ve been through a lot and I am scared I wont be able to make this step. Im a shy person, I dont easily show my feelings. Maybe my heart is just too broken? Do you have any advice for me? Thank you.
Hi Willa,
Thank you for your tender sharing. You are already in a process of change, your heart is opening and seeking to open more based on the symptoms you have shared. it is ok to have edges to change and you can keep your journey as privet as you need. I would suggest take one meaningful step at a time, it does not need to be big, then find your ground and take the next one. Sensitive people often do not liek to take huge leaps, it is too intense, but small, gentle ones in the direction you choose are powerful and mount up.
Sending you love and blessings,
Myree x
When I meditate, there is something in between the back of my shoulder blades that pops. After that happens, I experience an almost psychedelic feeling. I feel something releasing. I am drawn to start swiveling in a clockwise, subtle motion. I sense something is drawing upwards out of my head. During my meditation this morning, I prayed for my soul who was hurt in her past life. I just felt inclined to do so, but wasn’t sure why. I had very minimal knowledge concerning kundalini and want to thank you for this article that explained exactly what I needed to hear/understand. A very in sync experience! Especially because I was drawn to this article directly after my meditation. My intuition has been extremely strong lately. So thank you thank you thank you!! 🙂
I am so glad this article was helpful and was supportive guidance on your journey. I feel the beautiful, gentle intuitive way you are unfolding your process, and the sensitivity you bring to it. Gorgeous!
Sending big love,
Myree x
I woke up in May using rewired and reading 4 of Joe Dispenzas books and lots of meditation but I’ve had nobody as a guide because I have been paranoid with brain fog and my thoughts become distorted and confused but I was not aware it wasn’t normal and after becoming aware of my health deteriorating I made a few diet changes and my energy went through a transformation…I can feel my blood moving through my body and standing still I vibrate and my chest and stomach are so warm and have butterflies constantly and crying for things most people wouldn’t understand which can look crazy if people don’t understand and most don’t
It sounds like you are going through a significant awakening and I hope it continues to calm and settle down. Sometimes the breathing practices can be strong and stimulate kundalini in Joes wonderful work, so you could try resting those for a while if you are doing them and see if things calm down. Anything that encourages the Kundalini to rise such as blessings of the energy centres for some folks is very powerful for Kundalini energies. I love Joe’s work. We just need to find what is right for each of us individually.
Big love, wishing you well,
Myree x
Hi, Myree, I am so grateful I found your site. I am familiar with physical symptoms of spiritual awakening, but the back of the heart is new….the pain radiates to my left shoulder and down my left side. My spouse of 30 years just died and even though I feel I am “moving on”, I’m probably grieving ? Our relationship was tumultuous (to say it nicely). I just had my annual cardiology checkup (I’m 66 years old) and the EKG was fine….I complained about the stabbing pain in my back and have a stress test scheduled for next week. We can’t be too careful, right? Today I will be able to meditate, burn incense and take night blooming cereus flower essence. Thank you for bringing this particular symptom into the light ! I have only heard one other light worker speak of it.
Hi Carol,
Thank you for your loving share, and I send you love and blessings for your healing journey with the loss of your partner.
I am so glad this article was helpful to you, and I agree, it is always good to have check ups, and then you can determine what is medical and what is the energetics of healing and awakening.
I hope your meditation was grace filled.
A joy to connect here and sense your lovely energy,
Sending love,
I have this continuous upper back pain in left side near shoulder blade. And it sometimes feels in the front. I do meditate and trying to heal my ownself and as I consciously look into it it soothes for sometimes but I feel this sensation from days now.
Hi Shaktija,
Thank you for reaching out and sharing how you meditate and work with healing yourself and awakening symptoms. The upper left side of the should at the back is the area where the chakra is located, that is for the heart organ itself For some people, when the heart centre awakening there can be a clearing out of the heart organ charka also, and sometimes can cause discomfort.
Sending big love,
Myree x
My entire back burns at night. Sometimes light enters through the front and fills chest cavity and then there is heat. This started after I accepted the need to surrender. I also have nightmares where I’m reexperiencing the trauma. Whenever there is burning there is also fatigue. I know the process of releasing as I have been releasing since 2006. If anyone says they can open your chakras for you I think that is untrue. There is so much to chip away at over time and each chakra opening comes with major change in how you live and perceive life. It’s a maturing that happens over time when you commit to observe your ego and have the Will to change. The rear heart opening also comes with the understanding that you are now the instrument of divine will and that will is that of your higher self. Not something outside of you but the self that is the most loving ultimate authority that would never betray and knows all.
Hi JK,
Thank you for sharing your awakening experiences and wisdom, and experiences with the opening and the purification of the heart centre.
Sending you much love on your path,
HI. My hands started to awake, around 4-5 years ago, and now I have huge energy that comes from them. and within the last 5-6 months the middle upper of my back right behind my heart has the same energy pouring out like my hands. no pain, lots of crying. I am very empathic and I came to know that years ago but so much more is happening right now! thank you for letting me share a little of what’s been going on with me. have a wonderful day, and thank you for helping me with this information.
