Myree Morsi

Scholarship Application

Scholarship Application

Thank you for your interest in my scholarship program!
It’s deeply important for me to offer support and uplift to people in these challenging times.

I am able to offer a small number of scholarships for each course. The number of scholarships available is directly linked to the funding provided via the number of participants in a course.

Please note:

  1. Scholarships are only available for programs and not for individual sessions.
  2. As part of my dedication to supporting as many individuals as possible, our scholarships are mostly partial awards and do not cover the full course fees. There are a very small number of full scholarships, and not for every program. Typical partial scholarships, if awarded, provide 50% off regular course fees. We always consider applications for both types of scholarships.

Scholarship award registrations are also non-refundable (although they are transferable in some instances to an alternate course or program).

To review our current course offerings, please visit the courses page.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. They are reviewed in both the week prior to the end of the early-bird offers and the week prior to course commencement. Applicants are notified of success within either of these windows.

Priority is given to applicants with low income and/or BIPOC.

If you have questions about the guidelines or the application process, please email us here.

With Love,

Myree Morsi real signature kundalini awakening expert, trauma therapist, soul guide, leadership coach

Please complete every entry in this form, sharing as much as you are comfortable.

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