Myree Morsi

Awakening: What is It?

Hi Awakening One,
You have arrived here, reading these words, because your awakening is stirring within.

The key to stabilising your Kundalini awakening and maintaining your everyday life lies in understanding Kundalini.

Essentially, Kundalini is a sacred energy, often called Shakti, stored at the base of the spine. For most people, this energy remains dormant. But as humanity continues to evolve, more and more people are experiencing the awakening of this Kundalini energy.

Once upon a time, this energy awakened through intense spiritual practices in select settings like monasteries. Today, it’s spontaneously awakening not only by spiritual practices like yoga and meditation, but through art, intense study, peak states and unpredictable triggers.

Our planet is amidst a wildfire of awakening, but the understanding is still catching up.

And it’s my passion to share the deep wisdoms and common processes of this transformative experience. Keep reading for an overview and an array of options for you to master your Kundalini awakening!

With passion for your kickass Kundalini awakening,

Myree Morsi real signature kundalini awakening expert, trauma therapist, soul guide, leadership coach

Awakening: What is It?

Hi Awakening One, You have arrived here, reading these words, because your awakening is stirring within.

The key to stabilising your Kundalini awakening and maintaining your everyday life lies in understanding Kundalini.

Essentially, Kundalini is a sacred energy, often called Shakti, stored at the base of the spine. For most people, this energy remains dormant. But as humanity continues to evolve, more and more people are experiencing the awakening of this Kundalini energy.

Once upon a time, this energy awakened through intense spiritual practices in select settings like monasteries. Today, it’s spontaneously awakening not only by spiritual practices like yoga and meditation, but through art, intense study, peak states and unpredictable triggers.

Our planet is amidst a wildfire of awakening, but the understanding is still catching up.

And it’s my passion to share the deep wisdoms and common processes of this transformative experience. Keep reading for an overview and an array of options for you to master your Kundalini awakening!

With passion for your kickass Kundalini awakening,

Myree Morsi real signature kundalini awakening expert, trauma therapist, soul guide, leadership coach

Watch Myree Describe The Awakening Process and How She Supports Folks Through It

What Does “Awakening” Mean?

There isn’t one short-and-sweet, universal definition. Awakening has many definitions in mystical and modern therapeutic traditions and refers to both short glimpses and extended experiences of your true nature.

What is common to all is a sense of “waking up.” Of becoming aware of a field of consciousness or energy that is simultaneously part of you and moving you.

People commonly describe this field as intelligent, balanced, neutral, all-encompassing, expansive, ungraspable and alive.

While we can attempt to give this “waking up” essence a name, it’s agreed amongst all mystical traditions that it is essentially beyond description. 

As the famous Taoist phrase suggests: “The Tao which can be expressed in words is not the Tao.” 

Instead, awakening is subtly sensing, feeling and knowing this essence, and sensing that it simultaneously knows us.

What Does an Awakening Feel Like?

When accessing this field, people describe themselves as feeling connected to their true nature, Christ consciousness, Buddha nature, God, Goddess, Allah, the Sufis Beloved, the Tao, Mother Earth and Father Sky, or many other names that humans have given this awareness. 

It’s common to experience yourself in this state as both connected to your essence and connected to the essence of all things, and perceive that all sense of separation has fallen away.

What Causes an Awakening?

“I did not discover relativity by rational thinking alone.” — Albert Einstein

We all have moments in our lives when we sense this field, this aliveness. 

We have big and little moments when we wake up out of everyday mind, suddenly noticing our bigger, vaster essence whilst simultaneously noticing the bubbling of our everyday mind, or expanding out into the vastness of the field of life. Young children often seem immensely and spontaneously aware of it and speak of it as a normal part of their lives.

We often wake up to ourselves, suddenly seeing the underlying patterns of our actions from a momentary, vast space of awareness. In such moments, we are literally “switched on” to ourselves and transformed by the insight.

Awakening can occur when immersed in nature or seeing the sun set, when watching children play, or relaxing for a moment and suddenly dropping into a big, deep openness to all things. 

We can feel a shift when in the presence (even on TV) of wise elders such Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa and indigenous leaders. 

Many creative people describe it as the big, wise moment from which their next artistic inspiration arises. 

Einstein often let himself drift off in reverie, into this expansive inner/outer space, to become available to visions and knowings about the nature of reality. Einstein’s insights are now the basis of quantum physics and our understanding of the universe.

Imagine what awaits you in this essence.

What Causes an Awakening?

“I did not discover relativity by rational thinking alone.” — Albert Einstein

We all have moments in our lives when we sense this field, this aliveness. 