Hi Brent,
Thank you for your lovely sharing and I am glad this article was helpful for you!
Sending you love and blessings on your sacred path,
Big love,
I don’t know what is going on… I’m on a ‘spiritual path ‘ for some thime now… going trew the existential questions who makes life interesting for a couple of years now. I considder myself muslim, but my interpretation is not conventional, although according to me its according to the teaching of the profet. I make a distingion between ‘politcal islam’ and Islam, where I think that moslim is just a synonym for human. I keep the ‘main teachings’ and ‘main targets’ valuabel, also this is not exactly like is brought in nowadays teachings. But to my understanding of islam , the main message was very simple…’The tawheed’ of islam, is pointed to the fact of that ‘The Qadr’ of Allah, or the plan for Destiny is ‘designed’ and not by luck like in modern chaostheory, but at the same time, if you reallise that Allah can be translate it as ‘The God’, in stead of ‘God’, who amplifise the caracter of ‘Oneness’.. and at the same thime, the principle of ‘Shirk’ that explains that no one or nothing can be compaired or be worshipped next to Allah. For me the combination of all these aspects are really profound, because the more deaper filosofical implications mean that you allways need to respect the free will of any interpretation of ‘The God’ or Allah, because no defination can ever sudue. That also confirms to me the greatest gift from Allah, and that is the ‘free wille. For me that is also like a lithel bit compairable with the ‘multiverse’, or the modern theory’s that ‘reality’ is formed, on the one hand by Design, on the other hand is affected by who is looking. Also the fact that they speak about eaven more ‘profets’ than mentionted in Qura’an , is for me like an understanding, ( they mention more or less thousands profets ever send, something like that) and if you think about that , and if you think about most of wordl religions, that accually plays in perfectly harmoney. The speak about ‘the oneess’, about ‘messengers’, and one of the biggest challenges for human is ‘the big jihad’, who’s is referring to the fight of the Ego, or at least the fight of the bad parts of the Ego. So this is lithel bit of my context. … I used to pray now and than, but its now the first year that I pray dayly , one or two times a day, and I was fasting during ramadam. Recently I become a father, so I have now an one year old beautifull daughter, and we are expecting incha Allah our second daughter any moment now. One of the things that I have been watching recently after ‘iftar’ or breaking the fasting is ‘next level soul’ where all story’s about NDE’s are coming up and not so conventional story’s… I felt that ‘everything is somewhat ‘ falling on there place… and for me personnaly, its complementare with my believe system. Yesterday I did some painting, I cary our daughter from time to thime, but I never felt any pains fysically, in the past from time to time lower back pain but never where I felt it yesterday. I had such an incredible pain in my middel upper back that I could hardly move, it was like also radiating to my lungs and I had problem to breath. I didn’t wanted to break my fasting so I tryed ‘meditation’ ( for second thime in my life) to relief the pain instead of medican, and it went away. After I slepped I got the same pain , but eaven worse, so, I broke my fasting and took some painpills. But Im wondering now… what is the reason that I had so much pain, where I never had it before… is it something fysical ? something spiritual, no Idea… so maby I wake up, I have no idea.
Friendely regards
Hi Davy,
Thank you for your beautiful sharing about your spirituality, your path and what is most meaningful and valuable to you on this path. It is touching to read.
It is hard for me to say what was happening, without meeting you, but it may be that your beautiful spiritual practice, and dedication to your journey, plus the spiritual practice and action of fasting triggered a spiritual and energetic heart opening, a heart awakening. An initial heart opening can sometimes feel quite painful, and even shocking, as the heart opens big physical pain can leave, or emotional or energetic pain. It can shift on many levels at once and is unique for all people.
And of course, if you have any health concerns for sure please seek medical opinion also.
I send you blessings to you, your gorgeous little girl.
Big love,
This is more a question than a comment but I’m pretty sure I haven’t begun a kundalini awakening yet, however I often feel a tingling sensation at the back of my heart center. Sometimes it gets so strong that it radiates throughout my entire body and I get goosebumps. Is this normal? Can you explain what I’m experiencing?
Hi Tara,
Thank you for sharing and for your questions. Without knowing you directly it is hard to say, one thing it could be is the beginnings of heart awakening and opening, this can happen quite separately or in advance of Kundalini awakening, and can cause such symptoms for sure.
I hope this helps!
Sending big love,
Myree x
I experienced a lot of pressure on my back heart chakra on my spine. But that energy I felt is now gone.
What does this mean? Is it closed again or did I heal that part and is it now liberated?
Thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards
Hi Jacco,
The process of opening the heart can go in waves, there can be intense work on the heart and back of the chakra, then a rest or pause with no action there, then it can deepen into more purification again….
