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Sacred & Safe Leadership™ —Trauma-Informed Mastermind Live Q&A

Sacred & Safe Leadership™ —Trauma-Informed Mastermind Live Q&A

The Sacred & Safe Leadership™ — Trauma-informed Mastermind Live Q&A last Saturday was unusually designed as a healing journey as well as an opportunity to learn about the program. I didn’t just list the facts and logistics of my pinnacle program, but I invited all attendees into a place of sweet healing.

The Trauma-Informed Difference, Part 1: 5 Foundational Skills

“Trauma-informed” isn’t a concept reserved for social workers and therapists. It isn’t even reserved for those whose jobs are about teaching, healing or leading. This is a concept that we can all benefit from learning because we’ll all find ourselves in a trauma-box situation at some point. Welcome to my 2-part series on trauma-informed wisdom. In this article, you will learn the 5 foundational skills to becoming trauma-informed.

5 Signs You’re Stuck On Your Path + A Way Out (Leaders & Healers, This is for You)

To all soulful leaders, healers and folks who feel called to make a difference in the world, I see you. And I don’t want you to remain disconnected from your gifts and unique ways of offering them any longer. So I’ve listed 5 signs for you to recognise how and why you’re stuck, and I invite you to explore a way out: a compilation of my life’s work as a soul guide for people just like you.

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