We have big and little moments when we wake up out of everyday mind, suddenly noticing our bigger, vaster essence whilst simultaneously noticing the bubbling of our everyday mind, or expanding out into the vastness of the field of life. Young children often seem immensely and spontaneously aware of it and speak of it as a normal part of their lives.

We often wake up to ourselves, suddenly seeing the underlying patterns of our actions from a momentary, vast space of awareness. In such moments, we are literally “switched on” to ourselves and transformed by the insight.

Awakening can occur when immersed in nature or seeing the sun set, when watching children play, or relaxing for a moment and suddenly dropping into a big, deep openness to all things. 

We can feel a shift when in the presence (even on TV) of wise elders such Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa and indigenous leaders. 

Many creative people describe it as the big, wise moment from which their next artistic inspiration arises. 

Einstein often let himself drift off in reverie, into this expansive inner/outer space, to become available to visions and knowings about the nature of reality. Einstein’s insights are now the basis of quantum physics and our understanding of the universe.

Imagine what awaits you in this essence.

What Happens Within Someone Who Awakens?

“Awakening implies an opening of the inner being that allows us a deeper access to ourselves and a broader knowledge and understanding of what we might call universal consciousness.”
— Anna Wise, Awakening the Mind

In the state of “waking up,” we’re able to access wisdom, solutions to problems and inspiration. We’re simultaneously transformed as we come into contact with this all-encompassing essence. And we access states of deep peace, contentment, oneness, bliss, knowing, grace, inspiration and a feeling of coming home.

The short, momentary glimpses of awakening begin to alert us to our true nature and, in Japanese Zen Buddhism, are called Zensho. 

As we become more sensitive and available to these Zensho-glimpses, they become increasingly longer, more expansive and frequent. At times, they can seem to take over our life. Or they enter into ordinary, everyday experiences.

Awakening is energetically infectious! The more we open and surrender into such momentary states and glimpses, the more we tend to become available to deeper awakenings. Once initiated in our system, awakening continues to expand and build upon itself.

Zensho can thus awaken within us a profound hunger, a deep longing to have a more ongoing access to our awakened essence. Some people describe themselves as on fire with such longing, yearning wildly and heartbreakingly for the Beloved and for total immersion in this sea of awareness and love.

The painful irony is that we cannot simply generate such moments of awakening. Instead, we learn to notice the subtle impressions and signs of falling into awakening and glimpsing our true nature. We learn to relax and become available to expanding into the field, becoming sensitive, open and aware of our essence and the greater essence of life. 

As inspirational modern Zen teacher, Adyashanti, humorously advises that awakening is like having an accident. You cannot make it happen, you can only make yourself more accident prone.

Once we know the truth of this deep level of awareness, such knowing can never be taken from us. Even if we dip in and out of conscious contact with it.

Why Should You Get Support for Your Awakening?

Awakening can produce strange and confronting states, challenge our bodies and make us fearful of being crazy.  

Myree found, in her journey and through supporting others over the years, that having a guide on your path can enable you to trust yourself and your unfolding process, and to feel held, safe and empowered.

Awakening is mysterious and unique to each individual. Yet, there is a universality of knowledge drawn from many traditions, from ancient Egyptian to indigenous communities to mystical paths, about some of the tendencies, somatic and subtle experiences, and challenges awakening can invoke in each of us.

From the wisdom of Myree’s journey, her wild Kundalini process, many years of study, and shamanic gifts, Myree supports you in developing an understanding of the nature of your awakening journey. 

In Myree’s healing work, she holds a safe space and tracks the movement of your subtle self, your dreaming, your essence, to support you unfolding into the beauty, expansiveness and intelligence of who you are. 

She helps you to know and align with your own wisdom and find a personal or shared language for your experiences.

Together, you and Myree will identify and map the subtle signals, feelings and awareness of your essence. You will decode the messages so you can find rest in the resulting grace. This grace, and its silent, spacious and loving nature, holds simultaneously and compassionately any life problem and its solution.

To Myree, it is an honour to be such a guide.

Conrad | Melbourne, Australia
Reference Point Therapy Practitioner

“It has been my pleasure to journey with Myree’s guidance since 2008.

The unfolding and integration that has happened during this period has been nothing short of remarkable. She has helped me explore some of my deepest, darkest places in a safe and gentle way. 

Being someone who enjoys exploring consciousness, Myree provides a wonderful space to journey in. I will continue to work with her, as I find that new avenues open up each time we meet. 

From working with Myree, I find myself clearer and more open when I work with my own clients and students. 

If you are someone who wants to explore the many mysteries of ourselves, Myree will gently guide you and help these aspects reveal themselves and integrate into your life.” 