It is not possible for me to tell just from reading this, it may have completed a layer and moved on to another area, or it may have completed fully and be done…more likely the former…
Sending you much love on your path,
I am aware of what is happening but awareness alone does not “cure”. I’ve been suffering from conversion disorder for 4 years now — stuttering, tremors and seizures. I’ve lost everything …. my job and career, my house, money, I’ve had to give away my possessions and even my car. I simply want nothing but love and emotional support in my life. That’s my most prized possession — to feel love. I’ve felt it briefly years ago for about one months time. In 52 years, that reference point is 20 years in the past. I’ve become a “nobody”, invisible to others. My identifiers have disappeared. Buddhism would congratulate me on my “nothingness” but revisiting those feelings of never being cared for and loved by others has cropped up as the pain stabs me excruciatingly in the mid back. I’ve spent my life caring deeply for others so that they should never feel the pain that I do. I want them to know THEY matter and are loved. I do not expect anything in return but I wonder why I am not worthy of the same treatment? What about me? I must learn to feel that same love for myself in order to open the back of my heart, removing the self-applied knife once and for all. Thank you for your article!
Dear one,
Thank you for sharing your journey, you have been on a powerful path of awakening and overcome many challenges. I honour you for your courage.
I am glad the article has helped you.
It sounds like you are very aware and willing to lean into the journey no matter how difficult it becomes.I salute this. Love is a feeling that is not just limited to human beings. Perhaps, if supportive and as an exercise you could connect to the love from nature, from Gaia, from Spirit and let your system experience what this feeling is like. To receive a map of love in this way. A feeling of completely unconditional love, that is devoid of attachment, not because attachments are missing but because love is a truly all encompassing, cosmic force and that manifesting through our relationships is only one of its many faces. If we are fixated on other people then we may think that this love will be hollow but that is a trap from our ego minds, the love of Spirit is sustaining, its buoyant and can absolutely make you feel supported. And big big medicine as you deeply heal.
I honour you, keep going!
Big love,
Myree x
Thank you for the additional sharing dearest Wendy, I have replied to your original comment above. Big love!
The other night I had just got through meditation then I went to bed during the night I don’t know if I was asleep or awake but I felt something coming from the bottom of my spine up the left side up to my heart I felt like I was a big very old lock and I heard a key being inserted and being unlocked the sound was very loud and echoed I don’t understand what it was maybe you can explain it to me?
Hi dear one,
It sounds like it was a very literal way of your energetic being and higher self working with your brain and consciousness to unlock your heart chakra. Heart opening and awakening is a central part of the Kundalini and/or awakening journey! Well done!
Big love,
Myree x
Hello Ma’am,
I just went through your article..would like to know from you does numbness at the back of the heart chakra mean that heart chakra is getting purified? Kindly guide..
Warm Regards..
This is one of many possibilities. Numbness can definitely be a symptom or a symptom of preparing to purify this area. Regardless of the sensation, numbness to great pain, wherever your body and energetic system is asking you to pay attention, holds the keys to progression.Blessings!
Hi Myree,
Thank you for sharing this! I have suffered from upper/middle back pain for five or so years now, in part due to scoliosis. I began managing this through yoga practices after it was suggested that I manage the pain with paracetamol. Since then I have been on a journey of balancing and working through the physical and mental tensions held in my back. I have found your article on the back of the heart chakra really helpful in delving into relationship and ancestral traumas, and will begin to incorporate this in to breath work!
How wonderful to hear! There is so much beautiful knowledge and ways we can all educate ourselves and find the answers that resonate for our individual paths. I’m so pleased for you that something deeper jumped out and spoke to you and that you have the dedication to put it into practice.
Which meditation do you recommend me to do when I’m going through the awakening of the back of the heart
Hi Stef,
I think this is very personal, it can be very helpful to bring breathe and awareness to this point as a form of meditation also. I am always cautious to recommend spiritual practice unless I know a person and exactly what they are going through as an act of caution and respect.
Sending big love,
Myree x
Thanks so much for this Myree. I went to a sound healing a few nights ago. My intention was to receive some level of healing in my heart chakra. I was quite surprised to feel stabbing pains between my shoulder blades during the session. I wondered what that could be? I hadn’t thought of the back of my heart chakra before. Your article has an asserted my question! Thank you!
Oh I’m so glad to help Alli. It’s really heartwarming to know that when I get called to write about a specific issue that it reaches and helps others. It exactly the desired outcome, thank you for letting me know and sharing your relief.
I am currently feeling stabbing pain behind my heart all of a sudden. No stretching has been alleviating it. As I had an unexpected kundalini experience years ago, I seem to think this is a continuation of this awakening process as I have been growing more open, emotional. I’m doing what you suggested…breathing into this area, being gentle with myself, journaling. I appreciate your article.
And I appreciate your comment Jan!
How absolutely wonderful that you can be patient and gentle. This is definitely the way to see results and gain as much knowledge along the way as possible.
Commitment to something like journaling is huge. It has a positive effect on so many levels because you are activating and integrating by telling and witnessing your own story.
Best of luck beautiful soul.
I had the same experience recently, and I had to stop as I began to feel overwhelmed, I’m a beginner at this, please assist. I would love to hear from you, it was first a warm feeling at my heart then the sharp pain moved to the back of my spine.
Kind regards
Hi Thomas,
As the yogis say, ‘we need to feel to heal.’
