Your Results

The Radical Sabbatical

Sometimes the direction that seems to hold the greatest goodness for you and other people seems obvious and longed for

The 2024 Goodie-Love-Goodness Bag

This year’s goodie bag is a representation of the 1970’s Friends of the Earth motto: Reduce – Reuse – Recycle.

Your 2023 Goodie Bag is here!

2023 has been a year of realignment, individualization, and patience with new beginnings or the letting go of old chapters.

The Quietness of Awakening

There are often times in awakening when we are very Quiet.  There is no movement into the exterior world.  There

Meeting the Trickster Pivot

Sometimes life asks you to pivot. To shift direction, often suddenly. Some pivots are easy. a flash in the pan,

When Awakening Feels “too much”

Remembering our amazing nature in the midst of the mundane…and awakening. There are days when the activities of daily living

The Blog That Won't Arrive

The Blog That Won’t Arrive

Things are shifting fast on this planet. Whatever I anticipated for the direction of this year or planned to share

Introducing: My Human Design Generator Business Experiment

Introducing: My Human Design Generator Business Experiment

After 23 years of exploring and coaching soul-aligned businesses, my next professional adventure is radically exploring Human Design. My design is a 4/6 emotional authority Generator with an incarnation cross of the right angle of the vessel of love. Read on, and by the end you will understand more and hopefully be inspired to align your business with your Human Design, too.

Why Human Design Generators Have to Do Business Differently

Why Human Design Generators Have to Do Business Differently

It turns out…Human Design Generators have to do business very differently from the norm! In my first Human Design article series, I highlight what it means in the business world (or any kind of decision-making world) to be a 4/6 Generator with Emotional Authority and a Vessel of Love incarnation cross. Read on to understand what on earth that all means, and for inspiration to investigate and align your own business!

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The self-care guide to stable, functional and awesome awakening