Why Kundalini Awakening Makes you so Sensitive

Kundalini awakening and ascension are incredible sensitizing processes. They can take you from being someone who can happily shop at the Mall, go to a rowdy football game or have drinks with your friends at the pub, while feeling generally resilient, to suddenly finding all of these experiences have radically shifted to an overwhelming sensory nightmare.

Quite often people have very abrupt sensitizing experiences where, within a matter of days or weeks, they go from resilience to feeling lost in the world.

This sensitizing shift can also happen gradually over an extended period of time. You may discover, sometimes in a flash, that certain social situations are now too much, or a particular person’s mood becomes energetically intolerable. Over a period of time the energetic boundary between you and the world gradually erodes. It ebbs away and dissolves.

Regardless of your path to this state, finding yourself deeply sensitized by awakening is confusing and can be scary. It can be frustrating and can cause a lot of despair. For a period of time, the process can create a lot of limitations in what we are able to manage regarding our engagement with the world, other people, events and places.

So why do we become so incredibly sensitive during awakening and in Kundalini awakening?

I am going to share below a number of central points that contribute to the peeling back of our everyday resilience. Taking a look at the process of how we evolve into a more conscious, deeply aware human who eventually becomes able to engage successfully, on many different levels, with what is happening to us and others in the world.

Rememberit takes time to get there.

In this list below, I will explain some of the reasons why you are becoming so incredibly sensitive so you can have compassion, care and understanding for what is happening to you, the support you need to give yourself and most importantly the grounding knowledge that you will not always be like this.

  1. Your Aura is in a lot of flux: During awakening, you are going through rapid evolutionary change and that is happening to all levels of your being including your Aura. In fact, your Aura works very hard. It evolves with as much depth and complexity as your physical body, nervous system and consciousness. The process often asks your body to purge your personal history, karma, trauma, ancestral impacts and momentums, and past life processes. It is also seeking to become more complex and evolved and vibrate at endlessly increasing frequencies. It is often asked to do this while you are living your ordinary life, raising children, paying rent or mortgage, walking your dog, etc. Your Aura is being demanded to evolve without the normal protection of being in a peaceful, calm monastic environment.

The Aura usually spends a lot of its strength and power to protect you – one of its most important roles – by being steady, resilient and grounded. However, during awakening your aura is changing so fast that often this state of flux impairs its ability to protect you from the energies of your environment and other people. Your Aura struggles to fulfil this protective function. At the same time, because awakening is so tiring, your physical body has less energy and is diminished in its ability to generate protective Qi.

This is what usually reinforces your Auric boundary, so therefore this boundary is more permeable and easily pierced and at times can feel like it barely exists at all. This is the first level of why, through certain stages, you can be incredibly sensitive. 😠

2. You are less grounded: Because of the above-mentioned change (processes happening both to the Aura and the physical body), and because Kundalini is an upward-moving energy, most people go through a time of feeling ungrounded. It can go from difficult to impossible to feel grounded, and at times you feel to be in other dimensions outside your body. Some people feel ungrounded because the kundalini process brings up trauma and this causes dissociation, creating psychological challenges to being grounded. The difficulty when we are ungrounded is that our aura is less protective. We are more sensitized and more vulnerable to external energies and impacts.

Doing anything to be more grounded such as sitting with your feet on the earth, going for a walk every day, having an Epsom salts bath, or sitting in the garden or park can be grounding. They might not resolve the problem but can support you to ground yourself when you are going through this experience.

3. Withdrawal of the Senses: When awakening and Kundalini arise, you will go through a period of time when your senses withdraw deeply inward. This means your senses that are turned to the world – hearing, vision, touch, smell, taste and general awareness – move inward from those usual reference points. You will find yourself naturally no longer deeply interested in the external world – including the dramas of friends and family, of TV shows, and of your normal external life. All of your awareness and energy is pulled deeply inward and your consciousness begins to be absorbed into the awakening process, tracking and caring for this evolutionary journey.

Focusing on Kundalini and awareness itself, this internal awareness process can become deeply consuming and diamond-pointed; this is completely normal and happens to most people at some stage of the process. We get pulled into the deep quiet of who we are, the noisy turmoil of our internal processing and what it might need from us, and we can only hang tight as our body discharges our personal history.

As we withdraw from our senses and move deeply inward, having intense experiences coming in through those channels can feel agonizing, excruciating, shocking and alarming. As our senses become finely tuned inward they can find external impacts triggering, alarming, distressing and overwhelming. This can lead us to withdraw for periods of time even more into our hermitage.

When you find yourself here, know that it is entirely natural. You won’t always be like this. At a certain period that deep diamond-like internal focus will begin to relax and you will find yourself able to move more freely with more ease and success, between your inner and external life.

4. Processing Trauma: As a part of the awakening journey we go through phases of processing personal trauma, our own or ancestors or things we have accumulated through lifetimes. Processing trauma is sensitizing even if you are not going through an awakening. It challenges the nervous system. We can feel vulnerable and tired. This causes a level of temporary and deep sensitivity.

5. You are building a new navigating system: As you go through all the above processes, especially focusing your awareness inward, one of the important restructuring events that is happening is that while your sensitivity is causing your pain it is also becoming part of a burgeoning ability to bring deep insight, awareness and the incredible capacity to track very subtle things. In other words, it becomes an excellent bullshit meter. 🌡

It becomes highly refined in relation to what is true, and your sensitivity becomes the system that your intuition and divine wisdom travel through to reach you and communicate with you the most important information and guidance of your life. Your sensitivity is becoming the form and awareness that will ultimately become the full-time navigation system for your awakening and for your enlightenment.

As you vibrate as an increasingly high frequency, consciousness and awakening being, you will be called into your life in very refined ways. You will need to make decisions around what is right for you, to take care of yourself in a very complex world, and it is your sensitivity and ability to navigate and attain information to make correct decisions that you will rely on. So we are all asked to continue through the stage in which your sensitivity will look like something simply causing you suffering but know that it is actually becoming, over time, one of the greatest resources and gifts of your awakening. It will become a resource that allows you to be powerful, gracious and self-sustaining.

One of the things that is important as an awakened being is that you are asked to constantly make unique decisions for yourself – while living as a highly conscious, high-frequency being in a world that does not resonate with those things. So your internal choices are paramount in how you successfully find your way in the world, live well, pay your bills, express your beautiful awakening and share your gifts. You can see that the sensitization process is a very central part of Kundalini awakening.

Your sensitivity is becoming a power tool of your future. During this period of time we need assistance and resources that help to guide us as to how we can work with our sensitivity, understand it, protect it and show up for ourselves when we need to be in the world.

My life-changing program, Sacred Sensitivity, gives you all of these things – both the depth and breadth of understanding sensitivity and sensitivity as part of awakening. It gives you practical tools and resources that help you feel safe, resilient and unencumbered as a deeply sensitive rapidly evolving awakening being.

It is my most beloved program, for which I receive rave reviews. It literally shifts your relationships, your self-expression, your success in being a highly sensitive human, and an awakening soul in the world.

If you would like to resource your Kundalini awakening and self-expression, and deepen your sense of safety in life, join me in the program returning early 2026. You can join the waitlist below. 👇🏼

Please share your own experiences, changes and solutions with awakening sensitivity below. I love to hear from you!

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