So pain is our system’s way of alerting us to somewhere we need to pay attention. Move into the sensations gently and unpack them.
The pain at the back is the old relationship content clearing as the beautiful sensations of heart opening happen at the front. When the heart opens it also must simultaneously clear. You are on track!
Yes for a very long time now I’ve noticed it’s getting worse when spending time with certain people Im not on the same wavelength anymore but are still part of this life
Hi Marilyn,
This is a common occurrence for all along the awakening path, so firstly know that you are not alone in this challenge! There are many self-maintenance things you can do to softly uncord and extricate yourself from complicated or reliant relationships with these people. Changing your boundaries may see them move away of their accord. My greatest advice is keep cleaning up your side of the street, be accountable, be vulnerable with what you need and what is going on. Flexibility to change structures often shows us where the foundations are not solid.
Hi Myree
I have had intense stabbing pain in my upper back behind my heart, breathing issues coupled with intense grief. Been in the Kundalini process for 7 years. The pain has been going on for years off and on but is much more intense over the last 6 months. Your article has helped very much. I need to learn how to surrender rather than resist it but I’m finding that difficult. Thank you Myree!
Dear Isa,
This is heartwarming to read. Your precious body has colluded with your spirit to send you messages, they want you to heal. A lot of the time we don’t listen to our bodies until they are yelling at us and part of a painful process like this is open back up the lines of communication with our ‘parts’. It can be that after one such challenging and painful process that our body, as a communicator for intuition and spirit, only needs to nudge us instead of having a tantrum to get our full attention. It is a clear signal of self-love. I sense you are doing well in this process and beautiful, sacred love is incubating in your heart as part of this process.
Blessings to you!
Yesterday before when I fell asleep I felt really strongly my back heart chakra opening. It was very powerful and embracing feeling, whole of my energy body was balancing, healing.
Dear Pila,
This is such a joyous feeling! Be gentle with it and make sure that with every blooming outwards you are given that you respond with loving grounding as well.
Big love,
Myree x
I just started practicing hands on pranic healing about two weeks ago. Today after sweeping and energizing my three year old (asthma symptoms) I noticed a burst of energy in my back heart chakra mainly on the left side. I have felt it on and off all day , even now. It feels so good that I have to take moments to stop what I’m doing and sit in that feeling. It feels like a Mother’s love , that’s the best way I can describe it.
Dear Ria,
This is wonderful, it sounds like both your heart centre and the chakra of the organ of the heart are opening!
Big love,
Myree x
Hi! I’m on month 4 of my kundalini awakening and month 6 on my spiritual awakening. About 2 months ago, it felt as if all my progress was stunted and I was spiraling into fear, far from the divine bliss and peace I’d experienced prior. I’m wondering if it’s my heart being closed as there’s tension in my chest, and sometimes I’ll meditate on it but can only get a little bit out at a time, but the feelings are very intense and sometimes hard to go through. Sometimes I fear it, and have anxiety that makes me fear I’m having a heart attack but I’ve gotten it checked up twice and I’m heart healthy. In fact, all my organs seem to be thriving… so I was wondering how best I can surpass this fear and open my heart. I would like to breathe again, and though my vitals seem perfect, my anxiety and nervous system seem to be paying for the closed chakra. I will be okay, right? pls help, this is so lonely and downright scary
Hi Jillian,
Thank you for sharing and you will certainly be all right. It is very common for sometime in the first six months of awakening for a lot of terror, anxiety and fear to arise, this is normal, and you will move through this phase, though it is perplexing, challenging at times and far from fun.
Yes, the heart awakening process can cause symptoms of heart attack and it is common for folks to end up in ER or have a formal medical heart check (which is an excellent thing to do always). Usually they mostly come back with completely normal test results which is very reassuring, we need that reassurance with such concerning symptoms.
Breathing gently with your heart, to bring breathe gently to the blockages can be supportive, there can be a lot of undoing with the heart centre and time is also a good friend.
I hope this helps!
Sending big love,
Myree x
Hi Myree,
This article is so validating, thank you. I’ve been experiencing this and intuitively I would just surrender into it, but I found myself resisting because I didn’t fully understand it, I just knew it was old dense energy.
I also experience tightness (energetical) around my torso, from the point of my solar plexus, when I go into meditation it feels like there’s a belt around my torso that’s being tightened.
I haven’t been able to find any information on what this could be, I’m just curious if you would have any insight or information on what this could be.
Thank you.
Dear Marion,
Yes, the belt you describe can be related to contraction and tension of the diaphragm, which can often be habitual or also from traumas. We can store a lot of stress, emotions and shock here and literally “hold on”. There is also a sacred knot/lock connected to the heart opening which can create a sense of constriction under the heart and in the diaphragm area. Awakening and Kundalini gradually disolve this blockage.
