Your Results

Your 2023 Goodie Bag is here!

2023 has been a year of realignment, individualization, and patience with new beginnings or the letting go of old chapters.

4 Life Lessons from 2021 & Tips for Growth Amidst Struggle

Twelve months ago, I dreamed I would be where I am today. Equal to my aspirational, dreamy spirit…was my doubt, kept alive through continual (and painful) roadblocks. Not only did I grow in trust, but I succeeded (surprisingly!) in bringing my dreams to life. As we turn toward 2022, here are 4 lessons and tips from this year that I’m going to take with me into the next. I invite you to dream and reflect with me.

My Surprising Metamorphosis +11 Tips for Understanding Yours

Four weeks ago, serious inflammation filled my chest and mildly formed inside my heart. The intensity of the symptoms set off a chain reaction deep in the well of my spirit. A metamorphosis had begun. Here’s my story, and 11 self-awareness tips to help you through your own.

5 Signs You’re Stuck On Your Path + A Way Out (Leaders & Healers, This is for You)

To all soulful leaders, healers and folks who feel called to make a difference in the world, I see you. And I don’t want you to remain disconnected from your gifts and unique ways of offering them any longer. So I’ve listed 5 signs for you to recognise how and why you’re stuck, and I invite you to explore a way out: a compilation of my life’s work as a soul guide for people just like you.

The Halo and Awakening

   VIDEO TRANSCRIPTION Hi, Awakening Ones.  It’s Myree here leading Kundalini expert and therapist.  I’m going to share a

Kundalini, Awakening and Exhaustion

One of the biggest struggles we face when amidst the awakening process is fatigue and exhaustion. In worst-case scenarios, this

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The self-care guide to stable, functional and awesome awakening