Myree Morsi

Spirit Magic Festival 2024

Four mini-classes to inspire the healer you innately are in this new-for-2024 free masterclasses!

Join Spirit Magic founder, healer and transformational therapist Myree Morsi for this free introductory Spirit Magic journey.

Global Livestream

Saturday, May 6th

Friday, May 5th
4pm US PDT | 7pm US EDT

Put a hand up if anyone’s ever said these words to you:
“Why are you so sensitive?!”
It could be a passing comment, a genuine question, or an insult… and yet you’ve never really known how to respond, because you don’t actually know the answer.

And yet in your quiet moments, you do start to wonder…

“What is it about ME, my body, my nature…?”

“Why do things affect me more than other people?”

“Why do I not have the same kind of strength and resilience that others have?”

“Why does my sensitivity get in the way of what I want from my life? Why does it always seem to hurt me?”

“Why am I the way that I am?”

Then there's the other side of the spectrum...

The one where you hear the words “sensitivity is your superpower!” everywhere from well-intentioned sources, without ever fully knowing what it means…

You long to believe it’s true – to claim your sensitivity and to wield it confidently in your life, but you still have no idea where it comes from or how it’s even helpful to you.

Sound familiar?

I know how you feel, because I’ve been where you are…I’ve agonized over the same questions, wrestled with the same demons, searched for the answers for years on my own…

Until finally I began my quest – my very own hero’s journey – to unravel the roots of my sensitivity, so I could feel safe, sensitive and empowered in the modern world (a world not always designed to be supportive of highly sensitive people)…

Here's what I discovered:

Like any good hero story, what makes a hero unique isn’t just the power they yield…

It’s their origin story.

In the Hero’s Journey, the hero cannot fully use or control their power until they understand where it came from and why they have it…

This crucial understanding then prepares them for the difficult part of their journey and their ultimate victory.

The same could be said for you, dear one!

It’s not enough just to know that your sensitivity is a gift that holds great power….

It’s about knowing where it comes from. Why it was born in you. How it charted it’s path. Where it’s leading you next.

It’s about going on a profound journey of self-discovery – your very own hero’s journey!

Will you take the journey with me and accept me as your loving guide?

Discover Your Sensitivity Origin Story:
What you can expect from this FREE Masterclass event…
  • Approximately 90 minutes inside a sacred, safe group container with Myree where you will feel supported and guided to understand your divine, sensitive gift.
  • A [live] grounding meditation that will take you on a healing journey to help you feel comfortable and ready to receive insights and wisdom around sensitivity.
  • A profound and unique teaching on sensitivity where you will begin to finally understand WHY you are so sensitive… and how knowing this can allow you to reclaim the power of your gift.
  • Create a map of your own sacred sensitivity with a beautiful handout that will guide you on how to best honor and nourish your sensitive nature so you can thrive within our chaotic world.
  • A [live] Q&A session where you will get the chance to ask Myree your questions around sensitivity and gain the clarity you’re looking for.
  • A recording of the Masterclass if you aren’t able to make it to the live event
Plus discover a very special framework you won’t find anywhere else.
The 7 Sources of Sensitivity

While each sensitive’s path is unique and no two sensitivity maps are the same, there are 7 common sources of your sensitivity that will help you make sense of your journey! Once you discover and map which one put you on your path, the adventure truly begins. Are you ready to discover yours?

How would it feel to finally understand WHY you’re so sensitive? To discover what qualities, processes, and personal history contribute to your gift?
How would it feel to finally understand WHY you’re so sensitive? To discover what qualities, processes, and personal history contribute to your gift?
The Why Are You So Sensitive Masterclass Begins Soon!
Meet Myree Morsi

Soul Guide, Transformational Therapist, Gifted Healer and Awakening Expert

Myree is a global leader in redefining how HSPs and empaths are understood, revealing the crucial role sensitives play in our human ecosystem and supporting her fellow sensitives to step into this role.

In healing practice since 1999, Myree has a Master’s degree in Process-Oriented Psychology, a diploma in professional counseling in Australia, and is a certified Kundalini yoga instructor. Myree is also a graduate of Mythic Way from the Kairos Centre for Soul-Centered Psychotherapy.

Myree is known for her unique approach that dances between the tangible and the mystical. Her professional training as a mental health counselor and therapist takes a trauma-informed approach for using her innate spiritual gifts that guide her clients and students through leadership coaching and their own spiritual awakening journeys.

“I have been aware of my own spiritual gifts and profound sensitivity since childhood but hid these parts of myself for many years. Now, I am dedicated to helping others claim their spiritual gifts, elevate as soulful leaders and befriend their awakening experiences within a strong foundation of knowledge and self-awareness. Your sensitivity is a beautiful gift. Are you ready to explore its roots?”

Join Myree on February 5, 2024 for this new-for-2023 FREE live masterclass experience with Spirit Magic Healer Festival! 

“We live in times where sensitivity is an essential tool for navigating life; one we can reclaim, be proud of and lead from.

We can rediscover it as our most precious gift to ourselves and a powerful offering to the world.” – Myree Morsi

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Discover your sensitive superpower now.

Be guided and supported
as you answer the call

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