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How To Know if You’re in a Shame Spiral (+ How To Get Out)

Shame spirals are the ultimate saboteurs that take us off our paths, block our growth and stop us from living in aligned purpose rich with self-confidence and self-love. In this article, I describe why your shame spirals appear and 9 tips to free yourself from shame so you can maintain your wellbeing and flow.

How To Survive and Thrive as a Highly Sensitive Person: Thrive Global Interview

How To Survive and Thrive as a Highly Sensitive Person: Thrive Global Interview

I have created a manifesto that states and takes a stand for the beauty, power, gifts, brilliance, wonder and essentialness of highly sensitive people and empaths and the meaningfulness of the offerings that they bring to life on this planet. I’ve shared it in Arianna Huffington’s Thrive platform in a beautiful long-form interview.

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