Sending big love,
Myree x
Hi there
This is so comforting to come across your article because i have spent my last few days looking up about the same thing
I have started my spiritual awakening journey last year and this month has been very overwhelming so I decided to meditate , i am new to meditation and when I started every since i am feeling that the centre of my back from chest is really heating up , i can feel this heat throughout my day and when I meditate it heats more
Please provide your guidance
Hi Simranjot,
Thank you for your loving message. The heat you describe is very normal, it is the process of purification, disentangling and opening/awakening of the heart. The purification creates a sense sometimes of burning and generates heat as debris and content from your past is dissolved.
If the heat becomes too intense you can slow down the meditation while your system catches up.
Sending big love,
Myree x
So grateful for this article which confirms clarifies and put into words what I intuitively knew was happening. The pain is horrible but I know I’m doing a major cleaning for the rest of my life. Thank you thank you thank you
Der Farrah,
I am so glad this article offered you guidance and was supportive, Yay! And yes, your healing and clearing of the heart will build your heart centre into a powerful place of wisdom, soul and availability to life and love in an infinite number of ways.
Big love, keep going!
Myree x
Hey! I have been doing kundalini yoga regularly for the last two weeks. For the last days I’ve been having difficulties breathing, and it feels like im breathing through a small straw. I also feel warm energy coming up my spine, especially the upper back. I know I should just relax as much as possible, It is a bit difficult as I feel like I have to strain myself to be able to breath. My whole upper body and my head has a lot if pressure. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should do?
Hi Erika,
It sounds like you are moving a lot of Kundalini up the spine and it is building up in the head creating pressure because it is not able to flow out the crown yet, the crown takes time to open usually and that is natural and fine. I would potentially try to slow down your practice and find more balance to relieve the pressure. I cannot give further advice as it may not be accurate as I do not know you, but continuing to build pressure in the head may not be great for yourself or Kundalini in general.
I hope that is helpful.
Big love,
Myree x
When I meditate I feel my heart chakra spin on my backside. Then I get this “wet” feeling on the back of my shirt in that area. It isn’t a feeling of just being wet with water. But instead it feels heavier like blood. my shirt then tends to stick to the back of my heart chakra. I shake my shirt and I can feel the heaviness…but it is not wet. Strange…
Dear Suthep,
How wonderful to have something strange to investigate. These opportunities are our guides, our higher self, our communication with spirit offering us some specific information. And the amazing thing about humanity is that each person can have experiences tuned to their own threads, genetic structure and ancestral history. Think of the experience as a medicine bundle, unpack it! You have made an amazing start, what other messages does it have for you? Go deeper! There might be treasure hidden inside. I can also feel your beautiful heart! Blessings to your awakening! Myree
I am experiencing healing process at the back of my heart. It feels circular, hot, burning, like wound. It feels like it that needs to be soothed. Thank you.
Hi Jaqui,
I wonder if you have tried to let spirit give it a bit of a massage energetically? That could be a fun thing to try or of course you could do some gentle tapping/somatic exercises on yourself. Follow your intuition to gently give it soothing. Big love, Myree
Hi Myree. I have been having a pain on my left shoulder blade since last week following a weekend talking about my childhood traumas and relationship with my parents. Reading your article gave me so much relief. Thank you so much for sharing these precious information with us. I now understand I have started a Kundalini awakening (and need to learn more about it). I will embrace this phase and feel less worried about it 🙂
Dear Leonie,
How wonderful! I feel charged reading your post. Walking into the beginning of awakening already prepared to surrender is some advanced level stuff. Sending you excitement and strength for your awakening. Big love, Myree
Hi I found this page as I started to experience intense heat in th back of my heart. And it’s starting to travel down my spine. Oddly though. I feel absolutely nothing in the front. In the past I had the front open and I allowed a fear to interrupt the process. This feels similar. Yet I’m having no emotional charge yet. So grateful to have found someone talking about the back of th heart chakra. Even though I still have no idea what’s happening. The heat is so intense and I just feel in it at the moment.
Hi Michelle,
It seems that you have a great opportunity to drop inwards and ask for specific answers from your own body and field. The sensation with lack of emotional charge could be a somatic purge with an increase in strength or awareness on your part or it could possibly be attached to a cord that connects you to a person, belief or past life karma. It seems you have a sensible approach and I intuitively feel that something has shifted in you from the last time and you have a beautiful opportunity to rebuild the trust around your heart chakra. It is also very normal to only have the back activated at one time, the front has already accomplished lots of clearing and opening. Sending big love, Myree
I too am experiencing this stabbing back pain below my shoulders in the middle of back. It has been aching for weeks maybe months. Ive been working in treatment for substance use disorders and mental health conditions for over a year now and have to decided leave for my well being. Many people coming out of dark and heavy times have come through my life in their brief stay at the rehab. I have developed strong boundaries in order to protect my energy. But I think perhaps I have shut down my heart in the process. I also have been grieving the loss of my grandmother and my childhood home. Not sure which is the cause, maybe a mix of them. Plus taking on too much at work while being short staffed. On to the next thing in life for me. Although I’m not sure what that is. I feel like I need to draw out and clear out some of this mess in my back heart chakra in order to really move forward and be open to the possibilities of the future. Epsom salt baths help. Plan on getting a massage too. EFT also helped for a day. I need to keep doing it. Thank you for writing this article for us. I welcome any thoughts you may have.
