Let’s Lovingly Talk About Sexual Trauma and Awakening

Whenever I have thought about writing this post, the first thing that comes to me is Salt-N-Pepa’s hit song from the early nineties and its peppy chorus: “Let’s talk about sex baby, let’s talk about you and me, let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be.”

Let’s talk about it, dear ones. Let’s begin to blow the lid off a big taboo in the awakening community, (and in society in general) and straight talk about sexual trauma, awakening and Kundalini.

We usually all know at least one person in our lives that has experienced some kind of sexual trauma, the national figures on sexual abuse rates are staggering. So you may have some awareness of the dedication, courage and intentionality required to recover from such experiences and their impact.

So what do we do when some of the bad things in our sexual history intersect with awakening?

How do we respond when some of the big pain and repressed memories of something awful come up as we are waking up?

And even more, what happens when the anxiety about sexual trauma and its pain stirs up the fierceness of Kundalini and unbalances Her energy?

These are some of the essential questions and issues I have guided a large percentage of my clients with.

In this video below, I describe why so many people going through awakening have sexual trauma.

I am not writing about this subject as an outsider. It was my path, too.

This was a tricky and occasionally treacherous road I walked, explored, suffered and supported myself on during my own Kundalini awakening.

In the early days, Kundalini unleashed all kinds of repressed material from my unconscious: abusive memories, terrifying feelings, intense anxiety and big moods.

It was a lot. It was overwhelming. And while I had a great therapist, I had no one to confide in about what the sexual trauma was doing to my Kundalini process, and how it was making it so much worse.

I’m grateful I was able to successfully resolve these traumas and find freedom. I thank my amazing therapy mentors, my spiritual support, my courage and all of the gifts life bought to help me get there. I did not do it alone.

To find freedom, I showed up for myself and did the inner work required daily for several years.

I painted hundreds of Jungian active imagination style paintings working with my unconscious, I journalled wildly, I walked in the forest, I got lots of hugs, I met the scary things in the right order to keep me safe and I looked for the tiniest gain anywhere.

Simultaneously, I experimented with how to care for Kundalini and separate out these two big processes and energies so that they were safe, and bearable and I could reach the other side in one piece. There were times when I wondered if this was possible. Would I actually make it?

It was not always pretty, that’s for sure. But it was essential to my future well-being, peace and empowerment.

I was so driven for freedom.

Unbearable pain fueled that drive.

So what do we do when some of the bad things of our sexual history or trauma intersect with awakening?

Why can sexual trauma make Kundalini a bit more challenging, and more anxiety-provoking?

In this video, I begin to open up the conversation. Because it needs to start somewhere. We need to do it as individuals, in our communities and in our world.

Walking this path has made me a powerful spiritual warrior.

That’s the trade-off when you wrestle with your biggest and most gnarly challenges for their fruits and opportunities.

From my heart and soul, I wish to extend the wisdom, knowledge and insights I have gleaned from being stuck at this hidden junction between awakening and sexual pain, and some tips on how I started to find my way out the other side.

And I would love to hear from you.

If this is your path, my heart is with you…and I love you.

Sexual #Trauma and #Awakening by #Kundalini Expert Myree Morsi

This is an important message. If you can share it with your communities and your world, please do.

In big love, fierce truth and passion for your awakening,

Myree Morsi real signature kundalini awakening expert, trauma therapist, soul guide, leadership coach

And a dash of Salt-N-Pepa to round things off with a little sassy straight talkin’!

You Don’t Have to Do It Alone

“Myree is a wonderful therapist! Using her professional experience with natural sensitivity and intuitive insight, she catalyzes healing on so many levels.

She’s a wise teacher and guide who encourages self-empowerment and self-awareness through understanding the unconscious patterns and influences which limit our life experience. And she offers practical advice and teaches the life skills needed to take charge of our own journeys.”

– One Happy Client

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