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Interview on The Beautiful Side of Grief: Even Therapists Need Help

If you’re seeking soothing inspiration as you navigate grief, life transition or a difficult growing edge, this might serve as a healing balm. I hope you enjoy this beautiful interview I had the joy of experiencing with the gorgeous spirit, Helen Morris. Tap the link below to listen to Even Therapists Need Help on The Beautiful Side of Grief podcast.

Psychic Attacks Part 2: 6 Steps to Heal Now & Protect Yourself in the Future

Contrary to the knee-jerk reaction we get when someone’s harmful energy overtakes our mind, body and soul, knocking us out cold… The key to avoiding or healing from psychic attacks is not pushing everyone away; it’s strong self-awareness. This is a six-step strategy you can walk through today to heal from psychic attacks and, through the repair, protect yourself from future attacks. Bonus: you will heal parts of yourself you wouldn’t have discovered otherwise.

The Trauma-Informed Difference, Part 2: the Doorway to Your Soul

As a sacred space holder, are you truly trauma-informed? In other words, are you soul-informed? Do you know how to elevate your gifts so those you lead reach healing so deep that it’s a total soul reclamation? Welcome to part 2 of my 2-part series on being trauma-informed. Today, you will learn why I achieved the most profound expression of my life’s work through becoming truly trauma-informed.

The Trauma-Informed Difference, Part 1: 5 Foundational Skills

“Trauma-informed” isn’t a concept reserved for social workers and therapists. It isn’t even reserved for those whose jobs are about teaching, healing or leading. This is a concept that we can all benefit from learning because we’ll all find ourselves in a trauma-box situation at some point. Welcome to my 2-part series on trauma-informed wisdom. In this article, you will learn the 5 foundational skills to becoming trauma-informed.

5 Signs You’re Stuck On Your Path + A Way Out (Leaders & Healers, This is for You)

To all soulful leaders, healers and folks who feel called to make a difference in the world, I see you. And I don’t want you to remain disconnected from your gifts and unique ways of offering them any longer. So I’ve listed 5 signs for you to recognise how and why you’re stuck, and I invite you to explore a way out: a compilation of my life’s work as a soul guide for people just like you.

How To Know if You’re in a Shame Spiral (+ How To Get Out)

Shame spirals are the ultimate saboteurs that take us off our paths, block our growth and stop us from living in aligned purpose rich with self-confidence and self-love. In this article, I describe why your shame spirals appear and 9 tips to free yourself from shame so you can maintain your wellbeing and flow.

The Puzzle Pieces of Your Soul: A Deeper Journey Into Self-Love

I believe you found your way to this article because deep down, you want to love yourself, love your life and gift this world something only you can give. I’m going to show you how to begin retrieving your wholeness for true self-love that will reveal everything you need to know to live a life YOU love.

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