Dear Nina,
It sounds like you are very self sufficient and aware. It’s totally possible that your heart center has been so protected it feels shut off and now it is sweetly opening in support of your journey. We are always going through different stages on the route to finding balance. I would suggest for you to do some sessions with a healer. Someone that feels gentle and kind for you, some kind of therapy that sparks your joy and makes you feel supported as opposed to you always supporting others. It is essential that busy and self reliant people also carve out time to take care of themselves. Your body is already telling you it likes pampering but my intuitive advice is to go a step further and engage in a series of appointments just to explore yourself with kindness and let the answer unfold as you create purposeful ease in your life. You deserve to be lovingly held. So too does your beautiful and courageous spirit.
Thank you for sharing,
Big love,
I have been study the twin flame phenomenon and it is signaling a huge ascension for me. I am having random but frequent singing sensations in the middle of my back for a while it was jist pain and I didn’t think much of it. Now it’s tingling. Like you would get if your hand was asleep. It’s lasting a while and coming g frequently. Accompanied by some pain
Dear Alison,
It sounds like a message coming through your system. Go deeper and unpack it, there’s no one right answer. The back of your heart seems to be opening, it has its own pace as it does so, attend and care for it as you intuitively feel called.
Blessings to your awakening,
I am having frequent strong tingling in my back.. the back of the heart chakra .. some back pain there too. It’s like the feeling when your hands fall asleep.
Hi Alison,
Thank you for reaching out and I’m glad the blog post has resonated with you.
What you’re feeling could absolutely be heart chakra awakening but it may need further investigation on your part to make sure. It could be awakening mixed with underlying physical symptoms too. Sometimes when our Shakti begins to flow it can identify trauma or emotional blocks stuck at certain parts of our bodies and this can sometimes need help on the physical plane. But also you’ve been given a great starting point for which you can enter into an introspective conversation with your body, field, guides, kundalini and your own spiritual essence. Something is talking to you!
I recently began praying for heart expansion during my meditations. Last week, I woke up with a sharp pain in my mid upper back that lasted a couple of days. Last night, I started feeling a lot of pain in my left shoulder blade that I’m still feeling right now. I suspected that it has something to do with the heart energy center, and this article confirms it. Thank you so much for this valuable information 🙂
Dear Elizabeth,
You are so welcome. Please be gentle with yourself and don’t forget that the release and movement of stored trauma and blockages can sometimes have manifested as a physical injury or energetic pain because of the duration of time that it has been hiding in your physical and energetic system.
Take loving care of yourself and when you feel the time is right find space to give your body ease, congratulations and a little celebration gift for doing the work of soul transformation!
Big love,
Myree x
Hi Myree,
Thank you for this incredibly helpful information! I came across it when searching for a description of my own symptoms. I have been meditating daily for over a decade and been on an intense spiritual journey over the last year. The buzzing presence of my energy body has been constantly noticeable lately and the space throughout my chest – front and back – feels vast and vibratory. Especially when I speak or other people speak to me. It’s really quite disctracting and a little uncomfortable in its strangeness. Would you say this has something to do with kundalini rising?
Love and light,
Hi Julie,
Absolutely it could be Kundalini, but since everyone’s experience is vastly different I can’t say for sure yay or nay just in chat room question without knowing you. I’d say it’s exciting though and worth exploring. Perhaps start by checking out these other blogs on Kundalini or simply asking your own system for further guidance and direction.
I wish you well on your awakening journey!
Big love,
Myee x
Hello Myree.
thank you so much for this post about the back of the heart and it’s opening. About 10 years ago, i experienced the classic kundalini awakening, feeling and hearing a pop and experienced waves of energy for about 3 weeks moving up my spine and creating altered consciousness. In august 2019, after a premonition that “it’s coming” and hearing a very demanding deity voice commanding “WHO ARE YOU?” ..the back of my heart unlocked and I went into a 3 day deep again classic kundalini psychosis. I felt sheer chaos like a dervish enter me and bring me to an experience of immobilzation. I thought I was dying. I waited for my heart to restart several times and finally woke to an image of a bone littered beach with a finally calm ocean.
For the following year plus, I remained firmly in the arms of experiencing life’s love. blissful and often teary..moved beyond moved. I was in dialogue and beingness with ………I made many changes in my life. I encountered psychic and phsyical pain in the front of my heart that would wake me from sleep for months. I realize now that has not been happening for years., so maybe I did something right with all that blessing! I did a good job of addressing and shifting and tending to what I could and of staying centered and responsible during estactic highs and supportive of my family. but a regular informed practice ..I have not built. I sense it is time now.
In the a little of the past year, fear and restriction has entered my life and my embodiment/energy again. My children, both older teens, are facing deep life bound challenges and given their ages I am involved but also encapsulated by their rejection and projections and injuries they carry from me. I wish I could have done a better job of clearing for them. I live with daily experiences of some of the underpinnings of what qualifies as developmental and cPTSD. Essentially I just feel like I do not know how to exist..deep injuries to my belonging and my will. I am immobilized by fright and freeze daily. These injuries seem to respond to big truths and local applications, meaning with my relations, right now especially my kids.
