Sometimes the direction that seems to hold the greatest goodness for you and other people seems obvious and longed for but it is not the path that you are meant to take. 

I have learned this recently through the subluxation of my right leg… 

…that means that I partially dislocated my leg and hip so my foot was pointing 45 degrees out in the wrong direction. I could not bend my leg and was hobbling around like an elderly lady! 😭 

It took my dear friend, and practitioner, Sean, to fly over from Victoria and through powerful, incredible (and at times very painful bodywork!) put my leg back into place. Thank you, Sean! 🙏

This happened at the very same time that I was going through perhaps the deepest and most significant awakening shift of my entire life. I had gone into 4 weeks of annual leave with a dreamy list of things to do during my staycation in my gorgeous garden. I was going to spend time painting on my patio, writing, and hanging out in the garden. I was going to continue to get fit, rebuild my cardio after a long and serious illness, have city-creative adventures, and see friends.

I did none of those things other than hang out in the garden. 😩

From the moment I wrapped up my work on the 23rd of December, a huge wave of powerful awakening and new consciousness flowed to me and through me, and shifted the axis of my life in a moment. For the rest of my staycation, awakening was the central task taking all of my energy and attention. Any illusion that I was in charge of my life vanished, leaving me surrendered to what was deeply unfolding. 🫥

These shifts can make you fragile.

They can be so profound and powerful that they leave the physical body sensitized and weakened because of the intensity of the work that it needs to do to stay up with, meet the process and manage to change through an organic to quantum level.

In the washup of shifting essential reference points, and recovery from subluxation with my leg, I recognized that I needed to do some serious contemplating because I had been living with some acute injuries and discomfort on the right side of my body for a while. This is the part of your body you strive forward into the world from, that you make waves from, and that you step into your future with. My foot had me pointed in the wrong direction. It was such an acute injury that I was determined to contemplate it never returning. 😨

As the result also of some deep conversations with some of my oldest Soul friends, and guides, I have decided to pause for the moment from offering any new teaching programs this year. Next week was meant to be full of announcements on the opening of Sacred Sensitivity, then my Leadership Mastermind Program slated for mid-2025 and enrollment for an upcoming 2025 cohort for Spirit Magic. I had to make the courageous decision to step away from, for the moment, the school that I have tenderly and passionately built from my soul calling for 7 years, and take a Radical Sabbatical.

This was not an easy decision to make. It takes courage and surrender, and as my Soul guides pointed out to me, I vacillated a lot before I could find myself in a true, congruent  “yes” to a new direction. I had to be willing to surrender everything that I had done so far, in order to see what wanted to emerge.

So, for those of you who have been waiting to enter those programs, and learning portals and join the adventures, they will not be, sadly, arriving until 2026

I am sorry that I cannot open those doors for you this year. 🙏 I need to let this awakening process take everything and have its space to elevate this life, this body, and my offerings. Then, we can see how this new consciousness reanimates and elevates everything that has been created so far. 

During this Radical Sabbatical time I need to give myself space to ask and find out: If I am not those programs, what else wants to arrive, and emerge? What creative opportunities will show up for me? How does Awakening wish to express itself and what does that mean?

I am a creative person. I am always creating, so I know creating will be happening. It is also time for rest. To take time away from the rhythm of my pedagogic identity and school. It is time to research and re-discover. It is time to listen very deeply to what is being said to me through silence. 

I am excited about this. 

I know there is an element of my Awakening that I have been avoiding for a long time. It is about teaching from One to Many

I have said “yes!” to this element of the calling. 

I have followed the signals and the dreaming. This Sabbatical gives me the space to allow this to evolve and come to form.

For this year, I will teach out my current programs to completion. Kickass Kundalini meets once a month and will keep going unchanged. 

The current, dedicated Spirit Magic cohort complete their studies in June 2025, and the amazing Spirit Magic Apprenticeship cohort will graduate in the first half of 2026.

I will continue seeing my clients and will take on new clients as spaces open up. If you are interested in working one one-on-one with me in this way, you can discover more here.

Beyond that, I will continue to write to you and share on my blog. I will stay in touch with you! I know that there will be plenty to share! And watch out for surprise offerings, gatherings and special invitations, too! 

At the feet of Awakening, I bow. 🙇

We're counting down the days!

We’re just as excited as you for when Myree’s programs relaunch! 

Sensitives, empaths, soulful leaders, and the spiritually curious — sign up to our waitlist below.

You’ll be the first to get notified when your course opens up in 2026!

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  • Dear Myree,
    I was very concerned when I read about your injury! So glad that you had a friend to help you get back in alignment. You are so wise to take make this time perfect for YOU.

    Interestingly, I had a similar problem with my knee/foot/hip last summer that resulted in a hard fall (head hit) on pavement that resulted in a trip to ER. Thankfully C-Scan was clear and thankfully
    I had been working with Dr Bianca! (Also have just finished PT this
    past week.)

    On my last contact with Dr Bianca, she was able to reassume me that I was going to be okay. Much of my stress with “forgetfulness” and language “hang-ups” was because of my lifetime of being overloaded with people, places and things!

    I am definite relating to you as I am calming myself and slowly feeling stronger. Love peeling back the layers of stress.

    Love YOU for guiding me and helping me get on “MY path”!
    I have no doubt that your path right now is perfect for you!
    Love, Terri

    • Dearest Terri,

      Thank you for your beautiful message and I am so glad Dr Bianca has supported you back into alignment, she was very supportive for me in this injury also.

      I am sending you hugs across the ocean, you are always in my heart dear one,

      Big love,
      Myree x

  • Myree thanks.
    Thanks for your contribution and for sharing your truth. So brave you are!!

    • Dearest Daniella, thank you for your warm message and heartfelt encouragement!

      Sending love beams in reply!

      Big love,
      Myree x

  • I love that you are sharing this Myree, it is so inspiring and helps me in my Awakening journey too! 🙂

    Wishing you all the best!

    With love,

    • Thank you for your beautiful and touching reply, I feel its pure joy!

      It is always a delight to be in touch with you Sara!

      Big love, gratitude!
      Myree x

  • Ohh Myree
    That sounds wonderful, the sabbatical not the dislocation. The direction of your right leg and disconnect from your hip ( kundalini) area might be an unknown sign for your sabbatical, your right foot was probably aiming to your North Star. I’ve been on my own sabbatical the last few years up and down the east coast of Australia and only just starting to finally get some insights and stability to finally find somewhere to hang my hat. I let go of family, all friends and work and took my time to integrate authentic people and minimum things into the new me.
    I wouldn’t change it for anything to come through the other side. Constant work. I wish you all the wonderful experiences your sabbatical presents to you, it is nearly enchanting not knowing what lies ahead, I hope to here new things on your blog every now and then about your time for yourself
    Wishing you a wonderful abundant journey into the mystic.
    Chris Kearsley

    • Dear Chris,

      Thank you so much for your loving message, and beautiful wishes fellow sabbatical adventurer! It sounds like you have been on quite the adventure!

      I look forward to sharing lots of new joy and explorations with you here on the blog, as my creativity seems completely unleashed on this sabbatical already!

      Happy travels dear one,
      Myree x

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