S.H | San Francisco, California, USA

“The depth of help Myree continues to render is as wide as it is deep, beyond any helper in this process I have ever met or worked with. 

For over 3 years, Myree has slowly, patiently, compassionately, and skillfully helped me stabilize a very unstable Kundalini Rising/Descent awakening process. Before Myree, my process was only worsening, driven in part by my own condition and life-decisions, and in part by following guidance from well-intentioned helpers. 

The combination of Myree’s knowledge from her own journey with this process, her training as a in-depth process psychotherapist, and her own commitment to skillfulness and humility creates a safe environment for the psychological, energetic and consciousness element of the awakening process. 

Her clients get facilitation to fully participate in their own awakening and stabilizing process while being in charge of their own lives. 

Most importantly, Myree is mentally and emotional healthy, unlike so many helpers in this very challenging area of psychology and spirituality. She does her personal work and it is noticeable. If you are recovering from unhelpful or possible harmful prior help from others or spiritual groups, Myree can be a central figure both in your recovery process while helping your awakening and stabilizing process move forward toward living your life most fully!”

5 Ways to Stabilise and Enjoy Your Kundalini Awakening with Myree

Have a Wise, Experienced, Gifted Coach by Your Side

⟡ Myree clairvoyantly sees Kundalini in your system, thus pinpointing the exact support you need
⟡ Stabilise your process & empower your journey
⟡ Next step: read the private coaching info packet for FAQs, pricing & package options, + details to book a FREE intro call with Myree​
Read more about private Kundalini coaching

Master Your Awakening in the Modern World

⟡ 26+ hours of self-paced learning and interactive coaching with Myree
⟡ Includes 4 live group coaching classes with opportunities for spotlight coaching by Myree
⟡ Connection with a like-minded community of fellow awakeners
Enroll in Kickass Kundalini

Get the Self-Care Guide to a Kickass Kundalini Awakening

⟡ The most important advice nobody tells you
⟡ 23 pages of clarifying information & personalised self-care strategies
⟡ 10 years' worth of proven tips & tools to rapidly stabilise your symptoms
Get the FREE Kundalini e-book

5 Ways to Stabilise and Enjoy
Your Kundalini Awakening with Myree

Have a Wise, Experienced, Gifted Coach by Your Side

⟡ Myree clairvoyantly sees the awakening energies in your systems, thus pinpointing the exact support you need
⟡ Next step: read the private coaching info packet for FAQs, pricing & package options, + details to book a FREE intro call with Myree​
Get all the info emailed to you now

Master Your Awakening in the Modern World

⟡ 26+ hours of self-paced learning and interactive coaching with Myree
⟡ Includes 4 live group coaching classes with opportunities for spotlight coaching by Myree
⟡ Like-minded community of fellow awakeners
Enroll in Kickass Kundalini

Get the Self-Care Guide to a Kickass Kundalini Awakening

⟡ The most important advice nobody tells you
⟡ 23 pages of clarifying information & personalised self-care strategies
⟡ 10 years' worth of proven tips & tools to rapidly stabilise your symptoms
Get the FREE Kundalini e-book

Access Instant Relief & Insight

through meditations and classes that will guide you to:

⟡ Receive Universal Support
⟡ Clear the Collective Pain Body
⟡ Train in Kundalini Whispering
⟡ Connect to Your Spirit Team
Download gifts for awakening support today

5 Ways to Stabilise and Enjoy
Your Kundalini Awakening with Myree

Have a Wise, Experienced, Gifted Coach by Your Side

⟡ Myree clairvoyantly sees the awakening energies in your systems, thus pinpointing the exact support you need
⟡ Next step: read the private coaching info packet for FAQs, pricing & package options, + details to book a FREE intro call with Myree​
Get all the info emailed to you now

Master Your Awakening in the Modern World

⟡ 26+ hours of self-paced learning and interactive coaching with Myree
⟡ Includes 4 live group coaching classes with opportunities for spotlight coaching by Myree
⟡ Like-minded community of fellow awakeners
Enroll in Kickass Kundalini

Get the Self-Care Guide to a Kickass Kundalini Awakening

⟡ The most important advice nobody tells you
⟡ 23 pages of clarifying information & personalised self-care strategies
⟡ 10 years' worth of proven tips & tools to rapidly stabilise your symptoms
Get the FREE Kundalini e-book

Access Instant Relief & Insight

through meditations and classes that will guide you to:

⟡ Receive Universal Support
⟡ Clear the Collective Pain Body
⟡ Train in Kundalini Whispering
⟡ Connect to Your Spirit Team
Download gifts for awakening support today
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The self-care guide to stable, functional and awesome awakening