Ask me anything: Your Questions Welcome!

Hello, Dear ones. One of the greatest joys of my life has been creating for you!

I love to listen deeply to what is happening in your lives. I get moved when I hear about the places you struggle with such as the perplexing elements of awakening or Kundalini that tangle you up. My biggest inspiration comes from your big questions about life and being human and being here at these times, things that you constantly wrestle with. The things that bring you sorrow and the things that bring you joy. I like to hear your questions about healing, and how the journey through life is for you as a highly sensitive human. 

Dear Ones, I would like to hear more from you. 🧏

If I were going to make a video, or a podcast on any topic you would want to discuss or find out more about,  what would it be? 

What questions would you want answered? You can be as specific as you wish! 🧞

I invite you to share in the comments belowanything at all that is important to you! I will take note of it. If you like one of the questions or requests below, feel free to comment on that and give it more energy, cheer it on!

I remember the great South African teaching of Ubuntu. “I am because you are.” This philosophy emphasizes the interconnectedness of people and their responsibilities to each other.  My work exists because of you, and for you, and in turn, you are one of the sources of guidance and inspiration that takes the work onward. 💝

Let me know in the comments below what springs to mind for you.

What you would want to hear more about from me.
If you could pick my brain, what would you ask?
If you want to add to what you have already learned with me, ask the next question. 

I am excited to read what you will share here. And even more excited to get to answer, create, and build further on what you might ask!

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We’re just as excited as you for when Myree’s programs relaunch! 

Sensitives, empaths, soulful leaders, and the spiritually curious — sign up to our waitlist below.

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  • Hello Saint Myree
    Thank you for the opportunity to ask questions. I have lots! But will start with just one for now…
    It’s a pretty simple one, like…How does life work? haha.
    More and more, by moving into gratitude and the present moment, I am ok with not having an answer to this question. However this is the question I keep circling back to. There seems to be so many conflicting theory’s!
    My questions about how life works are below. I am definitely not expecting an answer to every one of these. They are simply provided to demonstrate the general confusion generated by this question:
    Surrender v’s you are responsible for your life.
    You are responsible for your life v’s you have no control. It certainly feels like Kundalini can control you feel.
    Let go and let flow v’s you have to work with unwavering determination to get what you want.
    Let go and trust in the universe v’s that situation didn’t get resolved the way I wanted it to. Do I need to let go of outcomes as well? Just let my life float along?
    You can’t control what other people think v’s you can convince and persuade people of your opinion.
    Live from the inside, change your inner world and your outer world will change automatically v’s getting stuff done and making things happen.
    You don’t need money for happiness v’s you need it to live safe and comfortably, pay bills etc.
    How much money you earn depends on the value and energy you bring v’s it is also directed by what God sees as appropriate v’s you can just go and earn whatever v’s law of attraction v’s you just need an abundance mindset v’s making money is easy v’s you have to work hard to make money v’s you don’t need to work hard to make money etc etc.
    If you want something bad enough you will work hard and make it happen v’s why is life meant to be hard work and struggle just to get what you want.
    Be happy with and grateful for what God gives you v’s if you want something, go and get it for yourself.
    You attract who you are v’s you attract the people that you need to learn lessons from.
    You attract who you are v’s opposites attract.
    We all have a purpose v’s our only purpose is to find God.
    Let go and let flow v’s Standing up for yourself.
    If at first you don’t succeed try again v’s If it is meant to be, God will make it happen.
    Your beliefs create your reality v’s really?
    Perhaps these questions are all just symptoms of one who has not jumped into alignment and fully let go of who they think they are? Like trying to be conscious of a dimension that is not yet in your awareness?
    I hope that provide some fodder/fuel for you Myree and thank you again.

    • Dearest Anthony,

      Thank you for this big juicy theme of questions and the polarities the questions arise upon. You named them succinctly. These are great questions and I think so many people can resonate with them.
      They display your deep reflection on the nature of awakening and the engagement with the many different perspectives in our world and also manifesting world that have made impressions and contrasted with the pull of awakening within you and the longing deeply for truth.

      I will reflect upon them for sure and feel joy for receiving them.

      Thank you and big love!
      Myree x

  • Hi Myree,

    Thank you so much for this opportunity to ask question/s. I would very much appreciate if you have answers to the following:
    1. Were there modalities that helped you as you navigated Kundalini Awakening? Or did you just let the Kundalini energy do its work?

