Your Results

The Blog That Won’t Arrive

Things are shifting fast on this planet. Whatever I anticipated for the direction of this year or planned to share

My Surprising Metamorphosis +11 Tips for Understanding Yours

Four weeks ago, serious inflammation filled my chest and mildly formed inside my heart. The intensity of the symptoms set off a chain reaction deep in the well of my spirit. A metamorphosis had begun. Here’s my story, and 11 self-awareness tips to help you through your own.

Psychic Attacks Part 2: 6 Steps to Heal Now & Protect Yourself in the Future

Contrary to the knee-jerk reaction we get when someone’s harmful energy overtakes our mind, body and soul, knocking us out cold… The key to avoiding or healing from psychic attacks is not pushing everyone away; it’s strong self-awareness. This is a six-step strategy you can walk through today to heal from psychic attacks and, through the repair, protect yourself from future attacks. Bonus: you will heal parts of yourself you wouldn’t have discovered otherwise.

How To Know if You’re in a Shame Spiral (+ How To Get Out)

Shame spirals are the ultimate saboteurs that take us off our paths, block our growth and stop us from living in aligned purpose rich with self-confidence and self-love. In this article, I describe why your shame spirals appear and 9 tips to free yourself from shame so you can maintain your wellbeing and flow.

How to Pivot Into the Unknown With Trust and Grace

How to Pivot Into the Unknown With Trust and Grace

Myree Morsi, Kundalini awakening expert, soul guide & transformational therapist, describes in this video how she pivots into the unknown with trust and grace when life calls for a difficult change.

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