I read many of the posts under your “Awakening the Back of the Heart” and I am hearing bringing spaciousness to support a gradual unfolding of what is there . And yes, intense grief, loss injury rage fear restriction that hides the many positives I know must be there too. I am sensing it may be love’s existence/significance, and perhaps mine, that is trying to roost more comfortably in my existence.
I can not believe how painful this is yet again! Yes, I am a bit whiny lately. Stunned. I did hear a voice years ago admist bliss I was traveling through so many layers of sadness and I asked why and heard “if you choose this path you will know despair” and knew that this was a warm up somehow. I knew I already had chosen, was indeed down the path several yards and accepted this. I saw thunder in a desert valley lightening up a mountain in which I saw mother mary or quan yin. In the next flash, the mountain was me and I was the mountain…
Thank you for this column and for publishing your responses to people. i printed several. i feel like my instincts are supported. I have been saying to the people who love me that I am in deep grief and needing to let it permeate me so I can re-organize and gain life again. This article Delivers a strong thread i can hold onto and follow. Thank you.
Dearest Kristina,
Wow, what a beautiful sharing!
What else can I say but you are welcome! You have chosen a warrior’s path, you may have committed to this before you were born or came to earth. You’ve got all the determination you need. And beautiful tracking skills too! The only thing I would suggest is learning some more healing tools. There are so many different modalities you could choose, I suggest intuitively searching until you find something that sings to you and follow those notes.
Of course look at the courses offered on the website but perhaps you need something completely different and just be assured that there are so many wonderful teachers and paths to healing and unlocking your own healer, or healing your own healer, that you are not alone. You are doing a wonderful job of following your process as it unfurls.
All of us are seekers and even those of us that choose a solitary path will pass through groups from time to time or slow down to learn new skills. This nourishes us and takes us more smoothly from one mystery to the next.
And yes, the purification goes deeper than we ever imagine!
Honouring you and sending big love,
hi there your content is the only one that makes sense! I hope you will answer my question. I have been on my Kundalini Awakening for one year and lately ONLY when I wake up and for awhile after…. my upper back hurts SO much and is in tangles like knots and contractions to the point that smallest movement sends sharp pains and i scream! you have said that is clearing the old relationships? so should i just wait it out? thats what i feel intuitively. i honesly am healed. i dont know what else to address! could this be hidden traumas still? or is it just the normal process?
I listen to subliminals and do some yoga. but it goes away after i stand up anyway! it only happens after I wake up. i will appreciate ur insight!
Dear Maryam,
It seems that Kundalini is trying to send you a specific message through the symbology of your upper back and the state of waking. As I say to all my students, ask questions! Ask Kundalini, ask your higher self, use whatever subtle skills clair or otherwise that have surfaced during awakening healing to tap into the message being presented to you.
The time just after sleep/dream when we are reborn into the world and this physical reality is strongly tied to our subconscious, our unconscious mind and a powerful moment of being in a liminal space where we walk between worlds. It seems to me the perfect time to tap in.
Do you remember your dreams? This can be a fabulous way to increase your awareness and spiritual gifts and all it takes is practice. Perhaps a dream is showing you a weight that you carry. Perhaps this weight is ancestral or from a past life, perhaps you have been carrying it so long it feels ‘normal’.
This is a never ending process in which there are always more layers to uncover. Well done on all your dedication so far!
And yes, it can certainly be more past life or ancestral or personal history processing out the back of your heart.
Big love!
Myree x
As i sit here i have an intense warming not quite burning sensation in my mid to upper back, like i have a heating pad on me. I received a helluva download last night, so much was revealed and it literally blew my mind lol. I googled and found your page, thank you for your insight and explanation. i’m just waking up and still very new to this. Also i believe i am on my twin flame journey, it a bit rough as the divine feminine.
Hi Ana,
How wonderful that you are in the thick of it! Bodily sensations are often messages that accompany integration or symbolically represent areas that need to be paid attention to in order to heal. I’m very glad you found us too, there is a whole community here, not just me so keep exploring through the site, I’m sure you’ll find some interesting information in the Twin Flames blog post and don’t forget to grab the free meditations.
Big love Ana,
good morning,
I’ve recently had a Kundalini awakening in a group setting (over 60 people in the room), I have always been an empath, more recently found out I am also a healer.
My experience is as follows:
The feeling of everyone’s emotions (heart pounding) good, bad and indifferent followed by, coldness in both hands.
Heart pounding intensified, as did the coldness but not only in my hands, also my torso, so much so that I needed to ground my hands and feet.
The back of my heart (top half) and base of head (top of neck) vibrated side to side followed by even more extreme coldness and a quick glimpse into my future, ending the intense feeling of unhappiness, not mine, it was either in the air or as a collective from everyone else.
Is there any light you are able to shed on this as I have no idea what this means.. I have no feelings associated with the negative aspect of my ‘awakening’.