    2. I have been abandoned by people during my Kundalini Awakening. How do I navigate this isolation? What is its purpose?

    Thank you so much, Myree. I really appreciate you and the work that you do.


    • Dear Ronnie,

      Thank you for these tender and beautiful questions, I deeply appreciate them and will contemplate them on your behalf!

      Sending blessings to you on your awakening path,
      Big love,
      Myree x

  • Hi Myree,
    Thank you for giving us this opportunity! You are amazing as always 🙂
    My question is: Since a lot of people find it really challenging to go through a Kundalini Awakening, does the kundalini energy know how difficult it is for us? Or does it have a grander and more spiritual perspective perspective that this is something positive and that it will change our lives for the better and that it therefore is ok if it feels extremely intense and overwhelming? I know it is a loving energy but I just wonder if it understands the difficulty of it for us.

    With love,

    • Dear Sara,

      This is such a profound and sensitive question with layers and nuance and already has me contemplating into how to approach it. I feel it could fill an entire long podcast and I know so many would resonate with this.

      Thank you for your heart felt question.

      Big love,
      Myree x

  • Dearest Myree
    Written in brainstorming style for the podcast which I am so looking forward to!

    How to navigate sexual relationships with awakening kundalini. Is it something more significant than a standard approach to finding someone you can relate to and care about and love being with?

    Who does it make me when the forgotten repressed parts are coming back into self for acceptance? How to navigate those uncharted waters of the new feminine rising? With family and friends and boyfriends?

    At what point into integration of the post traumatic stress of the initial activation and kundalini surge / syndrome I was caught in , is it advisable to be able to restart receiving energy healing (as I had stopped due to an explosive kundalini period ) or working with others to coach and lead them back home to themselves and eventually resuming teaching Angelic Reiki and Reiki courses? Where can teaching Reiki training courses fit in with a kundalini souls journey or is it entirely unique bespoke to each person? Yes is how I am feeling this! Asking as the jungle drum beat have started up again to teach to share to show others their way towards their whole .

    What can improve the outcome of an awakening in terms of steadying enough to be able to work successfully with others reliably and self regulating? As in being able to function and succeed as an employee or professionally? I have been unable to work at all for the last year and was limited for several years before that. What sort of stage is where that kind of normality returns? Are there indications when this has been arrived at? Again I am starting to receive a deep resonance with resuming working again.

    How to understand and relay the sensings I receive from those around me as I almost feel we are all all the same One person ( on the emotional feeling realms) what is the guidance around arriving at this place of understanding sensitivity wise emotionally that we are all here as One.?

    Thank you and with love.


    • Dear Savanna,

      Thank you for your creative and awesome brainstorming, these are truly excellent quesiotns which reflect your deep curiosity with them. They have my creative dreaming going already. Yay!

      I am excited to explore them.

      Big love, joy and gratitude!
      Myree x

  • Hey Myree

    How exciting for you, and thanks for reaching out for input. I look forward to the series.

    Something I’d be keen to hear more about, similar to what another person has mentioned here, is how to deal with the increasing sense of isolation that awakening brings when those who no longer align with your journey fall away, which for me feels like most of the people in my life. I understand that this process is necessary for growth and makes room for new and aligned relationships, but golly, it’s tough in the meantime. This is mixed with the fact that the more I awaken, the more asleep so many people seem, which can make for a lonely path. My awakening has been going on for a few years now, and I don’t know when I’ll be ‘ready’ for these fabulous new friendships to enter my life, so any advice to dealing with this would be amazing!

    Much love,

    • Dear Fiona,

      Thank you for this beautifully expressed and touching question. I actually write a juice reply to Ronny about this, to make into a video or blog, so I will add your nuances in as well. It is a big and tender topic.

      Holding you in my heart,

      Thank you and big love,
      Myree x

  • Hi Dear Myree,

    Thank you for this opportunity to ask questions. My question is: how can I manage the heightened sensitivity to the energy around me and stay grounded in my own energy? At times, it feels like I absorb a lot of emotional weight from others, and I’m unsure how to create boundaries without feeling disconnected.

    Thank you for your time and all the work you do.

    With love, 
    Issa Khan Abid

    • Dearest Issa,

      Thank you for this question, it is one of the most challenging things about being a beautiful, deep feeling and high sensitive person.

      It is a big topic and I will consider it deeply.

      Big love,

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