Any thoughts may resonate, please and thank you! 🙂
Hi Anthea,
Every awakening, kundalini or otherwise is different and unique. The bodily sensations you experience are directly and intimately for you. They may correspond with phenomena that could be a commonly held experience but what I suggest initially to most people is to consider it a message from Kundalini specifically related to your trauma, blockages and the unearthing of your gifts. If you feel you have been awakened, even a little then start to communicate with what you have been awakened to. Spirit and kundalini, guides and angels, they all love supporting us, answering our questions. Bodies are amazing conductors which hold knowledge about what we need to pay attention to in order to progress.
We are all healers, it is the natural ability of the human body to pass light through their hands and whether we use it directly to energy-heal or we become an artist or an accountant we bring our healer nature with us.
The glimpse into your future could also have been a glimpse into a past life or an ancestral line. It may have genuinely been your future.
I find this stage very exciting for people as there is such a rich and diverse world you have opened yourself up to, countless resources, teachers and methods. I feel the lightness and beauty of your spirit!
I wish you the very best with your awakening,
Big love,
Myree x
I’m amazed I found so much detailed and simple information about happening in my back. Thank you very much
Dearest Yassine,
I thank you for letting me know. It’s such a buzz every time that I can reach and help people in a way like this. No matter how hard I try, I can’t personally coach everyone so it just delights me that this information reaches a greater audience.
Sending blessings for your journey!
Big love,
Yes, I feel the upper back quite strongly. Kundalini is very active there already for a while. My heart is very open, and there is some energetics going on at 3rd eye and crown. But the back is very strong energetically. I feel hot, a certain tension at times, it’s not painful, but intense. Sometimes I joke saying I may have wings growing. It takes a lot of space and stretches to the “wings”.
I had a big loss almost 4 years ago, the death of my husband that was my big attachment for over 30 years. I got through it relatively fast and came to a spiritual awakening. I tried to figure out if I was bypassing, it did not seem…. But it is possible.
Dearest Nancy,
You are not the only winged creature I have encountered in this work! Quite a few students have expressed this sensation alongside the heart chakra opening of wings unfolding. I really encourage people to explore this symbology, unpack that medicine bundle because the semiotics of wings is just immense and heartwarming! So beautiful! I would say it’s your awakening talking to you, giving you a special hint and I’m pleased to be able to tell you that you are joining a club of human centred angels, fairies, imps, and gargoyles just to name a few. Spread those wings out.
And I honour the depth to which you have met the losses on your journey as a way to deepen awakening.
It is touching. Blessings to your path as it unfolds.
Big love,
Myree x
I tried Kundalini for the first time a couple years ago and the second session I felt like a current shoot up spine. Since then, so much has happened. I had been in therapy doing somatic healing for about 3 years at that point. Now almost 3 years later I have begun ancestor reverence practices, expanded my entrepreneurship, started a podcast about healing and realized my queer identity/ came out publicly at 37.
Well a couple of weeks ago I went on vacation after doing some releasing of deep trauma from childhood. When I came back home I started having spasms in my mid back/ upper abdomen. After taking care of myself mentally/spritually/ physically and continuing to release/move the energy, today I felt the pressure move up my back and into my head for a little bit. My ears felt like they had water in them, then I felt a little dizzy. Then everything cleared/ settled like I just came up from under water. Intuitively I thought about kundalini energy and googled. This was the first thing that came up, thank you for the confirmation.
Dear Najmah,
Sometimes I feel like Google is collaborating with us for this upswing in spiritual evolution too! You sound really grounded and aware, not to mention totally willing to do the work! What intense experiences you have been having, I get so excited reading comments like this and I hope other people find it and it helps them because your attitude is incredible!
Thank you so much for sharing.
Big love,
Dear Myree, thank you very much for this article. I have been on Kundalini awakening for about 3 years and can definitely feel that the energy is trying to make it through the body. Lately, I have this feeling on the left side of the upper back. It feels like a side stitch. And my left side of upper front chest sometimes feel like hollow.
Hi Shaoming,
Thank you for your comment. Follow those twinges and sensations! That’s where the developmental gold is, you sound quite grounded and curiosity is your best ally here. Acknowledge the pains and processing, ask Kundalini questions and research, your intuition is probably bursting with encouragement it wants to give you. The upper left side of the back can also connect to the chakra of the organ of the heart, not just the main heart chakra in the centre of the chest.
Big love,
Today I had an intense massage around my shoulders, upper back and neck. The masseuse told me there was a lot of tension and parts being “stuck” and she really worked with it. This evening I fell into a deep meditation and I felt my heart like it was opening up. This past year I have had several instances of feeling a stabbing pain in my heart and it felt entirely emotional and grief related. But still on an unconscious level somehow. After the massage today I am now thinking of some of that tension and those complete locked / stuck points she found are related to my heart. I feel something deep happened around that today. I googled this with a question mark and found your article. Thank you
Dear Larke,
Thank you for your beautiful message and I am so happy this blog was helpful. You sound very correct in your contemplation and that you had a small and precious heart awakening after your body work treatment. Wonderful!
Sending big love,